

At all events Robert proposed it, and there was not a dissenting voice.There was not one but was ready to follow when he led the way.He did not lead the way, however, he directed the way; and he himself loitered behind with the lovers, who had betrayed a disposition to linger and hold themselves apart.He walked between them, whether with malicious or mischievous intent was not wholly clear, even to himself.

The Pontelliers and Ratignolles walked ahead; the women leaning upon the arms of their husbands.Edna could hear Robert's voice behind them, and could sometimes hear what he said.She wondered why he did not join them.It was unlike him not to.Of late he had sometimes held away from her for an entire day, redoubling his devotion upon the next and the next, as though to make up for hours that had been lost.She missed him the days when some pretext served to take him away from her, just as one misses the sun on a cloudy day without having thought much aboutthe sun when it was shining.

The people walked in little groups toward the beach.They talked and laughed; some of them sang.There was a band playing down at Klein's hotel, and the strains reached them faintly, tempered by the distance.There were strange, rare odors abroad-- a tangle of the sea smell and of weeds and damp, new-plowed earth, mingled with the heavy perfume of a field of white blossoms somewhere near.But the night sat lightly upon the sea and the land.There was no weight of darkness; there were no shadows.The white light of the moon had fallen upon the world like the mystery and the softness of sleep.

Most of them walked into the water as though into a native element.The sea was quiet now, and swelled lazily in broad billows that melted into one another and did not break except upon the beach in little foamy crests that coiled back like slow, white serpents.

Edna had attempted all summer to learn to swim.She had received instructions from both the men and women; in some instances from the children.Robert had pursued a system of lessons almost daily; and he was nearly at the point of discouragement in realizing the futility of his efforts.A certain ungovernable dread hung about her when in the water, unless there was a hand near by that might reach out and reassure her.

But that night she was like the little tottering, stumbling, clutching child, who of a sudden realizes its powers, and walks for the first time alone, boldly and with over-confidence.She could have shouted for joy.She did shout for joy, as with a sweeping stroke or two she lifted her body to the surface of the water.

A feeling of exultation overtook her, as if some power of significant import had been given her to control the working of her body and her soul.She grew daring and reckless, overestimating her strength.She wanted to swim far out, where no woman had swum before.

Her unlooked-for achievement was the subject of wonder, applause, and admiration.Each one congratulated himself that his special teachings had accomplished this desired end.

"How easy it is!" she thought."It is nothing," she said aloud; "why did I not discover before that it was nothing.Think of the time I havelost splashing about like a baby!" She would not join the groups in their sports and bouts, but intoxicated with her newly conquered power, she swam out alone.

She turned her face seaward to gather in an impression of space and solitude, which the vast expanse of water, meeting and melting with the moonlit sky, conveyed to her excited fancy.As she swam she seemed to be reaching out for the unlimited in which to lose herself.

Once she turned and looked toward the shore, toward the people she had left there.She had not gone any great distance that is, what would have been a great distance for an experienced swimmer.But to her unaccustomed vision the stretch of water behind her assumed the aspect of a barrier which her unaided strength would never be able to overcome.

A quick vision of death smote her soul, and for a second of time appalled and enfeebled her senses.But by an effort she rallied her staggering faculties and managed to regain the land.

She made no mention of her encounter with death and her flash of terror, except to say to her husband, "I thought I should have perished out there alone.""You were not so very far, my dear; I was watching you", he told her.

Edna went at once to the bath-house, and she had put on her dry clothes and was ready to return home before the others had left the water.She started to walk away alone.They all called to her and shouted to her.She waved a dissenting hand, and went on, paying no further heed to their renewed cries which sought to detain her.

  • 等不到的我爱你


    十七岁,豆蔻年华,他许她地老天荒。 二十七岁,荏苒光阴,她拒他千里之外。 这十年之中,他说过无数次爱你,却遥远得连末梢都听不到。 这十年之中,她想过无数次忘记,却挣扎得连呼吸都很艰难。 兜兜转转的岁月,如风一样来去自如,一场相遇生动彼此生命,却又爱得倍感苦涩。 也许,很多事往往都没办法,就像先爱上一个人,却又不得不选择忘记。 可惜的是,宿命让我在最美好的时候遇见你,却未教我怎么遗忘……
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