

It happened sometimes when Edna went to see Mademoiselle Reisz that the little musician was absent, giving a lesson or making some small necessary household purchase.The key was always left in a secret hiding-place in the entry, which Edna knew.If Mademoiselle happened to be away, Edna would usually enter and wait for her return.

When she knocked at Mademoiselle Reisz's door one afternoon there was no response; so unlocking the door, as usual, she entered and found the apartment deserted, as she had expected.Her day had been quite filled up, and it was for a rest, for a refuge, and to talk about Robert, that she sought out her friend.

She had worked at her canvas--a young Italian character study--all the morning, completing the work without the model; but there had been many interruptions, some incident to her modest housekeeping, and others of a social nature.

Madame Ratignolle had dragged herself over, avoiding the too public thoroughfares, she said.She complained that Edna had neglected her much of late.Besides, she was consumed with curiosity to see the little house and the manner in which it was conducted.She wanted to hear all about the dinner party; Monsieur Ratignolle had left so early.What had happened after he left? The champagne and grapes which Edna sent over were TOO delicious.She had so little appetite; they had refreshed and toned her stomach.Where on earth was she going to put Mr.Pontellier in that little house, and the boys? And then she made Edna promise to go to her when her hour of trial overtook her.

"At any time--any time of the day or night, dear," Edna assured her.Before leaving Madame Ratignolle said:

"In some way you seem to me like a child, Edna.You seem to act without a certain amount of reflection which is necessary in this life.That is the reason I want to say you mustn't mind if I advise you to be a little careful while you are living here alone.Why don't you have some one come and stay with you? Wouldn't Mademoiselle Reisz come?""No; she wouldn't wish to come, and I shouldn't want her always with me.""Well, the reason--you know how evil-minded the world is--some one was talking of Alcee Arobin visiting you.Of course, it wouldn't matter if Mr.Arobin had not such a dreadful reputation.Monsieur Ratignolle was telling me that his attentions alone are considered enough to ruin a woman s name.""Does he boast of his successes?" asked Edna, indifferently, squinting at her picture.

"No, I think not.I believe he is a decent fellow as far as that goes.But his character is so well known among the men.I shan't be able to come back and see you; it was very, very imprudent to-day.""Mind the step!" cried Edna.

"Don't neglect me," entreated Madame Ratignolle; "and don't mind what I said about Arobin, or having some one to stay with you.

"Of course not," Edna laughed."You may say anything you like to me." They kissed each other good-by.Madame Ratignolle had not far to go, and Edna stood on the porch a while watching her walk down the street.

Then in the afternoon Mrs.Merriman and Mrs.Highcamp had made their "party call." Edna felt that they might have dispensed with the formality.They had also come to invite her to play vingt-et-un one evening at Mrs.Merriman's.She was asked to go early, to dinner, and Mr.Merriman or Mr.Arobin would take her home.Edna accepted in a half-hearted way.She sometimes felt very tired of Mrs.Highcamp and Mrs.Merriman.

Late in the afternoon she sought refuge with Mademoiselle Reisz, and stayed there alone, waiting for her, feeling a kind of repose invade her with the very atmosphere of the shabby, unpretentious little room.

Edna sat at the window, which looked out over the house-tops and across the river.The window frame was filled with pots of flowers, and she sat and picked the dry leaves from a rose geranium.The day was warm, and the breeze which blew from the river was very pleasant.She removed her hat and laid it on the piano.She went on picking the leaves and digging around the plants with her hat pin.Once she thought she heard Mademoiselle Reisz approaching.But it was a young black girl, who came in, bringing a small bundle of laundry, which she deposited in the adjoining room, and went away.

Edna seated herself at the piano, and softly picked out with one hand the bars of a piece of music which lay open before her.A half-hour went by.There was the occasional sound of people going and coming in the lower hall.She was growing interested in her occupation of picking out the aria, when there was a second rap at the door.She vaguely wondered what these people did when they found Mademoiselle's door locked.

"Come in," she called, turning her face toward the door.And this time it was Robert Lebrun who presented himself.She attempted to rise; she could not have done so without betraying the agitation which masteredher at sight of him, so she fell back upon the stool, only exclaiming, "Why, Robert!"He came and clasped her hand, seemingly without knowing what he was saying or doing.

"Mrs.Pontellier! How do you happen--oh! how well you look! Is Mademoiselle Reisz not here? I never expected to see you.""When did you come back?" asked Edna in an unsteady voice, wiping her face with her handkerchief.She seemed ill at ease on the piano stool, and he begged her to take the chair by the window.

She did so, mechanically, while he seated himself on the stool.

"I returned day before yesterday," he answered, while he leaned his arm on the keys, bringing forth a crash of discordant sound.

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