

Mabel had taken possession of a hut; and with female readiness and skill she made all the simple little domestic arrangements of which the circumstances would admit, not only for her own comfort, but for that of her father.To save labor, a mess-table was prepared in a hut set apart for that purpose, where all the heads of the detachment were to eat, the soldier's wife performing the necessary labor.The hut of the Sergeant, which was the best on the island, being thus freed from any of the vulgar offices of a household, admitted of such a display of womanly taste, that, for the first time since her arrival on the fron-tier, Mabel felt proud of her home.As soon as these im-portant duties were discharged, she strolled out on the island, taking a path which led through the pretty glade, and which conducted to the only point not covered with bushes.Here she stood gazing at the limpid water, which lay with scarcely a ruffle on it at her feet, musing on the novel situation in which she was placed, and permitting a pleasing and deep excitement to steal over her feelings, as she remembered the scenes through which she had so lately passed, and conjectured those which still lay veiled in the future.

"You're a beautiful fixture, in a beautiful spot, Mistress Mabel," said David Muir, suddenly appearing at her el-bow; "and I'll no' engage you're not just the handsomest of the two.""I will not say, Mr.Muir, that compliments on my per-son are altogether unwelcome, for I should not gain credit for speaking the truth, perhaps," answered Mabel with spirit; "but I will say that if you would condescend to address to me some remarks of a different nature, I may be led to believe you think I have sufficient faculties to understand them.""Hoot! your mind, beautiful Mabel, is polished just like the barrel of a soldier's musket, and your conversation is only too discreet and wise for a poor d---l who has been chewing birch up here these four years on the lines, instead of receiving it in an application that has the virtue of imparting knowledge.But you are no' sorry, I take it, young lady, that you've got your pretty foot on _terra firma_once more."

"I thought so two hours since, Mr.Muir; but the _Scud_looks so beautiful as she sails through these vistas of trees, that I almost regret I am no longer one of her passengers."As Mabel ceased speaking, she waved, her handkerchief in return to a salutation from Jasper, who kept his eyes fastened on her form until the white sails of the cutter had swept round a point, and were nearly lost behind its green fringe of leaves.

"There they go, and I'll no' say 'joy go with them;' but may they have the luck to return safely, for without them we shall be in danger of passing the winter on this island;unless, indeed, we have the alternative of the castle at Quebec.Yon Jasper Eau-douce is a vagrant sort of a lad, and they have reports of him in the garrison that it pains my very heart to hear.Your worthy father, and almost as worthy uncle, have none of the best opinion of him.""I am sorry to hear it, Mr.Muir; I doubt not that time will remove all their distrust.""If time would only remove mine, pretty Mabel," re-joined the Quartermaster in a wheedling tone, "I should feel no envy of the commander-in-chief.I think if I were in a condition to retire, the Sergeant would just step into my shoes.""If my dear father is worthy to step into your shoes, Mr.

Muir," returned the girl, with malicious pleasure, "I'm sure that the qualification is mutual, and that you are every way worthy to step into his.""The deuce is in the child! you would not reduce me to the rank of a non-commissioned officer, Mabel?""No, indeed, sir; I was not thinking of the army at all as you spoke of retiring.My thoughts were more egotis-tical, and I was thinking how much you reminded me of my dear father, by your experience, wisdom, ana suitable-ness to take his place as the head of a family.""As its bridegroom, pretty Mabel, but not as its parent or natural chief.I see how it is with you, loving your re-partee, and brilliant with wit.Well, I like spirit in a young woman, so it be not the spirit of a scold.This Pathfinder is all extraordinair, Mabel, if truth may be said of the man.""Truth should be said of him or nothing.Pathfinder is my friend -- my very particular friend, Mr.Muir, and no evil can be said of him in my presence that I shall not deny.""I shall say nothing evil of him, I can assure you, Ma-bel; but, at the same time, I doubt if much good can be said in his favor.""He is at least expert with the rifle," returned Mabel, smiling."That you cannot deny.""Let him have all the credit of his exploits in that way if you please; but he is as illiterate as a Mohawk.""He may not understand Latin, but his knowledge of Iroquois is greater than that of most men, and it is the more useful language of the two in this part of the world.""If Lundie himself were to call on me for an opinion which I admire more, your person or your wit, beautiful and caustic Mabel, I should be at a loss to answer.My admiration is so nearly divided between them, that I often fancy this is the one that bears off the palm, and then the other! Ah! the late Mrs.Muir was a paragon in that way also.""The latest Mrs.Muir, did you say, sir?" asked Mabel, looking up innocently at her companion.

"Hoot, hoot! That is some of Pathfinder's scandal.

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