
第14章 The Journey (2)

I'm transparent, except for my exquisite red heart and my lovely pink brains--you can see 'em work.""Shoo-shoo-shoo!" cried Scraps, dancing around and laughing."And your horrid green eyes, Miss Bungle! You can't see your eyes, but we can, and I notice you're very proud of what little color you have.Shoo, Miss Bungle, shoo-shoo-shoo!

If you were all colors and many colors, as I am, you'd be too stuck up for anything." She leaped over the cat and back again, and the startled Bungle crept close to a tree to escape her.This made Scraps laugh more heartily than ever, and she said:


The cat has lost her shoe.

Her tootsie's bare, but she don't care, So what's the odds to you?""Dear me, Ojo," said the cat; "don't you think the creature is a little bit crazy?""It may be," he answered, with a puzzled look.

"If she continues her insults I'll scratch off her suspender-button eyes," declared the cat.

"Don't quarrel, please," pleaded the boy, rising to resume the journey."Let us be good comrades and as happy and cheerful as possible, for we are likely to meet with plenty of trouble on our way."It was nearly sundown when they came to the edge of the forest and saw spread out before them a delightful landscape.There were broad blue fields stretching for miles over the valley, which was dotted everywhere with pretty, blue domed houses, none of which, however, was very near to the place where they stood.Just at the point where the path left the forest stood a tiny house covered with leaves from the trees, and before this stood a Munchkin man with an axe in his hand.He seemed very much surprised when Ojo and Scraps and the Glass Cat came out of the woods, but as the Patchwork Girl approached nearer he sat down upon a bench and laughed so hard that he could not speak for a long time.

This man was a woodchopper and lived all alone in the little house.He had bushy blue whiskers and merry blue eyes and his blue clothes were quite old and worn.

"Mercy me!" exclaimed the woodchopper, when at last he could stop laughing."Who would think such a funny harlequin lived in the Land of Oz? Where did you come from, Crazy-quilt?""Do you mean me?" asked the Patchwork Girl.

"Of course," he replied.

"You misjudge my ancestry.I'm not a crazy-quilt; I'm patchwork," she said.

"There's no difference," he replied, beginning to laugh again."When my old grandmother sews such things together she calls it a crazy-quilt; but Inever thought such a jumble could come to life.""It was the Magic Powder that did it," explained Ojo.

"Oh, then you have come from the Crooked Magician on the mountain.I might have known it, for--Well, I declare! here's a glass cat.But the Magician will get in trouble for this; it's against the law for anyone to work magic except Glinda the Good and the royal Wizard of Oz.If you people--or things--or glass spectacles--or crazy-quilts--or whatever you are, go near the Emerald City, you'll be arrested.""We're going there, anyhow," declared Scraps, sitting upon the bench and swinging her stuffed legs.

"If any of us takes a rest, We'll be arrested sure, And get no restitution 'Cause the rest we must endure.""I see," said the woodchopper, nodding; "you're as crazy as the crazy-quilt you're made of.""She really is crazy," remarked the Glass Cat.

"But that isn't to he wondered at when you remember how many different things she's made of.

For my part, I'm made of pure glass--except my jewel heart and my pretty pink brains.Did you notice my brains, stranger? You can see em work.""So I can," replied the woodchopper; "but Ican't see that they accomplish much.A glass cat is a useless sort of thing, but a Patchwork Girl is really useful.She makes me laugh, and laughter is the best thing in life.There was once a woodchopper, a friend of mine, who was made all of tin, and I used to laugh every time I saw him.""A tin woodchopper?" said Ojo."That is strange.""My friend wasn't always tin," said the man, "but he was careless with his axe, and used to chop himself very badly.Whenever he lost an arm or a leg he had it replaced with tin; so after a while he was all tin.""And could he chop wood then?" asked the boy.

"He could if he didn't rust his tin joints.But one day he met Dorothy in the forest and went with her to the Emerald City, where he made his fortune.He is now one of the favorites of Princess Ozma, and she has made him the Emperor of the Winkies--the Country where all is yellow.""Who is Dorothy?" inquired the Patchwork Girl.

"A little maid who used to live in Kansas, but is now a Princess of Oz.She's Ozma's best friend, they say, and lives with her in the royal palace.""Is Dorothy made of tin?" inquired Ojo.

"Is she patchwork, like me?" inquired Scraps.

  • 伤寒缵论


  • 地震问答


  • 达变权禅师语录


  • 憨予暹禅师语录


  • 大方广佛华严经中卷卷大意略叙


  • 我的资格


  • 无敌奶爸从神级选择开始


  • 贵女谋略


  • 点石成金


    神中之神分出自己一小片心灵,使它如野花一般芬芳,月色一般柔和,微风一般清新。给它斟上一杯喜悦,说:“喝吧,把过去的一切忘个干净!”给它斟上…杯烦恼,说:“喝吧,尝一尝什么叫欢乐的生命!” 赋予它那来自天国的睿智,把正义的路子挑定。赋予它能洞察一切奥秘的聪明。赋予它在梦境中才流露的和理想结伴的情感。为它穿上天使们用彩虹和流霞织成的激情的锦衣。给它蒙上怀疑的阴影一一光的幽灵。
  • 冥界殿下从了我吧
  • 阅读父亲


    本书所要告诉你的真实故事——这是一位朝鲜战场上志愿军中职务最高的烈士,牺牲时他的儿子才出生48天。年轻美丽的母亲对儿子隐瞒了他的身世,一瞒就是十八年。十八年后,父亲的战友们和母亲一起向儿子讲述了父亲的故事,儿子从此知道了父亲的名字,也知道了父亲曾经为自己起过的一个名字。 这是一个装满了父亲遗物的铁皮箱。儿子从母亲手中接过这个跟随父亲南征北战的箱子,看到了父亲留下的文字。从未谋面的儿子只能通过这些来感受父亲的气息,只能通过阅读来亲近父亲,解读父亲。本书分别从儿媳、儿子的叙述进入,引导读者一同走近烈士和他的家人、那些生前身后的人和事…… 一位军队高级指挥员的完整形象在充满深情的解读中被复原。
  • 偏方大全(家庭健康生活)


  • 汉冠


    一个历史系高材生,不小心到了西晋末年。 清谈论玄,纵横捭阖。 王敦、卫阶、江应元。 潘安、贾谧、贾南风。 这是理智与荒唐并存的时代。 这是一个寒门在高门大族中崛起的故事。 (前期种田,后期争霸。).......................作者已有百万字老书《曹魏》,人品有保证,可放心收藏!轻松作,勿较真。
  • 末世之空间在手吃喝不愁


  • 寄同年封舍人渭

