

As a matter of course Ayrton shared the common lot in every respect, and there was no longer any talk of his going to live at the corral.

Nevertheless he was still sad and reserved, and joined more in the work than in the pleasures of his companions.But he was a valuable workman at need--strong, skilful, ingenious, intelligent.He was esteemed and loved by all, and he could not be ignorant of it.

In the meanwhile the corral was not abandoned.Every other day one of the settlers, driving the cart or mounted on an onager, went to look after the flock of musmons and goats and bring back the supply of milk required by Neb.These excursions at the same time afforded opportunities for hunting.

Therefore Herbert and Gideon Spilett, with Top in front, traversed more often than their companions the road to the corral, and with the capital guns which they carried, capybaras, agouties, kangaroos, and wild pigs for large game, ducks, grouse, jacamars, and snipe for small game, were never wanting in the house.The produce of the warren, of the oyster-bed, several turtles which were taken, excellent salmon which came up the Mercy, vegetables from the plateau, wild fruit from the forest, were riches upon riches, and Neb, the head cook, could scarcely by himself store them away.

The telegraphic wire between the corral and Granite House had of course been repaired, and it was worked whenever one or other of the settlers was at the corral and found it necessary to spend the night there.Besides, the island was safe now and no attacks were to be feared, at any rate from men.

However, that which had happened might happen again.A descent of pirates, or even of escaped convicts, was always to be feared.It was possible that companions or accomplices of Bob Harvey had been in the secret of his plans, and might be tempted to imitate him.The colonists, therefore, were careful to observe the sea around the island, and every day their telescope covered the horizon enclosed by Union and Washington Bays.

when they went to the corral they examined the sea to the west with no less attention, and by climbing the spur their gaze extended over a large section of the western horizon.

Nothing suspicious was discerned, but still it was necessary for them to be on their guard.

The engineer one evening imparted to his friends a plan which he had conceived for fortifying the corral.It appeared prudent to him to heighten the palisade and to flank it with a sort of blockhouse, which, if necessary, the settlers could hold against the enemy.Granite House might, by its very position, be considered impregnable; therefore the corral with its buildings, its stores, and the animals it contained, would always be the object of pirates, whoever they were, who might land on the island, and should the colonists be obliged to shut themselves up there they ought also to be able to defend themselves without any disadvantage.This was a project which might be left for consideration, and they were, besides, obliged to put off its execution until the next spring.

About the 15th of May the keel of the new vessel lay along the dockyard, and soon the stem and stern-post, mortised at each of its extremities, rose almost perpendicularly.The keel, of good oak, measured 110 feet in length, this allowing a width of five-and-twenty feet to the midship beam.But this was all the carpenters could do before the arrival of the frosts and bad weather.During the following week they fixed the first of the stern timbers, but were then obliged to suspend work.

During the last days of the month the weather was extremely bad.The wind blew from the east, sometimes with the violence of a tempest.The engineer was somewhat uneasy on account of the dockyard shed--which besides, he could not have established in any other place near to Granite House--for the islet only imperfectly sheltered the shore from the fury of the open sea, and in great storms the waves beat against the very foot of the granite cliff.

But, very fortunately, these fears were not realized.The wind shifted to the southeast, and there the beach of Granite House was completely covered by Flotsam Point.

Pencroft and Ayrton, the most zealous workmen at the new vessel, pursued their labor as long as they could.They were not men to mind the wind tearing at their hair, nor the rain wetting them to the skin, and a blow from a hammer is worth just as much in bad as in fine weather.But when a severe frost succeeded this wet period, the wood, its fibers acquiring the hardness of iron, became extremely difficult to work, and about the 10th of June shipbuilding was obliged to be entirely discontinued.

Cyrus Harding and his companions had not omitted to observe how severe was the temperature during the winters of Lincoln Island.The cold was comparable to that experienced in the States of New England, situated at almost the same distance from the equator.In the northern hemisphere, or at any rate in the part occupied by British America and the north of the United States, this phenomenon is explained by the flat conformation of the territories bordering on the pole, and on which there is no intumescence of the soil to oppose any obstacle to the north winds; here, in Lincoln Island, this explanation would not suffice.

  • 唐墟


  • 漫威之重力魔


  • 把一切归于科学


    所谓的丹田不过是类似于电池一样的生物细胞组成的能量储存装置罢了。 所谓修炼者的晋升,不过是提高了电池的相对容量,毕竟激光炮和激光灯是不同的。所谓的筋脉,也不过是另类的生物电线。 修炼者需要天地灵气来修炼,那么灵气就是机器的燃料,而所谓灵根,就是不同效率的内燃机。修炼是吸收能量根据不同的反应机制使用储存能力,类似螺旋桨飞机和喷气式飞机的区别,这便有修炼体系的划分。 而一些小零件,是可以改造机器,提高机器的效率的,于是功法就有了等级。 灵石是天地灵气的压缩,是燃料,是类似于石油的东西,它给机器提供能量。 人可以造机器,机器同样可以造人。
  • 钱塘先贤传赞


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