

H ERE , for one moment, I find it necessary to call a halt.

On summoning up my own recollections--and on getting Penelope to help me, by consulting her journal--I find that we may pass pretty rapidly over the interval between Mr.Franklin Blake's arrival and Miss Rachel's birthday.

For the greater part of that time the days passed, and brought nothing with them worth recording.With your good leave, then, and with Penelope's help, I shall notice certain dates only in this place; reserving to myself to tell the story day by day, once more, as soon as we get to the time when the business of the Moonstone became the chief business of everybody in our house.

This said, we may now go on again--beginning, of course, with the bottle of sweet-smelling ink which I found on the gravel walk at night.

On the next morning (the morning of the twenty-sixth) I showed Mr.Franklin this article of jugglery, and told him what I have already told you.His opinion was, not only that the Indians had been lurking about after the Diamond, but also that they were actually foolish enough to believe in their own magic--meaning thereby the making of signs on a boy's head, and the pouring of ink into a boy's hand, and then expecting him to see persons and things beyond the reach of human vision.In our country, as well as in the East, Mr.Franklin informed me, there are people who practise this curious hocus-pocus (without the ink, however); and who call it by a French name, signifying something like brightness of sight.`Depend upon it,'

says Mr.Franklin, `the Indians took it for granted that we should keep the Diamond here; and they brought their clairvoyant boy to show them the way to it, if they succeeded in getting into the house last night.'

`Do you think they'll try again, sir?' I asked.

`It depends,' says Mr.Franklin, `on what the boy can really do.If he can see the Diamond through the iron safe of the bank at Frizinghall, we shall be troubled with no more visits from the Indians for the present.

If he can't, we shall have another chance of catching them in the shrubbery, before many more nights are over our heads.'

I waited pretty confidently for that latter chance: but, strange to relate, it never came.

Whether the jugglers heard, in the town, of Mr.Franklin having been seen at the bank, and drew their conclusions accordingly; or whether the boy really did see the Diamond where the Diamond was now lodged (which I, for one, flatly disbelieve); or whether, after all, it was a mere effect of chance, this at any rate is the plain truth--not the ghost of an Indian came near the house again, through the weeks that passed before Miss Rachel's birthday.The jugglers remained in and about the town plying their trade;and Mr.Franklin and I remained waiting to see what might happen, and resolute not to put the rogues on their guard by showing our suspicions of them too soon.With this report of the proceedings on either side, ends all that I have to say about the Indians for the present.

On the twenty-ninth of the month, Miss Rachel and Mr.Franklin hit on a new method of working their way together through the time which might otherwise have hung heavy on their hands.There are reasons for taking particular notice here of the occupation that amused them.You will find it has a bearing on something that is still to come.

Gentlefolks in general have a very awkward rock ahead in life--the rock ahead of their own idleness.Their lives being, for the most part, passed in looking about them for something to do, it is curious to see--especially when their tastes are of what is called the intellectual sort--how often they drift blindfold into some nasty pursuit.Nine times out of ten they take to torturing something, or to spoiling something--and they firmly believe they are improving their minds, when the plain truth is, they are only making a mess in the house.I have seen them (ladies, I am sorry to say, as well as gentlemen) go out, day after day, for example, with empty pill-boxes, and catch newts, and beetles, and spiders, and frogs, and come home and stick pins through the miserable wretches, or cut them up, without a pang of remorse, into little pieces.You see my young master, or my young mistress, poring over one of their spiders' insides with a magnifying-glass;or you meet one of their frogs walking downstairs without his head--and when you wonder what this cruel nastiness means, you are told that it means a taste in my young master or my young mistress for natural history.Sometimes, again, you see them occupied for hours together in spoiling a pretty flower with pointed instruments, out of a stupid curiosity to know what the flower is made of.Is its colour any prettier, or its scent any sweeter, when you do know? But there! the poor souls must get through the time, you see--they must get through the time.You dabbled in nasty mud, and made pies, when you were a child; and you dabble in nasty science, and dissect spiders, and spoil flowers, when you grow up.In the one case and in the other, the secret of it is, that you have got nothing to think of in your poor empty head, and nothing to do with your poor idle hands.And so it ends in your spoiling canvas with paints, and making a smell in the house; or in keeping tadpoles in a glass box full of dirty water, and turning everybody's stomach in the house; or in chipping off bits of stone here, there, and everywhere, and dropping grit into all the victuals in the house;or in staining your fingers in the pursuit of photography, and doing justice without mercy on everybody's face in the house.It often falls heavy enough, no doubt, on people who are really obliged to get their living, to be forced to work for the clothes that cover them, the roof that shelters them, and the food that keeps them going.But compare the hardest day's work you ever did with the idleness that splits flowers and pokes its way into spiders'

stomachs, and thank your stars that your head has got something it must think of, and your hands something that they must do.

  • 词源


  • 儒言


  • 宗宝道独禅师语录


  • 自闲觉禅师语录


  • 秋夜喜友人宿


  • 德语国家诗人诗选(孙更俊译丛)


  • 九幽战尊


  • 鬼谷子


  • 透视大清王朝秘史:军机处


  • 图释经典系列:图释塔木德


  • 笑笑的重生之旅


  • 相思长梦河


  • 人造地震


  • 美丽英文:越长大越快乐(成长卷)(套装共6册)


  • 我的如意狼君


    豪门灰姑娘的残酷童话 伤痛落幕后的温暖拥抱。她是商业联姻下的牺牲品,为了家族的利益和未来,代替毁容的姐姐嫁给他。他先是出身黑道,后又叱诧商场,是令人闻风丧胆的的陆家大少。他们狭路相逢,不能幸免,蓄势待发的爱恨纠葛近在眼前!“如果有一天我不能爱你、触摸你,那么我也一定会折断你的翅膀,将鲜血淋漓的你从天堂拽入地狱,与我一同堕落。”