

"We ought ever," says St.Augustine, "to preserve charity in the heart, even while we are obliged to pursue a line of external conduct which to man has the appearance of harshness; we ought to smite them with a sharpness, severe but kindly, remembering that their advantage is more to be studied than their gratification." I am sure, fathers, that there is nothing in my letters from which it can be inferred that I have not cherished such a desire towards you; and as you can find nothing to the contrary in them, charity obliges you to believe that I have been really actuated by it.

It appears, then, that you cannot prove that I have offended against this rule, or against any of the other rules which charity inculcates; and you have no right to say, therefore, that I have violated it.But, fathers, if you should now like to have the pleasure of seeing, within a short compass, a course of conduct directly at variance with each of these rules, and bearing the genuine stamp of the spirit of buffoonery, envy, and hatred, I shall give you a few examples of it; and, that they may be of the sort best known and most familiar to you, I shall extract them from your own writings.To begin, then, with the unworthy manner in which your authors speak of holy things, whether in their sportive and gallant effusions, or in their more serious pieces, do you think that the parcel of ridiculous stories, which your father Binet has introduced into his Consolation to the Sick, are exactly suitable to his professed object, which is that of imparting Christian consolation to those whom God has chastened with affliction?

Will you pretend to say that the profane, foppish style in which your Father Le Moine has talked of piety in his Devotion made Easy is more fitted to inspire respect than contempt for the picture that he draws of Christian virtues? What else does his whole book of Moral Pictures breathe, both in its prose and poetry, but a spirit full of vanity, and the follies of this world? Take, for example, that ode in his seventh book, entitled, "Eulogy on Bashfulness, showing that all beautiful things are red, or inclined to redden." Call you that a production worthy of a priest? The ode is intended to comfort a lady, called Delphina, who was sadly addicted to blushing.

Each stanza is devoted to show that certain red things are the best of things, such as roses, pomegranates, the mouth, the tongue; and it is in the midst of this badinage, so disgraceful in a clergyman, that he has the effrontery to introduce those blessed spirits that minister before God, and of whom no Christian should speak without reverence: "The cherubim-those glorious choirs- Composed of head and plumes, Whom God with His own Spirit inspires, And with His eyes illumes.These splendid faces, as they fly, Are ever red and burning high, With fire angelic or divine; And while their mutual flames combine, The waving of their wings supplies A fan to cool their ecstasies! But redness shines with better grace, Delphina, on thy beauteous face, Where modesty sits revelling- Arrayed in purple, like a king," &c.What think you of this, fathers? Does this preference of the blushes of Delphina to the ardour of those spirits, which is neither more nor less than the ardour of divine love, and this simile of the fan applied to their mysterious wings, strike you as being very Christian-like in the lips which consecrate the adorable body of Jesus Christ? I am quite aware that he speaks only in the character of a gallant and to raise a smile; but this is precisely what is called laughing at things holy.And is it not certain, that, were he to get full justice, he could not save himself from incurring a censure? although, to shield himself from this, he pleads an excuse which is hardly less censurable than the offence, "that the Sorbonne has no jurisdiction over Parnassus, and that the errors of that land are subject neither to censure nor the Inquisition"; as if one could act the blasphemer and profane fellow only in prose! There is another passage, however, in the preface, where even this excuse fails him, when he says, "that the water of the river, on whose banks he composes his verses, is so apt to make poets, that, though it were converted into holy water, it would not chase away the demon of poesy." To match this, I may add the following flight of your Father Garasse, in his Summary of the Capital Truths in Religion, where, speaking of the sacred mystery of the incarnation, he mixes up blasphemy and heresy in this fashion: "The human personality was grafted, as it were, or set on horseback, upon the personality of the Word!" And omitting many others, I might mention another passage from the same author, who, speaking on the subject of the name of Jesus, ordinarily written thus, + I.H.S.observes that "some have taken away the cross from the top of it, leaving the characters barely thus, I.H.S.- which," says he, "is a stripped Jesus!" Such is the indecency with which you treat the truths of religion, in the face of the inviolable law which binds us always to speak of them with reverence.But you have sinned no less flagrantly against the rule which obliges us to speak of them with truth and discretion.

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  • 华严原人论合解


  • 重生之嫡女弃后


    前世心狠手辣,最终惨死冷宫的周木槿无论如何也想象不到自己会有重活一次的机会。前世真毒辣,现世假莲花。 这一世,她贤淑大度,宽待宫人,还将他前世的宠妃亲手送到他的面前,只求安稳度日。他却借着酒劲愤怒地掐住她的脖颈质问:周木槿,你的心里到底还有没有朕? 眼见着前世对自己恨之入骨的男人开始步步紧逼,她却并不慌张,别的事她没有十足把握,可让他讨厌自己的方法还不信手捏来?她盯着面前的男人,平静地道:我嫁到祁国三年无所出,只凭这一点,陛下便可废后。
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  • 在你心上狙一枪


    文案一:纵横吃鸡届无敌的陆成蹊遇到一个变态,“男人”闷骚低音炮,扛着98k,炸一次来一次炸一次。直到某天校级辩论赛上,江璟言站在对方二辩席,皱着女生特有的好看的眉怼他。针锋相对,乐此不疲折腾彼此到你死我活。陆成蹊却突然喊停。你我都是毒瘤,要不要试着在一起为民除害?江瑾言怂了。 文案二:江瑾言在机场被晾一天也没等来公司口里反复强调十二分重要的高级顾问陆先生。直到两人在例行晨会撞见。 陆成蹊皱眉站在走廊里斜睨她,眼里满是不快,“季腾什么时候这么没品味了?”她微笑。 后来。他把人堵家门口说:“我这人就是没品位,也想一直没品位下去。” 爱情最好的状态从来是两军对垒,势均力敌。
  • 未选择的路

