

The winds of North and South are, as I have said, but small princes amongst the powers of the sea.They have no territory of their own; they are not reigning winds anywhere.Yet it is from their houses that the reigning dynasties which have shared between them the waters of the earth are sprung.All the weather of the world is based upon the contest of the Polar and Equatorial strains of that tyrannous race.The West Wind is the greatest king.The East rules between the Tropics.They have shared each ocean between them.Each has his genius of supreme rule.The King of the West never intrudes upon the recognised dominion of his kingly brother.

He is a barbarian, of a northern type.Violent without craftiness, and furious without malice, one may imagine him seated masterfully with a double-edged sword on his knees upon the painted and gilt clouds of the sunset, bowing his shock head of golden locks, a flaming beard over his breast, imposing, colossal, mighty-limbed, with a thundering voice, distended cheeks and fierce blue eyes, urging the speed of his gales.The other, the East king, the king of blood-red sunrises, I represent to myself as a spare Southerner with clear-cut features, black-browed and dark-eyed, gray-robed, upright in sunshine, resting a smooth-shaven cheek in the palm of his hand, impenetrable, secret, full of wiles, fine-drawn, keen -meditating aggressions.

The West Wind keeps faith with his brother, the King of the Easterly weather."What we have divided we have divided," he seems to say in his gruff voice, this ruler without guile, who hurls as if in sport enormous masses of cloud across the sky, and flings the great waves of the Atlantic clear across from the shores of the New World upon the hoary headlands of Old Europe, which harbours more kings and rulers upon its seamed and furrowed body than all the oceans of the world together."What we have divided we have divided; and if no rest and peace in this world have fallen to my share, leave me alone.Let me play at quoits with cyclonic gales, flinging the discs of spinning cloud and whirling air from one end of my dismal kingdom to the other: over the Great Banks or along the edges of pack-ice - this one with true aim right into the bight of the Bay of Biscay, that other upon the fiords of Norway, across the North Sea where the fishermen of many nations look watchfully into my angry eye.This is the time of kingly sport."And the royal master of high latitudes sighs mightily, with the sinking sun upon his breast and the double-edged sword upon his knees, as if wearied by the innumerable centuries of a strenuous rule and saddened by the unchangeable aspect of the ocean under his feet - by the endless vista of future ages where the work of sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind shall go on and on till his realm of living waters becomes a frozen and motionless ocean.But the other, crafty and unmoved, nursing his shaven chin between the thumb and forefinger of his slim and treacherous hand, thinks deep within his heart full of guile: "Aha! our brother of the West has fallen into the mood of kingly melancholy.He is tired of playing with circular gales, and blowing great guns, and unrolling thick streamers of fog in wanton sport at the cost of his own poor, miserable subjects.Their fate is most pitiful.Let us make a foray upon the dominions of that noisy barbarian, a great raid from Finisterre to Hatteras, catching his fishermen unawares, baffling the fleets that trust to his power, and shooting sly arrows into the livers of men who court his good graces.He is, indeed, a worthless fellow." And forthwith, while the West Wind meditates upon the vanity of his irresistible might, the thing is done, and the Easterly weather sets in upon the North Atlantic.

The prevailing weather of the North Atlantic is typical of the way in which the West Wind rules his realm on which the sun never sets.

North Atlantic is the heart of a great empire.It is the part of the West Wind's dominions most thickly populated with generations of fine ships and hardy men.Heroic deeds and adventurous exploits have been performed there, within the very stronghold of his sway.

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    儿时的相遇于她不过是一场游戏,于他却似一场救赎。年龄的相隔斩断了他们的联系,时间使她忘却,却使他更加牢记,想去抓紧不曾舍弃。 九年之后再度相逢,上演的是抢厕所的竞争。他是她的顾客她忘了他,却活得更加张扬。 顾客等于上帝?老子送你去见上帝!看的不爽,照样是眼神杀! 片断一: 冯雨诺客套开口:"何先生还没带侄子回家啊!" 何远萧一脸犯贱,"怎么?诺诺倒是很在意我啊!不过我并未打算回你这个问题……" 冯雨诺脸黑:“随意,告辞!”直接甩袖走人。 片段二: 冯雨诺洗盘子,何远萧走进,贱贱开口:"多时未见,不知诺诺可有想在下?" 冯雨诺讽刺回击,"哦!是吗?是小哥的脑子有点儿不好使吧!这分明就只过去了两个小时而已。还望这位脑子有病的小哥哪凉快那待着,不要热的病情加重为好!"冯雨诺:人生中最美好的事也许莫过于留下遗憾。这样能更好的让记忆的大门封锁住美好的一切,让时间不会那般容易将它们掠夺。何远萧:是你闯入我的生命中成为我的幸运草,如今丢失的记忆外加分离的八年光阴,我来拿一生弥补!【彪悍逗比女】+【腹黑嘴毒男】=【欢喜冤家】撕逼的火花照亮天【本文1v1,非小白,属诙谐幽默、搞笑型正剧】
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