

"They told me the brig could not be saved, and they thought they had done enough for themselves.I said nothing to that.It was true.It was no mutiny.I had nothing to say to them.They lay about aft all night, as still as so many dead men.I did not lie down.I kept a look-out.When the first light came I saw your ship at once.I waited for more light; the breeze began to fail on my face.Then I shouted out as loud as I was able, 'Look at that ship!' but only two men got up very slowly and came to me.At first only we three stood alone, for a long time, watching you coming down to us, and feeling the breeze drop to a calm almost;but afterwards others, too, rose, one after another, and by-and-by I had all my crew behind me.I turned round and said to them that they could see the ship was coming our way, but in this small breeze she might come too late after all, unless we turned to and tried to keep the brig afloat long enough to give you time to save us all.I spoke like that to them, and then I gave the command to man the pumps."He gave the command, and gave the example, too, by going himself to the handles, but it seems that these men did actually hang back for a moment, looking at each other dubiously before they followed him.

"He! he! he!" He broke out into a most unexpected, imbecile, pathetic, nervous little giggle."Their hearts were broken so!

They had been played with too long," he explained apologetically, lowering his eyes, and became silent.

Twenty-five years is a long time - a quarter of a century is a dim and distant past; but to this day I remember the dark-brown feet, hands, and faces of two of these men whose hearts had been broken by the sea.They were lying very still on their sides on the bottom boards between the thwarts, curled up like dogs.My boat's crew, leaning over the looms of their oars, stared and listened as if at the play.The master of the brig looked up suddenly to ask me what day it was.

They had lost the date.When I told him it was Sunday, the 22nd, he frowned, making some mental calculation, then nodded twice sadly to himself, staring at nothing.

His aspect was miserably unkempt and wildly sorrowful.Had it not been for the unquenchable candour of his blue eyes, whose unhappy, tired glance every moment sought his abandoned, sinking brig, as if it could find rest nowhere else, he would have appeared mad.But he was too simple to go mad, too simple with that manly simplicity which alone can bear men unscathed in mind and body through an encounter with the deadly playfulness of the sea or with its less abominable fury.

Neither angry, nor playful, nor smiling, it enveloped our distant ship growing bigger as she neared us, our boats with the rescued men and the dismantled hull of the brig we were leaving behind, in the large and placid embrace of its quietness, half lost in the fair haze, as if in a dream of infinite and tender clemency.There was no frown, no wrinkle on its face, not a ripple.And the run of the slight swell was so smooth that it resembled the graceful undulation of a piece of shimmering gray silk shot with gleams of green.We pulled an easy stroke; but when the master of the brig, after a glance over his shoulder, stood up with a low exclamation, my men feathered their oars instinctively, without an order, and the boat lost her way.

He was steadying himself on my shoulder with a strong grip, while his other arm, flung up rigidly, pointed a denunciatory finger at the immense tranquillity of the ocean.After his first exclamation, which stopped the swing of our oars, he made no sound, but his whole attitude seemed to cry out an indignant "Behold!"..

.I could not imagine what vision of evil had come to him.I was startled, and the amazing energy of his immobilized gesture made my heart beat faster with the anticipation of something monstrous and unsuspected.The stillness around us became crushing.

For a moment the succession of silky undulations ran on innocently.

I saw each of them swell up the misty line of the horizon, far, far away beyond the derelict brig, and the next moment, with a slight friendly toss of our boat, it had passed under us and was gone.

The lulling cadence of the rise and fall, the invariable gentleness of this irresistible force, the great charm of the deep waters, warmed my breast deliciously, like the subtle poison of a love-potion.But all this lasted only a few soothing seconds before Ijumped up too, making the boat roll like the veriest landlubber.

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