

"Is this your friend?" asked the count."He is a very small one, and seems in a bad state of health."Sir Norman, still under the influence of the pinch, replied by an inaudible murmur, and looked with a deeply mystified expression, at Hubert.

"He bears a strong resemblance to the lady we were talking of a moment ago," continued the count - "is sufficiently like her, in fact, to be her brother; and, I see wears the livery of the Earl of Rochester.""God spare you your eye-sight!" said Sir Norman, impatiently.

"Can you not see, among the rest, that I have a few words to say to him in private? Permit us to leave you for a moment.""There is no need to do so.I will leave you, as I have a few words to say to the person who is with me."So saying the count walked away, and Hubert followed him with a most curious look.

"Now," cried Sir Norman, eagerly, "what news?""Good!" said the boy."Leoline is safe!""And where?"

"Not far from here.Didn't he tell you?""The count ? No - yes; he said she was at his house.""Exactly.That is where she is," said Hubert, looking much relieved."And, at present, perfectly safe.""And did you see her?"

"Of course; and heard her too.She was dreadfully anxious to come with me; but that was out of the question.""And how is she to be got away?"

"That I do not clearly see.We will have to bring a ladder, and there will be so much danger, and so little chance of success, that, to me it seems an almost hopeless task.Where did you meet Count L'Estrange?""Here; and he told me that he bad abducted her, and held her a prisoner in his own house.""He owned that did he? I wonder you were not fit to kill him?""So I was, at first, but he talked the matter over somehow."And hereupon Sir Norman briefly and quickly rehearsed the substance of their conversation.Hubert listened to it attentively, and laughed as he concluded.

"Well, I do not see that you can do otherwise, Sir Norman, and Ithink it would be wise to obey the count for to-night, at least.

Then to-morrow - if things do not go on well, we can take the law in our own hands.""Can we?" said Sir Norman, doubtfully, "I do wish you would tell me who this infernal count is, Hubert, for I am certain you know.""Not until to-morrow - you shall know him then.""To-morrow! to-morrow!" exclaimed Sir Norman, disconsolately.

"Everything is postponed until to-morrow! Oh, here comes the count back again.Are we going to start now, I wonder?""Is your friend to accompany us on our expedition?" inquired the count, standing before them." It shall be quite as you say, Mr.


"My friend can do as he pleases.What do you say, Hubert?""I should like to go, of all things, if neither of you have any objections.""Come on, then," said the count, "we will find horses in readiness a short distance from this."The three started together, and walked on in silence through several streets, until they reached a retired inn, where the count's recent companion stood, with the horses.Count L'Estrange whispered a few words to him, upon which he bowed and retired; and in an instant they were all in the saddle, and galloping away.

The journey was rather a silent one, and what conversation there was, was principally sustained by the count.Hubert's usual flow of pertinent chat seemed to have forsaken him, and Sir Norman had so many other things to think of - Leoline, Ormiston, Miranda, and the mysterious count himself - that he felt in no mood for talking.Soon, they left the city behind them; the succeeding two miles were quickly passed over, and the "Golden Crown," all dark and forsaken, now hove in sight.As they reached this, and cantered up the road leading to the ruin, Sir Norman drew rein, and said:

"I think our best plan would be, to dismount, and lead our horses the rest of the way, and not incur any unnecessary danger by making a noise.We can fasten them to these trees, where they will be at hand when we come out.""Wait one moment," said the count, lifting his finger with a listening look."Listen to that!"It was a regular tramp of horses' hoofs, sounding in the silence like a charge of cavalry.While they looked, a troop of horsemen came galloping up, and came to a halt when they saw the count.

No words can depict the look of amazement Sir Norman's face wore;but Hubert betrayed not the least surprise.The count glanced at his companions with a significant smile, and riding back, held a brief colloquy with him who seemed the leader of the horsemen.

He rode up to them, smiling still, and saying, as he passed"Now then, Kingsley; lead on, and we will follow!""I go not one step further," said Sir Norman, firmly, "until Iknow who I am leading.Who are you, Count L'Estrange?"The count looked at him, but did not answer.A warning hand -that of Hubert - grasped Sir Norman's arm; and Hubert's voice whispered hurriedly in his ear:

"Hush, for God's sake! It is the king!"

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