

"Her name is La Masque.Have you ever heard it?""La Masque! Nonsense!" exclaimed Hubert, with some energy in his voice at last. "You but jest, Sir Norman Kingsley!""No such thing! It is a positive fact! She told me the whole story herself!""And what is the whole story; and why did she not tell it to me instead of you.""She told it to Leoline, thinking, probably, she had the most sense; and she told it to me, as Leoline's future husband.It is somewhat long to relate, but it will help to beguile the time while we are waiting for the royal summons."And hereupon Sir Norman, without farther preface, launched into a rapid resume of La Masque's story, feeling the cold chill with which he had witnessed it creep over him as he narrated her fearful end.

"It struck me," concluded Sir Norman, "that it would be better to procure any papers she might possess at once, lest, by accident, they should fall into other hands; so I rode there directly, and, in spite of the cantankerous old porter, searched diligently, until I found them.Here they are," said Sir Norman, drawing forth the roll.

"And what do you intend doing with them?" inquired Hubert, glancing at the papers with an unmoved countenance.

"Show them to the king, and, though his mediation with Louis, obtain for you the restoration of your rights.""And do you think his majesty will give himself so much trouble for the Earl of Rochester's page?""I think he will take the trouble to see justice done, or at least he ought to.If he declines, we will take the matter in our own hands, my Hubert; and you and I will seek Louis ourselves.Please God, the Earl of Rochester's page will yet wear the coronet of the De Montmorencis!""And the sister of a marquis will be no unworthy mate even for a Kingsley," said Hubert."Has La Masque left nothing for her?""Do you see this casket?" tapping the one of cared brass dangling from his belt; "well, it is full of jewels worth a king's ransom.

I found them in a drawer of La Masque's house, with directions that they were to be given to her sisters at her death.Miranda being dead, I presume they are all Leoline's now.""This is a queer business altogether!" said Hubert, musingly;"and I am greatly mistaken if King Louie will not regard it as a very pretty little work of fiction.""But I have proofs, lad! The authenticity of these papers cannot be doubted.""With all my heart.I have no objections to be made a marquis of, and go back to la belle France, out of this land of plague and fog.Won't some of my friends here be astonished when they hear it, particularly the Earl of Rochester, when he finds out that he has had a marquis for a page? Ah, here comes George, and bearing a summons from Count L'Estrange at last."George approached, and intimated that Sir Norman was to follow him to the presence of his master.

"Au revoir, then," said Hubert."You will find me here when you come back."Sir Norman, with a slight tremor of the nerves at what was to come, followed the king's page through halls and anterooms, full of loiterers, courtiers, and their attendants.Once a hand was laid on his shoulder, a laughing voice met his ear, and the Earl of Rochester stood beside him!

"Good-morning, Sir Norman; you are abroad betimes.How have you left your friend, the Count L'Estrange?""Your lordship has probably seen him since I have, and should be able to answer that question best.""And how does his suit progress with the pretty Leoline?" went on the gay earl."In faith, Kingsley, I never saw such a charming little beauty; and I shall do combat with you yet - with both the count and yourself, and outwit the pair of you!""Permit me to differ from your lordship.Leoline would not touch you with a pair of tongs!""Ah! she has better taste than you give her credit for; but if Ishould fail, I know what to do to console myself.""May I ask what?"

"Yes! there is Hubert, as like her an two peas in a pod.I shall dress him up in lace and silks, and gewgaws, and have a Leoline of my own already made its order.""Permit me to doubt that, too! Hubert is as much lost to you as Leoline!"Leaving the volatile earl to put what construction pleased him best on this last sententious remark, he resumed his march after George, and was ushered, at last, into an ante-room near the audience-chamber.Count L'Estrange, still attired as Count L'Estrange, stood near a window overlooking the court-yard, and as the page salaamed and withdrew, he turned round, and greeted Sir Norman with his suavest air.

"The appointed hour is passed, Sir Norman Kingsley, but that is partly your own fault.Your guide hither tells me that you stopped for some time at the house of a fortune-teller, known as La Masque.Why was this!""I was forced to stop on most important business," answered the knight, still resolved to treat him as the count, until it should please him to doff his incognito, "of which you shall hear anon.

Just now, our business is with Leoline."

"True! And as in a short time I start with yonder cavalcade, there is but little time to lose.Apropos, Kingsley, who is that mysterious woman, La Masque?""She is, or was (for she is dead sow) a French lady, of noble birth, and the sister of Leoline!""Her sister! And have you discovered Leoline's history?""I have."

"And her name!"

"And her name.She is Leoline De Montmorenci! And with the proudest blood of France in her veins, living obscure and unknown - a stranger in a strange land since childhood; but, with God's grace and your help, I hope to see her restored to all she has lost, before long.""you know me, then?" said his companion, half-smiling.

"Yes, your majesty," answered Sir Norman, bowing low before the king.

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