

Shouting out of the tunnel, down over the lip of the bowl, leaped the soldiers.We dropped upon our knees, sent shot after shot into them.They fell back, hesitated.We sprang up, sped on.

All too short was the check, but once more we held them--and again.

Now Ruth and Dick were a scant fifty yards from the crevice.I saw him stop, push her from him toward it.She shook her head.

Now Chiu-Ming was with them.Ruth sprang to the pony, lifted from its back a rifle.Then into the mass of their pursuers Drake and she poured a fusillade.They huddled, wavered, broke for cover.

"A chance!" gasped Ventnor.

Behind us was a wolflike yelping.The first pack had re-formed; had crossed the barricade the dynamite had made; was rushing upon us.

I ran as I had never known I could.Over us whined the bullets from the covering guns.Close were we now to the mouth of the fissure.If we could but reach it.Close, close were our pursuers, too--the arrows closer.

"No use!" said Ventnor."We can't make it.Meet 'em from the front.Drop--and shoot."We threw ourselves down, facing them.There came a triumphant shouting.And in that strange sharpening of the senses that always goes hand in hand with deadly peril, that is indeed nature's summoning of every reserve to meet that peril, my eyes took them in with photographic nicety--the linked mail, lacquered blue and scarlet, of the horsemen; brown, padded armor of the footmen; their bows and javelins and short bronze swords, their pikes and shields; and under their round helmets their cruel, bearded faces--white as our own where the black beards did not cover them; their fierce and mocking eyes.

The springs of ancient Persia's long dead power, these.

Men of Xerxes's ruthless, world-conquering hordes; the lustful, ravening wolves of Darius whom Alexander scattered --in this world of ours twenty centuries beyond their time!

Swiftly, accurately, even as I scanned them, we had been drilling into them.They advanced deliberately, heedless of their fallen.Their arrows had ceased to fly.I wondered why, for now we were well within their range.Had they orders to take us alive--at whatever cost to themselves?

"I've got only about ten cartridges left, Martin," I told him.

"We've saved Ruth anyway," he said."Drake ought to be able to hold that hole in the wall.He's got lots of ammunition on the pony.But they've got us."Another wild shouting; down swept the pack.

We leaped to our feet, sent our last bullets into them;stood ready, rifles clubbed to meet the rush.I heard Ruth scream--What was the matter with the armored men? Why had they halted? What was it at which they were glaring over our heads? And why had the rifle fire of Ruth and Drake ceased so abruptly?

Simultaneously we turned.

Within the black background of the fissure stood a shape, an apparition, a woman--beautiful, awesome, incredible!

She was tall, standing there swathed from chin to feet in clinging veils of pale amber, she seemed taller even than tall Drake.Yet it was not her height that sent through me the thrill of awe, of half incredulous terror which, relaxing my grip, let my smoking rifle drop to earth; nor was it that about her proud head a cloud of shining tresses swirled and pennoned like a misty banner of woven copper flames --no, nor that through her veils her body gleamed faint radiance.

It was her eyes--her great, wide eyes whose clear depths were like pools of living star fires.They shone from her white face--not phosphorescent, not merely lucent and light reflecting, but as though they themselves were SOURCESof the cold white flames of far stars--and as calm as those stars themselves.

And in that face, although as yet I could distinguish nothing but the eyes, I sensed something unearthly.

"God!" whispered Ventnor."What IS she?"

The woman stepped from the crevice.Not fifty feet from her were Ruth and Drake and Chiu-Ming, their rigid attitudes revealing the same shock of awe that had momentarily paralyzed me.

She looked at them, beckoned them.I saw the two walk toward her, Chiu-Ming hang back.The great eyes fell upon Ventnor and myself.She raised a hand, motioned us to approach.

I turned.There stood the host that had poured down (he mountain road, horsemen, spearsmen, pikemen--a full thousand of them.At my right were the scattered company that had come from the tunnel entrance, threescore or more.

There seemed a spell upon them.They stood in silence, like automatons, only their fiercely staring eyes showing that they were alive.

"Quick," breathed Ventnor.

We ran toward her who had checked death even while its jaws were closing upon us.

Before we had gone half-way, as though our flight had broken whatever bonds had bound them, a clamor arose from the host; a wild shouting, a clanging of swords on shields.I shot a glance behind.They were in motion, advancing slowly, hesitatingly as yet--but I knew that soon that hesitation would pass; that they would sweep down upon us, engulf us.

"To the crevice," I shouted to Drake.He paid no heed to me, nor did Ruth--their gaze fastened upon the swathed woman.

Ventnor's hand shot out, gripped my shoulder, halted me.

She had thrown up her head.The cloudy METALLIC hair billowed as though wind had blown it.

From the lifted throat came a low, a vibrant cry; harmonious, weirdly disquieting, golden and sweet--and laden with the eery, minor wailings of the blue valley's night, the dragoned chamber.

Before the cry had ceased there poured with incredible swiftness out of the crevice score upon score of the metal things.The fissures vomited them!

Globes and cubes and pyramids--not small like those of the ruins, but shapes all of four feet high, dully lustrous, and deep within that luster the myriads of tiny points of light like unwinking, staring eyes.

They swirled, eddied and formed a barricade between us and the armored men.

Down upon them poured a shower of arrows from the soldiers.I heard the shouts of their captains; they rushed.

They had courage--those men--yes!

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    十年前我在大学的图书馆读到他的小说,十年后我得以见到他。若说“机缘到来”,显得故作神秘;但事实的确是,这些年来,他是少数几位我不曾停止过关注的作家之一;并且他来到了我的故乡云南,此刻就住在离我只有三个小时车程的地方。此外,我想特别补充一点:在谋面之前,我直觉,他不会拒绝我的造访。这一点很关键也很重要。他非常友好,待人宽厚温和。只有在会话过程中,他作为“先锋小说家” 的锋芒显露出来。撇开文学,他是一个谦逊、亲切、为人着想的人。难道这些不是作为一个人最美好的品质?
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