

'Stop a moment, if you please, sir.In such a position a father's thought is only to his daughter's happiness and prosperity.It is not his own that he should consider.I hear you well spoken of in the outer world, and I do not know that Ihave a right to demand of my daughter that she should tear you from her affections, because--because you are not just such as Iwould have her husband to be.You have my permission to see her.' Then before Lopez could say a word, he left the room, and took his hat and hurried away to his club.

As he went he was aware that he had made no terms at all;--but then he was inclined to think that no terms could be made.There seemed to be a general understanding that Lopez was doing well in the world,--in a profession of the working of which Mr Wharton himself knew absolutely nothing.He had a large fortune at his own bestowal,--intended for his daughter,--which would have been forthcoming at the moment and paid down on the nail, had she married Arthur Fletcher.The very way in which the money should be invested and tied up and made to be safe and comfortable to the Fletcher-cum-Wharton interests generally, had been fully settled among them.But now this other man, this stranger, this Portuguese had entered upon the inheritance.But the stranger, the Portuguese, must wait.Mr Wharton knew himself to be an old man.She was his child, and he would not wrong her.But she should have her money closely settled upon herself on his death, --and on her children, should she then have any.It should be done by his will.He would say nothing about money to Lopez, and if Lopez should, as was probable, ask after his daughter's fortune, he would answer to this effect.Thus he almost resolved that he would give his daughter to the man without any inquiry as to the man's means.The thing had to be done, and he would take no further trouble about it.The comfort of his life was gone.

His home would no longer be a home to him.His daughter could not now be his companion.The sooner that death came to him the better, but till death should come he must console himself as well as he could by playing whist at the Eldon.It was after this fashion that Mr Wharton thought of the coming marriage between his daughter and her lover.

'I have your father's consent to marry your sister,' said Ferdinand immediately on entering Everett's room.

'I knew it must come soon,' said the invalid.

'I cannot say that it has been given in the most gracious manner, --but it has been given very clearly.I have his express permission to see her.Those were his last words.'

Then there was a sending of notes between the sick-room and the sick man's sister's room.Everett wrote and Ferdinand wrote, and Emily wrote,--short lines each of them,--a few words scrawled.

The last from Emily was as follows:--'Let him go into the drawing-room.EW.' And so Ferdinand went down to meet his love, --to encounter her for the first time as her recognized future husband and engaged lover.Passionate, declared, and thorough as was her love for this man, the familiar intercourse between them had hitherto been very limited.There had been little,--we may perhaps say none,--of that dalliance between them which is so delightful to the man and so wondrous to the girl till custom staled the edge of it.He had never sat with her arm around her waist.He had rarely held even her hand in his for a happy recognized pause of a few seconds.He had never kissed even her brow.And there she was now, standing before him, all his own, absolutely given to him, with the fullest assurance of love on her part, and with the declared consent of her father.Even he had been a little confused as he opened the door,--even he, as he paused to close it behind him, had to think how he would address her, and perhaps had thought in vain.But he had not a moment for any thought after entering the room.Whether it was his doing or hers he hardly knew, but she was in his arms, and her lips were pressed to his, and his arms was tight around her waist, holding her close to his breast.It seemed as though all that was wanting had been understood in a moment, and as though they had lived together and loved for the last twelve months, with the fullest mutual confidence.And she was the first to speak--'Ferdinand, I am so happy! Are you happy?'

'My love, my darling!'

'You have never doubted me, I know,--since you first knew it.'

'Doubted you, my girl!'

'That I would be firm! And now papa has been good to me, and how quickly one's sorrow is over.I am yours, my love, for ever and ever.You knew it before, but I like to tell you.I will be true to you in everything! Oh, my love!'

He had but little to say to her, but we know that for "lovers lacking matter, the cleanliest shift is to kiss." In such moments silence charms, and almost any words are unsuitable except those soft, bird-like murmurings of love which, sweet as they are to the ear, can hardly be so written as to be sweet to the reader.

  • 窥天外乘


  • 仪礼


  • 玉音法事


  • 佛说观药王药上二菩萨经


  • 佛说胜幡璎珞陀罗尼经


  • 中纪委推荐:历史的教训


    本书是响应习近平号召牢记历史的教训,中纪委推介的“2015新年第一书”,王岐山最新推荐!《中国新闻出版报》优秀畅销书榜总榜第一名!美国普利策奖获得者的传世经典,浓缩对历史经验教训的独特见解! 本书是美国著名学者、“普利策奖”获得者威尔杜兰特及其夫人阿里尔杜兰特的代表作。《历史的教训》浓缩了11卷《世界文明史》的精华,通过提纲挈领的线条,勾勒出历史与人类生活各方面的关系,详细说明了地理条件、经济状况、种族优劣、人类本性、宗教活动、社会主义、政府、战争、道德、盛衰定律、生物进化等在历史中所扮演的角色,并总结出历史留给人们的巨大精神遗产。 这些精神遗产给改革中的国人以启迪与警鉴,使其更加智慧地面对当下和未来。
  • 宠妻有瘾:首席不好惹


  • 帝国巨星


  • 警句


  • Modern Spiritualism

    Modern Spiritualism

  • 水云间


    航业钜子之女杜芊芊,无意间邂逅菁英群聚的“醉马画会”,画会中个个才子都对她青睐有加,惟独家梅若鸿对芊芊却不敢觊觎与亵渎,他瑟缩在自己简陋的画室“水云间”中,眼见众全心撮合年轻有为的子默和芊芊,他的心宛如在淌血…… 而芊芊呢,一次坦诚的示为,却遭若鸿莫名奇妙的侮辱与拒绝,她自此从杭州远避到上海。理应消遥快乐的一群才子佳人,就在这错综复杂的爱情纠葛下迷惘了,他们任情徜徉于水云间,却没想到,更在水云天地间踏遍红尘路,尝尽人间的苦与乐!梅若鸿和杜芊芊第一相遇是在苏堤上一个叫做“望山桥”的地方,梅若鸿被杜芊芊的美丽惊呆了,他迫不及待的要把芊芊带回“醉马画会”给朋友们看。
  • 人生即修行 且行且珍惜

    人生即修行 且行且珍惜

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  • 天宫之主


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