

Presently he knocked on the door of the little library, opened it when permission came in Cyrilla's voice.She was reading the evening paper--he did not see the glasses she hastily thrust into a drawer.In that soft light she looked a scant thirty, handsome, but for his taste too intellectual of type to be attractive--except as a friend.

``Well,'' said he, as he lit a cigarette and dropped the match into the big copper ash-bowl, ``I'll bet you can't guess what I've been up to.''

``Making love to Miss Stevens,'' replied she.``And very foolish it is of you.She's got a steady head in that way.''

``You're mighty right,'' said he heartily.``And Iadmire her for that more than for anything else.I'd trust her anywhere.''

``You're paying yourself a high compliment,''

laughed Cyrilla.

``How's that?'' inquired he.``You're too subtle for me.I'm a bit slow.''

Mrs.Brindley decided against explaining.It was not wise to risk raising an unjust doubt in the mind of a man who fancied that a woman who resisted him would be adamant to every other man.``Then I've got to guess again?'' said she.

``I've been asking her to marry me,'' said Stanley, who could contain it no longer.``Mrs.B.was released from me to-day by the court in Providence.''

``But SHE'S not free,'' said Cyrilla, a little severely.

Stanley looked confused, finally said: ``Yes, she is.

It's a queer story.Don't say anything.I can't explain.I know I can trust you to keep a close mouth.''

``Minding my own business is my one supreme talent,''

said Cyrilla.

``She hasn't accepted me--in so many words,'' pursued Baird, ``but I've hopes that it'll come out all right.''

``Naturally,'' commented Cyrilla dryly.

``I know I'm not--not objectionable to her.And how I do love her!'' He settled himself at his ease.

``I can't believe it's really me.I never thought I'd marry--just for love.Did you?''

``You're very self-indulgent,'' said Cyrilla.

``You mean I'm marrying her because I can't get her any other way.There's where you're wrong, Mrs.

Brindley.I'm marrying her because I don't want her any other way.That's why I know it's love.I didn't think I was capable of it.Of course, I've been rather strong after the ladies all my life.You know how it is with men.''

``I do,'' said Mrs.Brindley.

``No, you don't either,'' retorted he.``You're one of those cold, stand-me-off women who can't comprehend the nature of man.''

``As you please,'' said she.In her eyes there was a gleam that more than suggested a possibility of some man--some man she might fancy--seeing an amazingly different Cyrilla Brindley.

``I may say I was daft about pretty women,''

continued Baird.``I never read an item about a pretty woman in the papers, or saw a picture of a pretty woman that I didn't wish I knew her--well.Can you imagine that?'' laughed he.

``Commonplace,'' said Cyrilla.``All men are so.

That's why the papers always describe the woman as pretty and why the pictures are published.''

``Really? Yes, I suppose so.'' Baird looked chagrined.``Anyhow, here I am, all for one woman.

And why? I can't explain it to myself.She's pretty, lovely, entrancing sometimes.She has charm, grace, sweetness.She dresses well and carries herself with a kind of sweet haughtiness.She looks as if she knew a lot--and nothing bad.Do you know, I can't imagine her having been married to that beast! I've tried to imagine it.I simply can't.''

``I shouldn't try if I were you,'' said Mrs.Brindley.

``But I was talking about why I love her.Does this bore you?''

``A little,'' laughed Cyrilla.``I'd rather hear some man talking about MY charms.But go on.You are amusing, in a way.''

``I'll wager I am.You never thought I'd be caught?

I believed I was immune--vaccinated against it.

I thought I knew all the tricks and turns of the sex.

Yet here I am!''

``What do you think caught you?''

``That's the mystery.It's simply that I can't do without her.Everything she looks and says and does interests me more than anything else in the world.And when I'm not with her I'm wishing I were and wondering how she's looking or what she's saying or doing.You don't think she'll refuse me?'' This last with real anxiety.

``I haven't an idea,'' replied Mrs.Brindley.``She's --peculiar.In some moods she would.In others, she couldn't.And I've never been able to settle to my satisfaction which kind of mood was the real Mary Stevens.''

``She IS queer, isn't she?'' said Stanley thoughtfully.

``But I've told her she'd be free to go on with the career.

Fact is, I want her to do it.''

Mrs.Brindley's eyes twinkled.``You think it would justify you to your set in marrying her, if she made a great hit?''

Stanley blushed ingenuously.``I'll not deny that has something to do with it,'' he admitted.``And why not?''

``Why not, indeed?'' said she.``But, after she had made the hit, you'd want her to quit the stage and take her place in society.Isn't that so?''

``You ARE a keen one,'' exclaimed he admiringly.

``But I didn't say that to her.And you won't, will you?''

``It's hardly necessary to ask that,'' said Mrs.

Brindley.``Now, suppose-- You don't mind my talking about this?''

``What I want,'' replied he.``I can't talk or think anything but her.''

``Now, suppose she shouldn't make a hit.Suppose she should fail--should not develop reliable voice enough?''

Stanley looked frightened.``But she can't fail,''

he cried with over-energy.``There's no question about her voice.''

``I understand,'' Mrs.Brindley hastened to say.``Iwas simply making conversation with her as the subject.''

``Oh, I see.'' Stanley settled back.

``Suppose she should prove not to be a great artist--what then?'' persisted Cyrilla, who was deeply interested in the intricate obscure problem of what people really thought as distinguished from what they professed and also from what they imagined they thought.

``The fact that she's a great artist--that's part of her,'' said Baird.``If she weren't a great singer, she wouldn't be she--don't you see?''

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