

``No,--never mind.The dress of woman--of your kind of women.It is not serious.'' He laughed grimly.``As for the other kind, their dress is the only serious thing about them.It is a mistake to think that women who dress badly are serious.My experience has been that they are the most foolish of all.Fashionable dress--it is part of a woman's tools.It shows that she is good at her business.The women who try to dress like men, they are good neither at men's business nor at women's.''

This, while Mildred was behind the screen, loosening her corset--though, in fact, she wore it so loose at all times that she inconvenienced herself simply to show her willingness to do as she was told.When she came out, Moldini put her through a rigid physical examination --made her breathe while he held one hand on her stomach, the other on her back, listened at her heart, opened wide her throat and peered down, thrust his long strong fingers deep into the muscles of her arms, her throat, her chest, until she had difficulty in not crying out with pain.

``The foundation is there,'' was his verdict.``You have a good body, good muscles, but flabby--a lady's muscles, not an opera singer's.And you are stiff--not so stiff as when you first came here, but stiff for a professional.Ah, we must go at this scientifically, thoroughly.''

``You will teach me to breathe--and how to produce my voice naturally?''

``I will teach you nothing,'' replied he.``I will tell you what to do, and you will teach yourself.You must get strong--strong in the supple way--and then you will sing as God intended.The way to sing, dear young lady, is to sing.Not to breathe artificially, and make faces, and fuss with your throat, but simply to drop your mouth and throat open and let it out!''

Mildred produced from her hand-bag the Keith paper.``What do YOU think of that?'' she asked.

Presently he looked up from his reading.``This part I have seen before,'' said he.``It is Lucia Rivi's.

Her cousin, Lotta Drusini, showed it to me--she was a great singer also.''

``You approve of it?''

``If you will follow that for two years, faithfully, you will be securely great, and then you will follow it all your singing life--and it will be long.But remember, dear young lady, I said IF you follow it, and I said faithfully.I do not believe you can.''

``Why not?'' said Mildred.

``Because that means self-denial, colossal self-denial.

You love things to eat--yes?''

Mildred nodded.

``We all do,'' said Moldini.``And we hate routine, and we like foolish, aimless little pleasures of all kinds.''

``And it will be two years before I can try grand opera--can make my living?'' said Mildred slowly.

``I did not say that.I said, before you would be great.No, you can sing, I think, in--wait.''

Moldini flung rapidly through an enormous mass of music on a large table.``Ah, here!'' he cried, and he showed her a manuscript of scales.``Those two papers.

It does not look much? Well, I have made it up, myself.And when you can sing those two papers perfectly, you will be a greater singer than any that ever lived.'' He laughed delightedly.``Yes, it is all there--in two pages.But do not weep, dear lady, because you will never sing them perfectly.You will do very well if-- Always that if, remember! Now, let us see.Take this, sit in the chair, and begin.Don't bother about me.I expect nothing.Just do the best you can.''

Desperation, when it falls short of despair, is the best word for achievement.Mildred's voice, especially at the outset, was far from perfect condition.Her high notes, which had never been developed properly, were almost bad.But she acquitted herself admirably from the standpoint of showing what her possibilities were.And Moldini, unkempt, almost unclean, but as natural and simple and human a soul as ever paid the penalties of poverty and obscurity and friendlessness for being natural and simple and human, exactly suited her peculiar temperament.She knew that he liked her, that he believed in her; she knew that he was as sympathetic toward her as her own self, that there was no meanness anywhere in him.So she sang like a bird--a bird that was not too well in soul or in body, but still a bird out in the sunshine, with the airs of spring cheer-ing his breast and its foliage gladdening his eyes.He kept her at it for nearly an hour.She saw that he was pleased, that he had thought out some plan and was bursting to tell her, but had forbidden himself to speak of it.He said:

``You say you have no money?''

``No, but I shall get it.''

``You may have to pay high for it--yes?''

She colored, but did not flinch.``At worst, it will be --unpleasant, but that's all.''

``Wait one--two days--until you hear from me.

I may--I do not say will, but may--get it.Yes, Iwho have nothing.'' He laughed gayly.``And we--you and I--we will divide the spoils.'' Gravely.``Do not misunderstand.That was my little joke.If I get the money for you it will be quite honorable and businesslike.

So--wait, dear young lady.''

As she was going, she could not resist saying:

``You are SURE I can sing?--IF, of course--always the if.''

``It is not to be doubted.''

``How well, do you think?''

``You mean how many dollars a night well? You mean as well as this great singer or that? I do not know.And you are not to compare yourself with anyone but yourself.You will sing as well as Mildred Gower at her best.''

For some reason her blood went tingling through her veins.If she had dared she would have kissed him.

  • Latter-Day Pamphlets

    Latter-Day Pamphlets

  • 明伦汇编人事典志愿部


  • 太上玄司灭罪紫府消灾法忏


  • 道德经注


  • 朱柏庐诗文选


  • 个体赋能:新时代加速成长隐性逻辑


  • 河海昆仑录(西北史地丛书·第三辑)


  • 事故的寡妇


  • 重生之华年


  • 媚骨生香,王的二嫁妖妃


  • 重生古代做村姑


  • 每天学点佛学智慧:不生气


  • 重生之醉爱


  • 十不二门义


  • 锦绣良缘:二嫁腹黑相公

