

"Could you keep him away till about eleven tomorrow?""Yes, I suppose I might.He has got to get some clothes and get some of the wool off him.But why do you ask?""Well, I thought I would just run in and dust, and put some flowers up, and, you know, make it a little more homelike.""Helen, you're a brick.I had decided to drop you because I didn't love you, but I am changing my mind.""Well, do not let him go before eleven.Everything will be right by that time.""Good!" said Brown, with an ebullition of rapture, which he immediately suppressed as Helen's eyes were turned inquiringly upon him."You see," he explained hurriedly, "he has been in the West and will need to get a lot of things, and that will give you plenty of time.There's my car.Good-by.We have had a happy afternoon, eh?""Oh, yes, very happy, thank you," said Helen, but she could not quite suppress a little sigh.

"Well, good-by," said Brown, and he went off, jubilant to his car.

He sat down in a corner, and thought hard till he came to his street."If he'll only play up we'll win, sure thing.But will he, confound him, will he? Well, the kick-off will be to-morrow."He found Shock waiting in his rooms, with a face so grave and so sad that Brown's heart grew sore for him.

"Come on, old chap, we'll go to grub.But first I am going to groom you a bit.We'll take a foot or two off your hair since the football season is over; and I think," examining him critically, "we can spare that beard, unless you are very fond of it."Shock protested that he had no particular love for his beard; it was better for the cold weather, and it was not always convenient for him to shave.

When the barber had finished with Shock, Brown regarded him with admiration.

"You are all right, old chap.I say, you've got thin, haven't you?""No, I am pretty much in my playing form.""Well, there is something different." And there was.The boyish lines of his face had given place to those that come to men with the cares and griefs and responsibilities of life.And as Brown looked over Shock's hard, lean face, he said again, with emphasis, "You'll do."After dinner Shock wandered about the rooms uneasily for a time, and finally said, "I say, Brown, I would like to go up home, if you don't mind." They had not yet spoken of what each knew was uppermost in the other's mind.

"All right, Shock.But wouldn't it be better in the morning?""I want to go to-night," said Shock.

"Well, if you are bound to, we will go up in an hour or two.There's a lot of things I want to talk about, and some things to arrange,"replied Brown hoping that in the meantime something might turn up to postpone the visit till the morning.

For a second time that day Fortune smiled upon Brown, for hardly had they settled down for a talk when the Superintendent appeared.

"I am glad to find you in," he said, giving Shock's hand a vigorous shake."I came to offer you my congratulations upon your appearance this afternoon, and also to tell you that the Committee have appointed you to address the Assembly on Home Mission night.""Hooray!" cried Brown."Your Committee, Doctor, is composed of men who evidently know a good thing when they see it.""Sometimes, Mr.Brown, sometimes," said the Superintendent, shrewdly.

But Shock refused utterly and absolutely.

"I am no speaker," he said."I am a failure as a speaker.""Well, Mr.Macgregor, I will not take your refusal to-night.It is the Committee's request, and you ought to hesitate before refusing it.""A man can do no more than his best," said Shock, "and I know Icannot speak."

"Well, think it over," said the Superintendent, preparing to go.

"Oh, sit down, sit down," cried Brown."You must want to have a talk with Shock here, and I want to hear all about this afternoon.""Well," said the Superintendent, seating himself, "it is not often Ihave a chance to talk with a Prospector, so I will accept your invitation." And by the time the talk was done it was too late for Shock to think of visiting his home, and Brown went asleep with the happy expectation of what he called the "kick-off" next day.

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    爱是人生的光点,我想你时,觉得自己站在光亮处。米炎凉 惊艳之作 收录《一万次别离》短篇 景教授甜宠番外用什么交换你的爱情?永远的信仼和忠诚,以及,更多的爱情。