"What, mademoiselle," said the princess; "do you dare take such a course, without my orders, after what has just passed? It is really quite unheard-of."
"It confounds one," added Tripeaud; "but we must not be surprised at anything."
The moment Adrienne asked the doctor if his carriage was below, D'Aigrigny started.A look of intense satisfaction flashed across his countenance, and he could hardly repress the violence of his delight, when, darting, a rapid and significant glance at the doctor, he saw the latter respond to it by trace closing his eyelids in token of comprehension and assent.
When therefore the princess resumed, in an angry tone, addressing herself to Adrienne: "Madame, I forbid you leaving the house!"--D'Aigrigny said to the speaker, with a peculiar inflection of the voice: "I think, your highness, we may trust the lady to the doctor's care."
The marquis pronounced these words in so significant a manner, that the princess, having looked by turns at the physician and D'Aigrigny, understood it all, and her countenance grew radiant with joy.
Not only did this pass with extreme rapidity, but the night was already almost come, so that Adrienne, absorbed in painful thoughts with regard to Agricola, did not perceive the different signals exchanged between the princess, the doctor, and the abbe.Even had she done so, they would have been incomprehensible to her.
Not wishing to have the appearance of yielding too readily, to the suggestion of the marquis, Madame de Saint-Dizier resumed: "Though the doctor seems to me to be far too indulgent to mademoiselle, I might not see any great objection to trusting her with him; but that I do not wish to establish such a precedent, for hence forward she must have no will but mine."
"Madame," said the physician gravely, feigning to be somewhat shocked by the words of the Princess de Saint-Dizier, "I do not think I have been too indulgent to mademoiselle--but only just.I am at her orders, to take her to the minister if she wishes it.I do not know what she intends to solicit, but I believe her incapable of abusing the confidence I repose in her, or making me support a recommendation undeserved."
Adrienne, much moved, extended her hand cordially to the doctor, and said to him: "Rest assured, my excellent friend, that you will thank me for the step I am taking, for you will assist in a noble action."
Tripeaud, who was not in the secret of the new plans of the doctor and the abbe in a low voice faltered to the latter, with a stupefied air, "What! will you let her go?"
"Yes, yes," answered D'Aigrigny abruptly, making a sign that he should listen to the princess, who was about to speak.Advancing towards her niece, she said to her in a slow and measured tone, laying a peculiar emphasis on every word: "One moment more, mademoiselle--one last word in presence of these gentlemen.Answer me! Notwithstanding the heavy charges impending over you, are you still determined to resist my formal commands?"
"Yes, madame."
"Notwithstanding the scandalous exposure which has just taken place, you still persist in withdrawing yourself from my authority?"
"Yes, madame."
"You refuse positively to submit to the regular and decent mode of life which I would impose upon you?"
"I have already told you, madame, that I am about to quit this dwelling in order to live alone and after my own fashion."
"Is that your final decision?"
"It is my last word."
"Reflect! the matter is serious.Beware!"
"I have given your highness my last word, and I never speak it twice."
"Gentlemen, you hear all this?" resumed the princess; "I have tried in vain all that was possible to conciliate.Mademoiselle will have only herself to thank for the measures to which this audacious revolt will oblige me to have recourse."
"Be it so, madame," replied Adrienne.Then, addressing M.Baleinier, she said quickly to him: "Come, my dear doctor; I am dying with impatience.
Let us set out immediately.Every minute lost may occasion bitter tears to an honest family."
So saying, Adrienne left the room precipitately with the physician.One of the servants called for M.Baleinier's carriage.Assisted by the doctor, Adrienne mounted the step, without perceiving that he said something in a low whisper to the footman that opened the coach-door.
When, however, he was seated by the side of Mdlle.de Cardoville, and the door was closed upon them, he waited for about a second, and then called out in a loud voice to the coachman: "To the house of the minister, by the private entrance!" The horses started at a gallop.