

"As were all who approached my mistress," said Florine, sorrowfully.

"This morning," resumed the sewing-girl, "when, according to Agricola's instructions, I wished to speak to his father on the subject, I found him already gone out, for he also is a prey to great anxieties; but my adopted brother's letter appeared to me so pressing, and to involve something of such consequence to Mdlle.de Cardoville, who had shown herself so generous towards him, that I came here immediately."

"Unfortunately, as you already know, my mistress is no longer here."

"But is there no member of her family to whom, if I could not speak myself, I might at least send word by you, that Agricola has something to communicate of importance to this young lady?"

"It is strange!" said Florine, reflecting, and without replying.Then, turning towards the sempstress, she added: "You are quite ignorant of the nature of these revelations?"

"Completely so, mademoiselle; but I know Agricola.He is all honor and truth, and you may believe whatever he affirms.Besides, he would have no interest--"

"Good gracious!" interrupted Florine, suddenly, as if struck with a sadden light; "I have just remembered something.When he was arrested in a hiding-place where my mistress had concealed him, I happened to be close at hand, and M.Agricola said to me, in a quick whisper: `Tell your generous mistress that her goodness to me will not go unrewarded, and that my stay in that hiding-place may not be useless to her.' That was all he could say to me, for they hurried him off instantly.I confess that I saw in those words only the expression of his gratitude, and his hope of proving it one day to my mistress; but now that I connect them with the letter he has written you--" said Florine, reflecting.

"Indeed!" remarked Mother Bunch, "there is certainly some connection between his hiding-place here and the important secrets which he wishes to communicate to your mistress, or one of her family."

"The hiding-place had neither been inhabited nor visited for some time,"

said Florine, with a thoughtful air; "M.Agricola may have found therein something of interest to my mistress."

"If his letter had not appeared to me so pressing," resumed the other, "I should not have come hither; but have left him to do so himself, on his release from prison, which now, thanks to the generosity of one of his old fellow-workmen, cannot be very distant.But, not knowing if bail would be accepted to-day, I have wished faithfully to perform his instructions.The generous kindness of your mistress made it my first duty."

Like all persons whose better instincts are still roused from time to time, Florine felt a sort of consolation in doing good whenever she could with impunity--that is to say, without exposing herself to the inexorable resentments of those on whom she depended.Thanks to Mother Bunch, she might now have an opportunity of rendering a great service to her mistress.She knew enough of the Princess de Saint-Dizier's hatred of her niece, to feel certain that Agricola's communication could not, from its very importance, be made with safety to any but Mdlle.de Cardoville herself.She therefore said very gravely: "Listen to me, mademoiselle!

I will give you a piece of advice which will, I think, be useful to my poor mistress--but which would be very fatal to me if you did not attend to my recommendations."

"How so, mademoiselle?" said the hunchback, looking at Florine with extreme surprise.

"For the sake of my mistress, M.Agricola must confide to no one, except herself, the important things he has to communicate."

"But, if he cannot see Mdlle.Adrienne, may he not address himself to some of her family?"

"It is from her family, above all, that he must conceal whatever he knows.Mdlle.Adrienne may recover, and then M.Agricola can speak to her.But should she never get well again, tell your adopted brother that it is better for him to keep his secret than to place it (which would infallibly happen) at the disposal of the enemies of my mistress."

"I understand you, mademoiselle," said Mother Bunch, sadly."The family of your generous mistress do not love her, and perhaps persecute her?"

"I cannot tell you more on this subject now; and, as regards myself, let me conjure you to obtain M.Agricola's promise that he will not mention to any one in the world the step you have taken, or the advice I have given you.The happiness--no, not the happiness," resumed Florine bitterly, as if that were a lost hope, "not the happiness--but the peace of my life depends upon your discretion."

"Oh! be satisfied!" said the sewing-girl, both affected and amazed by the sorrowful expression of Florine's countenance; "I will not be ungrateful.

No one in the world but Agricola shall know that I have seen you."

"Thank you--thank you, mademoiselle," cried Florine, with emotion.

"Do you thank me?" said the other, astonished to see the large tears roll down her cheeks.

"Yes! I am indebted to you for a moment of pure, unmixed happiness; for I have perhaps rendered a service to my dear mistress, without risking the increase of the troubles that already overwhelm me."

"You are not happy, then?"

"That astonishes you; but, believe me, whatever may be, your fate, I would gladly change with you."

"Alas, mademoiselle!" said the sempstress: "you appear to have too good a heart, for me to let you entertain such a wish--particularly now."

"What do you mean?"

"I hope sincerely, mademoiselle," proceeded Mother Bunch, with deep sadness, "that you may never know what it is to want work, when labor is your only resource."

"Are you reduced to that extremity?" cried Florine, looking anxiously at the young sempstress, who hung her head, and made no answer.She reproached herself, in her excessive delicacy, with having made a communication which resembled a complaint, though it had only been wrung from her by the thought of her dreadful situation.

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  • 睽车志


  • 隆平纪事


  • 揽辔录


  • 方便心论


  • 这个恋爱,给满分


  • 救世伟人(第二次世界大战史丛书)


  • 小匡


  • 异能小毒妃


  • 人谱类记


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  • 八至


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  • 魔君的懒妃


  • 天道后裔

