

Dizier, Abbe d'Aigrigny, and Dr.Baleinier had occasioned her, she promised herself, not reprisals, but a striking reparation.If it were refused her, she was resolved to combat--without truce or rest--this combination of craft, hypocrisy, and cruelty, not from resentment for what she had endured, but to preserve from the same torments other innocent victims, who might not, like her, be able to struggle and defend themselves.Adrienne, still under the painful impression which had been caused by her interview with Rose Simon, was leaning against one of the sides of the rustic bench on which she was seated, and held her left hand over her eyes.She had laid down her bonnet beside her, and the inclined position of her head brought the long golden curls over her fair, shining cheeks.In this recumbent attitude, so full of careless grace, the charming proportions of her figure were seen to advantage beneath a watered green dress, while a broad collar, fastened with a rose-colored satin bow, and fine lace cuffs, prevented too strong a contrast between the hue of her dress and the dazzling whiteness of the swan-like neck and Raphaelesque hands, imperceptibly veined with tiny azure lines.Over the high and well-formed instep, were crossed the delicate strings of a little, black satin shoe--for Dr.Baleinier had allowed her to dress herself with her usual taste, and elegance of costume was not with Adrienne a mark of coquetry, but of duty towards herself, because she had been made so beautiful.At sight of this young lady, whose dress and appearance she admired in all simplicity, without any envious or bitter comparison with her own poor clothes and deformity of person, Mother Bunch said immediately to herself, with the good sense and sagacity peculiar to her, that it was strange a mad woman should dress so sanely and gracefully.It was therefore with a mixture of surprise and emotion that she approached the fence which separated her from Adrienne--

reflecting, however, that the unfortunate girl might still be insane, and that this might turn out to be merely a lucid interval.And now, with a timid voice, but loud enough to be heard, Mother Bunch, in order to assure herself of Adrienne's identity, said, whilst her heart beat fast:

"Mdlle.de Cardoville!"

"Who calls me?" said Adrienne.On hastily raising her head, and perceiving the hunchback, she could not suppress a slight cry of surprise, almost fright.For indeed this poor creature, pale, deformed, miserably clad, thus appearing suddenly before her, must have inspired Mdlle, de Cardoville, so passionately fond of grace and beauty, with a feeling of repugnance, if not of terror--and these two sentiments were both visible in her expressive countenance.

The other did not perceive the impression she had made.Motionless, with her eyes fixed, and her hands clasped in a sort of adoring admiration, she gazed on the dazzling beauty of Adrienne, whom she had only half seen through the grated window.All that Agricola had told her of the charms of his protectress, appeared to her a thousand times below the reality;

and never, even in her secret poetic visions, had she dreamed of such rare perfection.Thus, by a singular contrast, a feeling of mutual surprise came over these two girls--extreme types of deformity and beauty, wealth and wretchedness.After rendering, as it were, this involuntary homage to Adrienne, Mother Bunch advanced another step towards the fence.

"What do you want?" cried Mdlle.de Cardoville, rising with a sentiment of repugnance, which could not escape the work-girl's notice;

accordingly, she held down her head timidly, and said in a soft voice: "I beg your pardon, madame, to appear so suddenly before you.But moments are precious, I come from Agricola."

As she pronounced these words, the sempstress raised her eyes anxiously, fearing that Mdlle.de Cardoville might have forgotten the name of the workman.But, to her great surprise and joy, the fears of Adrienne seemed to diminish at the name of Agricola, and approaching the fence, she looked at the speaker with benevolent curiosity.

"You come from M.Agricola Baudoin?" said she."Who are you?"

"His adopted sister, madame--a poor needlewoman, who lives in the same house."

Adrienne appeared to collect her thoughts, and said, smiling kindly, after a moment's silence: "It was you then, who persuaded M.Agricola to apply to me to procure him bail?"

"Oh, madame, do you remember--"

"I never forget anything that is generous and noble.M.Agricola was much affected when he spoke of your devotion.I remember it well; it would be strange if I did not.But how came you here, in this convent?"

"They told me that I should perhaps be able to get some occupation here, as I am out of work.Unfortunately, I have been refused by the lady superior."

"And how did you recognize me?"

"By your great beauty, madame, of which Agricola had told me."

"Or rather by this," said Adrienne, smiling as she lifted, with the tips of her rosy fingers, one end of a long, silky ringlet of golden hair.

"You must pardon Agricola, madame," said the sewing girl, with one of those half smiles, which rarely settled on her lips: "he is a poet, and omitted no single perfection in the respectful and admiring description which he gave of his protectress."

"And what induced you to come and speak to me?"

"The hope of being useful to you, madame.You received Agricola with so much goodness, that I have ventured to go shares in his gratitude."

"You may well venture to do so, my dear girl," said Adrienne, with ineffable grace; "until now, unfortunately, I have only been able to serve your adopted brother by intention."

As they exchanged these words, Adrienne and Mother Bunch looked at each other with increasing surprise.The latter was, first of all, astonished that a person who passed for mad should express herself as Adrienne did;

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