size, and represented one a woman, the other a man.By the sober yet powerful coloring of these paintings, by the large and vigorous style, it was easy to recognize a master's hand.It would have been difficult to find models more fitted to inspire a great painter.The woman appeared to be from five-and-twenty to thirty years of age.Magnificent brown hair, with golden tints, crooned a forehead, white, noble, and lofty.
Her head-dress, far from recalling the fashion, which Madame de Sevigne brought in during the age of Louis XIV., reminded one rather of some of the portraits of Paul Veronese, in which the hair encircles the face in broad, undulating bands, surmounted by a thick plait, like a crown, at the back of the head.The eyebrows, finely pencilled, were arched over large eyes of bright, sapphire blue.Their gaze at once proud and mournful, had something fatal about it.The nose, finely formed, terminated in slight dilated nostrils: a half smile, almost of pain, contracted the mouth; the face was a long oval, and the complexion, extremely pale, was hardly shaded on the cheek by a light rose-color.
The position of the head and neck announced a rare mixture of grace and dignity.A sort of tunic or robe, of glossy black material, came as high as the commencement of her shoulders, and just marking her lithe and tall figure, reached down to her feet, which were almost entirely concealed by the folds of this garment.
The attitude was full of nobleness and simplicity.The head looked white and luminous, standing out from a dark gray sky, marbled at the horizon by purple clouds, upon which were visible the bluish summits of distant hills, in deep shadow.The arrangement of the picture, as well as the warm tints of the foreground, contrasting strongly with these distant objects, showed that the woman was placed upon an eminence, from which she could view the whole horizon.The countenance was deeply pensive and desponding.There was an expression of supplicating and resigned grief, particularly in her look, half raised to heaven, which one would have thought impossible to picture.On the left side of the fireplace was the other portrait, painted with like vigor.It represented a man, between thirty and thirty-five years of age, of tall stature.A large brown cloak, which hung round him in graceful folds, did not quite conceal a black doublet, buttoned up to the neck, over which fell a square white collar.The handsome and expressive head was marked with stern powerful lines, which did not exclude an admirable air of suffering, resignation, and ineffable goodness.The hair, as well as the beard and eyebrows, was black; and the latter, by some singular caprice of nature, instead of being separated and forming two distinct arches, extended from one temple to the other, in a single bow, and seemed to mark the forehead of this man with a black line.
The background of this picture also represented a stormy sky; but, beyond some rocks in the distance, the sea was visible, and appeared to mingle with the dark clouds.The sun, just now shining upon these two remarkable figures (which it appeared impossible to forget, after once seeing them), augmented their brilliancy.
Starting from his reverie, and casting his eyes by chance upon these portraits, Samuel was greatly struck with them.They appeared almost alive."What noble and handsome faces!" he exclaimed, as he approached to examine them more closely."Whose are these portraits? They are not those of any of the Rennepont family, for my father told me that they are all in the Hall of Mourning.Alas!" added the old man, "one might think, from the great sorrow expressed in their countenances, that they ought to have a place in that mourning-chamber."
After a moment's silence, Samuel resumed: "Let me prepare everything for this solemn assembly, for it has struck ten." So saying, he placed the gilded arm-chairs round the table, and then continued, with a pensive air: "The hour approaches, and of the descendants of my grandfather's benefactor, we have seen only this young priest, with the angelic countenance.Can he be the sole representative of the Rennepont family?
He is a priest, and this family will finish with him! Well! the moment is come when I must open this door, that the will may be read.Bathsheba is bringing hither the notary.They knock at the door; it is time!" And Samuel, after casting a last glance towards the place where the clock had struck ten, hastened to the outer door, behind which voices were now audible.
He turned the key twice in the lock, and threw the portals open.To his great regret, he saw only Gabriel on the steps, between Rodin and Father d'Aigrigny.The notary, and Bathsheba, who had served them as a guide, waited a little behind the principal group.
Samuel could not repress a sigh, as he stood bowing on the threshold, and said to them: "All is ready, gentlemen.You may walk in."