

"Under these circumstances," resumed Father d'Aigrigny, "the hour fixed for the settlement of the inheritance having struck, and Abbe Gabriel being the only heir that presented himself, he became necessarily the only legitimate possessor of this immense wealth--enormous, no doubt--and charity makes me rejoice that it is enormous, for, thanks to it, many miseries will be relieved and many tears wiped away.But, all on a sudden, here comes this gentleman," said Father d'Aigrigny, pointing to Dagobert; "and, under some delusion, which I forgive from the bottom of my soul, and which I am sure he will himself regret, accuses me, with insults and threats, with having carried off (I know not where) some persons (I know not whom), in order to prevent their being here at the proper time--"

"Yes, I accuse you of this infamy!" cried the soldier exasperated by the calmness and audacity of the reverend father: "yes--and I will--"

"Once again, sir, I conjure you to be so good as to let me finish; you can reply afterwards," said Father d'Aigrigny, humbly, in the softest and most honeyed accents.

"Yes, I will reply, and confound you!" cried Dagobert.

"Let him finish, father.You can speak presently," said Agricola.

The soldier was silent as Father d'Aigrigny continued with new assurance:

"Doubtless, if there should really be any other heirs, besides the Abbe Gabriel, it is unfortunate for them that they have not appeared in proper time.And if, instead of defending the cause of the poor and needy, I had only to look to my own interest, I should be far from availing myself of this advantage, due only to chance; but, as a trustee for the great family of the poor, I am obliged to maintain my absolute right to this inheritance; and I do not doubt that M.Notary will acknowledge the validity of my claim, and deliver to me these securities, which are now my legitimate property."

"My only mission," replied the notary, in an agitated voice, "is faithfully to execute the will of the testator.The Abbe Gabriel de Rennepont alone presented himself, within the term fixed by the testament.The deed of gift is in due form; I cannot refuse, therefore, to deliver to the person named in the deed the amount of the heritage--"

On these words Samuel hid his face in his hands, and heaved a deep sigh;

he was obliged to acknowledge the rigorous justice of the notary's observations.

"But, sir," cried Dagobert, addressing the man of law, "this cannot be.

You will not allow two poor orphans to be despoiled.It is in the name of their father and mother that I speak to you.I give you my honor--the honor of a soldier!--that they took advantage of the weakness of my wife to carry the daughters of Marshal Simon to a convent, and thus prevent me bringing them here this morning.It is so true, that I have already laid my charge before a magistrate."

"And what answer did you receive?" said the notary.

"That my deposition was not sufficient for the law to remove these young girls from the convent in which they were, and that inquiries would be made--"

"Yes, sir," added Agricola, "and it was the same with regard to Mdlle.

de Cardoville, detained as mad in a lunatic asylum, though in the full enjoyment of her reason.Like Marshal Simon's daughters, she too has a claim to this inheritance.I took the same steps for her, as my father took for Marshal Simon's daughters."

"Well?" asked the notary.

"Unfortunately, sir," answered Agricola, "they told me; as they did my father, that my deposition would not suffice, and that they must make inquiries."

At this moment, Bathsheba, having heard the street-bell ring, left the Red Room at a sign from Samuel.The notary resumed, addressing Agricola and his father: "Far be it from me, gentlemen, to call in question your good faith; but I cannot, to my great regret, attach such importance to your accusations, which are not supported by proof, as to suspend the regular legal course.According to your own confession, gentlemen, the authorities, to whom you addressed yourselves, did not see fit to interfere on your depositions, and told you they would inquire further.

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    本书是响应习近平号召牢记历史的教训,中纪委推介的“2015新年第一书”,王岐山最新推荐!《中国新闻出版报》优秀畅销书榜总榜第一名!美国普利策奖获得者的传世经典,浓缩对历史经验教训的独特见解! 本书是美国著名学者、“普利策奖”获得者威尔杜兰特及其夫人阿里尔杜兰特的代表作。《历史的教训》浓缩了11卷《世界文明史》的精华,通过提纲挈领的线条,勾勒出历史与人类生活各方面的关系,详细说明了地理条件、经济状况、种族优劣、人类本性、宗教活动、社会主义、政府、战争、道德、盛衰定律、生物进化等在历史中所扮演的角色,并总结出历史留给人们的巨大精神遗产。 这些精神遗产给改革中的国人以启迪与警鉴,使其更加智慧地面对当下和未来。
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