


The carriage had travelled rapidly to Saint-Dizier House.During all the way, Rodin remained mute, contenting himself with observing Father d'Aigrigny, and listening to him, as he poured forth his grief and fury in a long monologue, interrupted by exclamations, lamentations, and bursts of rage, directed against the strokes of that inexorable destiny, which had ruined in a moment the best founded hopes.When the carriage entered the courtyard, and stopped before the portico, the princess's face could be seen through one of the windows, half hidden by the folds of a curtain; in her burning anxiety, she came to see if it was really Father d'Aigrigny who arrived at the house.Still more, in defiance of all ordinary rules, this great lady, generally so scrupulous as to appearances, hurried from her apartment, and descended several steps of the staircase, to meet Father d'Aigrigny, who was coming up with a dejected air.At sight of the livid and agitated countenance of the reverend father, the princess stopped suddenly, and grew pale.She suspected that all was lost.A look rapidly exchanged with her old lover left her no doubt of the issue she so much feared.Rodin humbly followed the reverend father, and both, preceded by the princess, entered the room.The door once closed, the princess, addressing Father d'Aigrigny,, exclaimed with unspeakable anguish: "What has happened?"

Instead of answering this question, the reverend father, his eyes sparkling with rage, his lips white, his features contracted, looked fixedly at the princess, and said to her: "Do you know the amount of this inheritance, that we estimated at forty millions?"

"I understand," cried the princess; "we have been deceived.The inheritance amounts to nothing, and all you have dare has been in vain."

"Yes, it has indeed been in vain," answered the reverend father, grinding his teeth with rage; "it was no question of forty millions, but of two hundred and twelve millions.

"Two hundred and twelve millions!" repeated the princess in amazement, as she drew back a step."It is impossible!"

"I tell you I saw the vouchers, which were examined by the notary."

"Two hundred and twelve millions?" resumed the princess, with deep dejection."It is an immense and sovereign power--and you have renounced--you have not struggled for it, by every possible means, and till the last moment?"

"Madame, I have done all that I could!--notwithstanding the treachery of Gabriel, who this very morning declared that he renounced us, and separated from the Society."

"Ungrateful!" said the princess, unaffectedly.

"The deed of gift, which I had the precaution to have prepared by the notary, was in such good, legal form, that in spite of the objections of that accursed soldier and his son, the notary had put me in possession of the treasure."

"Two hundred and twelve millions!" repeated the princess clasping her hands."Verily it is like a dream!"

"Yes," replied Father d'Aigrigny, bitterly, "for us, this possession is indeed a dream, for a codicil has been discovered, which puts off for three months and a half all the testamentary provisions.Now that our very precautions have roused the suspicion of all these heirs--now that they know the enormous amount at stake--they will be upon their guard;

and all is lost."

"But who is the wretch that produced this codicil?"

"A woman."

"What woman?"

"Some wandering creature, that Gabriel says he met in America, where she saved his life."

"And how could this woman be there--how could she know the existence of this codicil?"

"I think it was all arranged with a miserable Jew, the guardian of the house, whose family has had charge of the funds for three generations; he had no doubt some secret instructions, in case he suspected the detention of any of the heirs, for this Marius de Rennepont had foreseen that our Company would keep their eyes upon his race."

"But can you not dispute the validity of this codicil?"

"What, go to law in these times--litigate about a will--incur the certainty of a thousand clamors, with no security for success?--It is bad enough, that even this should get wind.Alas! it is terrible.So near the goal! after so much care and trouble.An affair that had been followed up with so much perseverance during a century and a half!"

"Two hundred and twelve millions!" said the princess."The Order would have had no need to look for establishments in foreign countries; with such resources, it would have been able to impose itself upon France."

"Yes," resumed Father d'Aigrigny, with bitterness; "by means of education, we might have possessed ourselves of the rising generation.

The power is altogether incalculable." Then, stamping with his foot, he resumed: "I tell you, that it is enough to drive one mad with rage! an affair so wisely, ably, patiently conducted!"

"Is there no hope?"

"Only that Gabriel may not revoke his donation, in as far as concerns himself.That alone would be a considerable sum--not less than thirty millions."

"It is enormous--it is almost what you hoped," said the princess; "then why despair?"

"Because it is evident that Gabriel will dispute this donation.However legal it may be, he will find means to annul it, now that he is free, informed as to our designs, and surrounded by his adopted family.I tell you, that all is lost.There is no hope left.I think it will be even prudent to write to Rome, to obtain permission to leave Paris for a while.This town is odious to me!"

"Oh, yes! I see that no hope is left- since you, my friend, have decided almost to fly."

  • 逢故人


  • 五代秘史


  • The Burial of the Guns

    The Burial of the Guns

  • 脚气集


  • 从政遗规


  • 宁静的木香镇


  • 第十旅馆


  • 吸血鬼国王(吸血鬼系列)


  • 最让你顿悟一生的感动故事(智慧背囊)


  • 云之美


  • 旧爱新欢:老公大人,早上好!


  • 败絮其外,金玉其中


  • 非常道:突破困境的另类法门


    中华民族是一个非常讲究“规矩”的民族,“无规矩不成方圆”更是成了挂在人们嘴边的金科玉律。于是,我们每个人从小接受的最多的教育就是要“说老实话,办老实事”,要“循规蹈矩”。任何不合常规、标新立异的想法和做法都会受到父母、老师、领导的呵斥,朋友、同事的讥笑,认为你是在异想天开、离经叛道,他们会迅速地把你的思想和行为拉回到“规矩”这个冠冕堂皇的“监狱”中来。这样做的结果就是,我们身边充斥的都是一些规规矩矩、不敢越雷池半步的老实人。他们无论在任何时候、做任何事、说任何话,都会严格按照大多数人心目中的既定程序来进行。这样的人多了会有好处吗?我们来看一看。 遇到危险的时候,他们往往惊慌失措;面对难题的时候,他们常常无计可施;言谈辩论的时候,他们总是哑口无言; 谈判博奕的时候,他们处处陷于被动; 商战竞争的时候,他们经常输多赢少;……够了,这样的人、这样的事已经够多了。套用“非著名相声演员”郭德纲的一句口头禅:“时代在发展,社会在进步”,昨天的真理在今天就有可能是谬误。如果一个人的躯体已经进入了信息时代,思维却还停留在遥远的从前,就会像一个没有灵魂的躯壳,怎么能为人处世、经商赚钱呢?所以,要想跟上时代的步伐,头脑就需要不断地更新,不断地去打破那些束缚你的所谓“规矩”。不要总是跟在别人的思想后面。重复别人走过的道路。当然,本书所说的“非常道”,并非是要你去违背国家的法律、社会的公德以及做人的原则,而是要你鼓励自己的头脑产生各种奇思怪想,促使自己从多个不同的角度去思考;是要你敢于经常地离开人群拥挤的常规道路,到那很少有人的小路上去探寻一番。没错,大胆地去试一试吧。也许,当你在“非常道”上勇敢地跨出第一步以后,困扰你许久的问题会迎刃而解,你的人生从此将与众不同。而这个,也正是我们编写此书的最终目的。
  • 无限恐怖之补全计划


  • 一人一心长厮守

