

"M.Hardy, a man full of honor and probity, who is also your relation, and interested in this inheritance, but kept away from Paris by infamous treachery.And another heir, an unfortunate artisan, who falling into a trap cleverly baited, has been thrown into a prison for debt."

"But, sir," said Adrienne, suddenly, "for whose advantage was this abominable plot, which really alarms me, first devised?"

"For the advantage of Abbe d'Aigrigny," answered Rodin.

"How, and by what right! Was he also an heir?"

"It would take too long to explain it to you, my dear young lady.You will know all one day.Only be convinced that your family has no more bitter enemy that Abbe d'Aigrigny."

"Sir," said Adrienne, giving way to one last suspicion, "I will speak frankly to you.How can I have deserved the interest that you seem to take in me, and that you even extend to all the members of my family?"

"My dear young lady," answered Rodin, with a smile, "were I to tell you the cause, you would only laugh at, or misapprehend me."

"Speak, I beg of you, sir.Do not mistrust me or yourself."

"Well, then, I became interested in you--devoted to you--because your heart is generous, your mind lofty, your character independent and proud.

Once attached to you, those of your race, who are indeed themselves worthy of interest, were no longer indifferent to me.To serve them was to serve you also."

"But, sir--admitting that you suppose me worthy of the too flattering praises you bestow upon me--how could you judge of my heart, my mind, my character?"

"I will tell you, my dear young lady; but first I must make another confession, that fills me with shame.If you were not even so wonderfully endowed, what you have suffered in this house should suffice to command the interest of every honest man--don't you think so?"

"I do think it should, sir."

"I might thus explain the interest I feel in you.But no--I confess it--

that would not have sufficed with me.Had you been only Mdlle.de Cardoville--a rich, noble, beautiful young lady--I should doubtless have pitied your misfortune; but I should have said to myself, 'This poor young lady is certainly much to be pitied; but what can I, poor man, do in it? My only resource is my post of secretary to the Abbe d'Aigrigny, and he would be the first that must be attacked.He is all-powerful, and I am nothing.To engage in a struggle with him would be to ruin myself, without the hope of saving this unfortunate person.' But when I learnt what you were, my dear young lady, I revolted, in spite of my inferiority.`No,' I said, `a thousand times, no! So fine an intellect, so great a heart, shall not be the victims of an abominable plot.I may perish in the struggle, but I will at least make the attempt.'"

No words can paint the mixture of delicacy, energy, and sensibility with which Rodin uttered these sentiments.As it often happens with people singularly repulsive and ill-favored, if they can once bring you to forget their ugliness, their very deformity becomes a source of interest and commiseration, and you say to yourself, "What a pity that such a mind, such a soul, should inhabit so poor a body!"--and you are touched and softened by the contrast.

It was thus that Mdlle.de Cardoville began to look upon Rodin.He had shown himself as simple and affectionate towards her as he had been brutal and insolent to Dr.Baleinier.One thing only excited the lively curiosity of Mdlle.de Cardoville--she wished to know how Rodin had conceived the devotion and admiration which she seemed to inspire.

"Forgive my indiscreet and obstinate curiosity, sir, but I wish to know--"

"How you were morally revealed to me--is it not so? Oh, my dear young lady! nothing is more simple.I will explain it to you in two words.

The Abbe d'Aigrigny saw in me nothing but a writing-machine, an obtuse, mute, blind instrument--"

"I thought M.d'Aigrigny had more penetration."

"And you are right, my dear young lady; he is a man of unparalleled sagacity; but I deceived him by affecting more than simplicity.Do not, therefore, think me false.No; I am proud in my manner--and my pride consists in never appearing above my position, however subaltern it may be! Do you know why? It is that, however haughty may be my superiors, I can say to myself, `They do not know my value.It is the inferiority of my condition, not me, that they humiliate.' By this I gain doubly--my self-love is spared, and I hate no one."

"Yes, I understand that sort of pride," said Adrienne, more and more struck with Rodin's original turn of mind.

"But let us return to what concerns you, my dear young lady.On the eve of the 13th of February, the Abbe d'Aigrigny delivered to me a paper in shorthand, and said to me, `Transcribe this examination; you may add that it is to support the decision of a family council, which has declared, in accordance with the report of Dr.Baleinier, the state of mind of Mdlle.

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