"As for myself, my dear Count," said Adrienne to M.de Montbron, with her usual frankness, "my resolution is not to be shaken.You have told me the effect that will be produced in the fashionable world, by the first appearance of Prince Djalma, an Indian nineteen years of age, of surprising beauty, proud and wild as a young lion arriving from his forest; it is new, it is extraordinary, you added; and, therefore, all the coquetries of civilized life will pursue him with an eagerness which makes me tremble for him.Now, seriously, my dear count it will not suit me to appear as the rival of so many fine ladies, who are about to expose themselves intrepidly to the claws of the young tiger.I take great interest in him, because he is my cousin, because he is handsome, because he is brave, and above all because he does not wear that horrible European dress.No doubt these are rare qualities--but not sufficient to make me change my mind.Besides, the good old philosopher, my new friend, has given me advice about this Indian, which you, my dear Count, who are not a philosopher, will yet approve.It is, for some time, to receive visits at home, but not to visit other people--which will spare me the awkwardness of meeting my royal cousin, and allow me to make a careful choice, even amongst my usual society.As my house will be an excellent one, my position most unusual, and as I shall be suspected of all sorts of naughty secrets, I shall be in no want of inquisitive visitors, who will amuse me a good deal, I assure you."
And as M.de Montbron asked, if the exile of the poor young Indian tiger was to last long, Adrienne answered: "As I shall see most of the persons, to whom you will introduce him, I shall be pleased to hear different opinions about him.If certain men speak well of him, and certain women ill, I shall have good hope of him.In a word, the opinion that I come to, in sifting the true from the false (you may leave that to my sagacity), will shorten or prolong the exile of my royal cousin."
Such were the formal intentions of Mdlle.de Cardoville with regard to Djalma, even on the day she went with Florine to the house he occupied.
In a word, she had positively resolved not to be known to him for some months to come.
After long reflecting that morning, on the chances that might yet offer themselves to satisfy the wants of her heart, Adrienne fell into a new, deep reverie.This charming creature, so full of life and youth, heaved a low sigh, raised her arms above her head, turned her profile towards the pillow, and remained for some moments as if powerless and vanquished.
Motionless beneath the white tissues that wrapped her round, she looked like a fair, marble statue, visible beneath a light layer of snow.
Suddenly, Adrienne raised herself up, drew her hand across her brow, and rang for her women.At the first silver tone of the bell, the two ivory doors opened.Georgette appeared on the threshold of the dressing-room, from which Frisky, a little black and-tan dog, with his golden collar, escaped with a joyful barking.Hebe appeared at the same time on the threshold of the bath-room.At the further end of this apartment, lighted from above, might be seen upon a green mat of Spanish leather, with golden ornaments, a crystal bath in the form of a long shell.The three only divisions in this masterpiece of glass work, were concealed by the elegant device of several large reeds in silver, which rose from the wide base of the bath, also of wrought silver, representing children and dolphins playing, among branches of natural coral, and azure shells.
Nothing could be more pleasing than the effect of these purple reeds and ultramarine shells, upon a dull ground of silver; the balsamic vapor, which rose from the warm, limpid, and perfumed water, that filled the crystal shell, spread through the bath-room, and floated like a light cloud into the sleeping-chamber.
Seeing Hebe in her fresh and pretty costume, bringing her a long bathing-
gown, hanging upon a bare and dimpled arm, Adrienne said to her: "Where is Florine, my child?"
"Madame, she went downstairs two hours ago; she was wanted for something very pressing."
"Who wanted her?"
"The young person who serves Madame as secretary.She went out this morning very early; and, as soon as she returned, she sent for Florine, who has not come back since."
"This absence no doubt relates to some important affair of my angelic minister of succor," said Adrienne, smiling, and thinking of the hunchback.Then she made a sign to Hebe to approach her bed.
About two hours after rising, Adrienne, having had herself dressed, as usual, with rare elegance, dismissed her women, and sent for Mother Bunch, whom she treated with marked deference, always receiving her alone.The young sempstress entered hastily, with a pale, agitated countenance, and said, in a trembling voice: "Oh, madame! my presentiments were justified.You are betrayed."
"Of what presentiments do you speak, my dear child!" said Adrienne, with surprise."Who betrays me?"
"M.Rodin!" answered the workgirl.