


Rodin entered.A rapid glance at Mdlle.de Cardoville and M.de Montbron told him at once that he was in a dilemma.In fact, nothing could be less encouraging than the faces of Adrienne and the count.The latter, when he disliked people, exhibited his antipathy, as we have already said, by an impertinently aggressive manner, which had before now occasioned a good number of duels.At sight of Rodin, his countenance at once assumed a harsh and insolent expression; resting his elbow on the chimney-piece, and conversing with Adrienne, he looked disdainfully over his shoulder, without taking the least notice of the Jesuit's low bow.

On the other hand, at sight of this man, Mdlle.de Cardoville almost felt surprise, that she should experience no movement of anger or hatred.The brilliant flame which burned in her heart, purified it from every vindictive sentiment.She smiled, on the contrary; for, glancing with gentle pride at the Indian Bacchus, and then at herself, she asked herself what two beings, so young, and fair, and free, and loving, could have to fear from this old, sordid man, with his ignoble and base countenance, now advancing towards her with the writhing of a reptile.

In a word, far from feeling anger or aversion with regard to Rodin, the young lady seemed full of the spirit of mocking gayety, and her large eyes, already lighted up with happiness, now sparkled with irony and mischief.Rodin felt himself ill at ease.People of his stamp greatly prefer violent to mocking enemies.They can encounter bursts of rage--

sometimes by falling on their knees, weeping, groaning, and beating their breasts--sometimes by turning on their adversary, armed and implacable.

But they are easily disconcerted by biting raillery; and thus it was with Rodin.He saw that between Adrienne de Cardoville and M.de Montbron, he was about to be placed in what is vulgarly termed a "regular fix."

The count opened the fire; still glancing over his shoulder, he said to Rodin: `Ah! you are here, my benevolent gentleman!"

"Pray, sir, draw a little nearer," said Adrienne, with a mocking smile.

"Best of friends and model of philosophers--as well as declared enemy of all fraud and falsehood--I have to pay you a thousand compliments."

"I accent anything from you, my dear young lady, even though undeserved,"

said the Jesuit, trying to smile, and thus exposing his vile yellow teeth; "but may I be informed how I have earned these compliments?"

"Your penetration, sir, which is rare--" replied Adrienne.

"And your veracity, sir," said the count, "which is perhaps no less rare--"

"In what have I exhibited my penetration, my dear young lady?" said Rodin, coldly."In what my veracity?" added he, turning towards M.de Montbron.

"In what, sir?" said Adrienne."Why, you have guessed a secret surrounded by difficulties and mystery.In a word, you have known how to read the depths of a woman's heart."

"I, my dear young lady?"

"You, sir! rejoice at it, for your penetration has had the most fortunate results."

"And your veracity has worked wonders," added the count.

"It is pleasant to do good, even without knowing it," said Rodin, still acting on the defensive, and throwing side glances by turns on the count and Adrienne; "but will you inform me what it is that deserves this praise--"

"Gratitude obliges me to inform you of it," said Adrienne, maliciously;

"you have discovered, and told Prince Djalma, that I was passionately in love.Well! I admire your penetration; it was true."

"You have also discovered, and told this lady, that Prince Djalma was passionately in love," resumed the count."Well! I admire your penetration, my dear sir; it was true."

Rodin looked confused, and at a loss for a reply.

"The person that I loved so passionately," said Adrienne, "was the prince."

"The person that the prince loved so passionately," resumed the count, "was this lady."

These revelations, so sudden and alarming, almost stunned Rodin; he remained mute and terrified, thinking of the future.

"Do you understand now, sir, the extent of our gratitude towards you?"

resumed Adrienne, in a still more mocking tone."Thanks to your sagacity, thanks to the touching interest you take in us, the prince and I are indebted to you for the knowledge of our mutual sentiments."

The Jesuit had now gradually recovered his presence of mind, and his apparent calmness greatly irritated M.de Montbron, who, but for Adrienne's presence, would have assumed another tone than jests.

"There is some mistake," said Rodin, "in what you have done me the honor to tell me, my dear young lady.I have never in my life spoken of the sentiments, however worthy and respectable, that you may entertain for Prince Djalma--"

"That is true," replied Adrienne; "with scrupulous and exquisite discretion, whenever you spoke to me of the deep love felt by Prince Djalma, you carried your reserve and delicacy so far as to inform me that it was not I whom he loved."

"And the same scruple induced you to tell the prince that Mdlle.de Cardoville loved some one passionately--but that he was not the person,"

added the count.

"Sir," answered Rodin, dryly, "I need hardly tell you that I have no desire to mix myself up with amorous intrigues."

"Come! this is either pride or modesty," said the count, insolently.

"For your own interest, pray do not advance such things; for, if we took you at your word, and it became known, it might injure some of the nice little trades that you carry on."

"There is one at least," said Rodin, drawing himself up as proudly as M.de Montbron, "whose rude apprenticeship I shall owe to you.It is the wearisome one of listening to your discourse."

"I tell you what, my good sir!" replied the count, disdainfully: "you force me to remind you that there are more ways than one of chastising impudent rogues."

"My dear count!" said Adrienne to M.de Montbron, with an air of reproach.

  • 评诗格


  • 佛说龙施菩萨本起经


  • 明伦汇编交谊典盟誓部


  • 从驾记


  • 大正句王经


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    The Quaker Colonies

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  • 战争进化史:军事百科


    这本军事百科全书吸收了国内外最新的军事理论成果,分为军事制度、军事院校、武器装备、军事战争、军事人物等篇章,既包括几千年来的人类军事、战争史,也涵盖了各种主要的战略、战术知识;既有各类兵种特点及兵器知识,又有各类战争、战役的主要特征。简言之,该书系统、全面地介绍了军事方面的基本知识,是一部实用价值极强的军事百科工具书,也是奉献给中国军事迷的一份珍贵礼物。它将成为广大读者朋友的好伙伴,指引他们走进军事科普的浩瀚海洋。 通过阅读本书,青少年可以了解军事历史的过去、现在和未来,可以认识到世界各国的伟大军事人物以及军事战争的发生,为青少年对世界的认识提供了可靠的保证。
  • 弱水三千取一瓢


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