

The cholera soon broke out, startling as a clap of thunder.Too unhappy to fear the pestilence on her own account, Adrienne was only moved by the sorrows of others.She was amongst the first to contribute to those charitable donations, which were now flowing in from all sides in the admirable spirit of benevolence.Florine was suddenly attacked by the epidemic.In spite of the danger, her mistress insisted on seeing her, and endeavored to revive her failing courage.Conquered by this new mark of kindness, Florine could no longer conceal the treachery in which she had borne a part.Death was about to deliver her from the odious tyranny of the people whose yoke weighed upon her, and she was at length in a position to reveal everything to Adrienne.The latter thus learned how she had been continually betrayed by Florine, and also the cause of the sewing-girl's abrupt departure.At these revelations, Adrienne felt her affection and tender pity for the poor sempstress greatly increase.By her command, the most active steps were taken to discover traces of the hunchback; but Florine's confession had a still more important result.

Justly alarmed at this new evidence of Rodin's machinations, Adrienne remembered the projects formed, when, believing herself beloved, the instinct of affection had revealed to her the perils to which Djalma and other members of the Rennepont family were exposed.To assemble the race around her, and bid them rally against the common enemy, such was Adrienne's first thought, when she heard the confession of Florine.She regarded it as a duty to accomplish this project.In a struggle with such dangerous and powerful adversaries as Rodin, Father d'Aigrigny, and the Princess de Saint-Dizier, and their allies, Adrienne saw not only the praiseworthy and perilous task of unmasking hypocrisy and cupidity, but also, if not a consolation, at least a generous diversion in the midst of terrible sorrows.

From this moment, a restless, feverish activity took the place of the mournful apathy in which the young lady had languished.She called round her all the members of her family capable of answering the appeal, and, as had been mentioned in the secret note delivered to Father d'Aigrigny, Cardoville House soon became the centre of the most active and unceasing operations, and also a place of meeting, in which the modes of attack and defence were fully discussed.Perfectly correct in all points, the secret note of which we have spoken stated, as a mere conjecture, that Mdlle.de Cardoville had granted an interview to Djalma.This fact was untrue, but the cause which led to the supposition will be explained hereafter.Far from such being the case, Mdlle.de Cardoville scarcely found, in attending to the great family interests now at stake, a momentary diversion from the fatal love, which was slowly undermining her health, and with which she so bitterly reproached herself.

The morning of the day on which Adrienne, at length discovering Mother Bunch's residence, came so miraculously to rescue her from death, Agricola Baudoin had been to Cardoville House to confer on the subject of Francis Hardy, and had begged Adrienne to permit him to accompany her to the Rue Clovis, whither they repaired in haste.

Thus, once again, there was a noble spectacle, a touching symbol! Mdlle.

de Cardoville and Mother Bunch, the two extremities of the social chain, were united on equal terms--for the sempstress and the fair patrician were equal in intelligence and heart--and equal also, because the one was the ideal of riches, grace, and beauty, and the other the ideal of resignation and unmerited misfortune--and does not a halo rest on misfortune borne with courage and dignity? Stretched on her mattress, the hunchback appeared so weak, that even if Agricola had not been detained on the ground floor with Cephyse, now dying a dreadful death, Mdlle.de Cardoville would have waited some time, before inducing Mother Bunch to rise and accompany her to her carriage.Thanks to the presence of mind and pious fraud of Adrienne, the sewing-girl was persuaded that Cephyse had been carried to a neighboring hospital, to receive the necessary succors, which promised to be crowned with success.The hunchback's faculties recovering slowly from their stupor, she at first received this fable without the least suspicion--for she did not even know that Agricola had accompanied Mdlle.de Cardoville.

"And it is to you, lady, that Cephyse and I owe our lives," said she, turning her mild and melancholy face towards Adrienne, "you, kneeling in this garret, near this couch of misery, where I and my sister meant to die--for you assure me, lady, that Cephyse was succored in time."

"Be satisfied! I was told just now that she was recovering her senses."

"And they told her I was living, did they not, lady? Otherwise, she would perhaps regret having survived me."

"Be quite easy, my dear girl!" said Adrienne, pressing the poor hands in her own, and gazing on her with eyes full of tears; "they have told her all that was proper.Do not trouble yourself about anything; only think of recovering--and I hope you will yet enjoy that happiness of which you have known so little, my poor child."

"How kind you are, lady! After flying from your house--and when you must think me so ungrateful!"

"Presently, when you are not so weak, I have a great deal to tell you.

Just now, it would fatigue you too much.But how do you feel?"

"Better, lady.This fresh air--and then the thought, that, since you are come--my poor sister will no more be reduced to despair; for I will tell you all, and I am sure you will have pity on Cephyse--will you not, lady?"

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