Colombe--for the influence of a confessor, you see, reveals itself in the whole conduct of life, and I should wish to be fully edified by the proceedings of my friend, without his being aware of it--or, if anything blameable were to strike you, I should be immediately informed of it by this weekly correspondence."
"But, sir--that would be to act as a spy?" exclaimed the unfortunate bailiff.
"Now, my dear M.Dupont! how can you thus brand the sweetest, most wholesome of human desires--mutual confidence?--I ask of you nothing else--I ask of you to write to me confidentially the details of all that goes on here.On these two conditions, inseparable one from the other, you remain bailiff; otherwise, I shall be forced, with grief and regret, to recommend some one else to Madame de la Sainte-Colombe."
"I beg you, sir," said Dupont, with emotion, "Be generous without any conditions! -I and my wife have only this place to give us bread, and we are too old to find another.Do not expose our probity of forty years'
standing to be tempted by the fear of want, which is so bad a counsellor!"
"My dear M.Dupont, you are really a great child: you must reflect upon this, and give me your answer in the course of a week."
"Oh, sir! I implore you--" The conversation was here interrupted by a loud report, which was almost instantaneously repeated by the echoes of the cliffs."What is that?" said M.Rodin.Hardly had he spoken, when the same noise was again heard more distinctly than before.
"It is the sound of cannon," cried Dupont, rising; "no doubt a ship in distress, or signaling for a pilot."
"My dear," said the bailiffs wife, entering abruptly, "from the terrace, we can see a steamer and a large ship nearly dismasted--they are drifting right upon the shore--the ship is firing minute gulls -it will be lost."
"Oh, it is terrible!" cried the bailiff, taking his hat and preparing to go out, "to look on at a shipwreck, and be able to do nothing!"
"Can no help be given to these vessels?" asked M.Rodin.
"If they are driven upon the reefs, no human power can save them; since the last equinox two ships have been lost on this coast."
"Lost with all on board?--Oh, very frightful," said M.Rodin.
"In such a storm, there is but little chance for the crew; no matter,"
said the bailiff, addressing his wife, "I will run down to the rocks with the people of the farm, and try to save some of them, poor creatures!--
Light large fires in several rooms--get ready linen, clothes, cordials--I scarcely dare hope to save any, but we must do our best.Will you come with me, M.Rodin?"
"I should think it a duty, if I could be at all useful, but I am too old and feeble to be of any service," said M.Rodin, who was by no means anxious to encounter the storm."Your good lady will be kind enough to show me the Green Chamber, and when I have found the articles I require, I will set out immediately for Paris, for I am in great haste."
"Very well, sir.Catherine will show you.Ring the big bell," said the bailiff to his servant; "let all the people of the farm meet me at the foot of the cliff, with ropes and levers."
"Yes, my dear," replied Catherine; "but do not expose yourself."
"Kiss me--it will bring me luck," said the bailiff; and he started at a full run, crying: "Quick! quick; by this time not a plank may remain of the vessels."
"My dear madam," said Rodin, always impassible, "will you be obliging enough to show me the Green Chamber?"
"Please to follow me, sir," answered Catherine, drying her tears--for she trembled on account of her husband, whose courage she well knew.