

"The law spares me the ungracious necessity of objecting, in this case," he answered."My friend, you forget the Statutes of Mortmain.They positively forbid you to carry out the intention which you have just expressed."Romayne dismissed this appeal to the law irritably, by waving his hand."The Statutes of Mortmain," he rejoined, "can't prevent my bequeathing my property to an individual.I shall leave Vange Abbey to You.Now, Father Benwell! have I got the better of you at last?"With Christian humility the Jesuit accepted the defeat, for which he had paved the way from the outset of the interview.A t the same time, he shuffled all personal responsibility off his own shoulders.He had gained the victory for the Church--without (to do him justice) thinking of himself.

"Your generosity has conquered me," he said."But I must be allowed to clear myself of even the suspicion of an interested motive.On the day when your will is executed, I shall write to the General of our Order at Rome, leaving my inheritance to him.

This proceeding will be followed by a deed, in due form, conveying the property to the Church.You have no objection to my taking that course? No? My dear Romayne, words are useless at such a time as this.My acts shall speak for me.I am too agitated to say more.Let us talk of something else--let us have some wine."He filled the glasses; he offered more biscuits.--he was really, and even perceptibly, agitated by the victory that he had won.

But one last necessity now confronted him--the necessity of placing a serious obstacle in the way of any future change of purpose on the part of Romayne.As to the choice of that obstacle, Father Benwell's mind had been made up for some time past.

"What _was_ it I had to say to you?" he resumed "Surely, I was speaking on the subject of your future life?""You are very kind, Father Benwell.The subject has little interest for me.My future life is shaped out--domestic retirement, ennobled by religious duties."Still pacing the room, Father Benwell stopped at that reply, and put his hand kindly on Romayne's shoulder.

"We don't allow a good Catholic to drift into domestic retirement, who is worthy of better things," he said."The Church, Romayne wishes to make use of you.I never flattered any one in my life, but I may say before your face what I have said behind your back.A man of your strict sense of honor--of your intellect--of your high aspirations--of your personal charm and influence--is not a man whom we can allow to run to waste.Open your mind, my friend, fairly to me, and I will open my mind fairly to you.Let me set the example.I say it with authority;an enviable future is before you."

Romayne's pale cheeks flushed with excitement."What future?" he asked, eagerly."Am I free to choose? Must I remind you that a man with a wife cannot think only of himself?""Suppose you were _not_ a man with a wife.""What do you mean?"

"Romayne, I am trying to break my way through that inveterate reserve which is one of the failings in your character.Unless you can prevail on yourself to tell me those secret thoughts, those unexpressed regrets, which you can confide to no other man, this conversation must come to an end.Is there no yearning, in your inmost soul, for anything beyond the position which you now occupy?"There was.a pause.The flush on Romayne' s face faded away.He was silent.

"You are not in the confessional," Father Benwell reminded him, with melancholy submission to circumstances."You are under no obligation to answer me."Romayne roused himself.He spoke in low, reluctant tones."I am afraid to answer you," he said.

That apparently discouraging reply armed Father Benwell with the absolute confidence of success which he had thus far failed to feel.He wound his way deeper and deeper into Romayne's mind, with the delicate ingenuity of penetration, of which the practice of years had made him master.

"Perhaps I have failed to make myself clearly understood," he said."I will try to put it more plainly.You are no half-hearted man, Romayne.What you believe, you believe fervently.

Impressions are not dimly and slowly produced on _your_ mind.As the necessary result, your conversion being once accomplished, your whole soul is given to the Faith that is in you.Do I read your character rightly?""So far as I know it--yes."

Father Benwell went on.

"Bear in mind what I have just said," he resumed; "and you will understand why I feel it my duty to press the question which you have not answered yet.You have found in the Catholic Faith the peace of mind which you have failed to obtain by other means.If I had been dealing with an ordinary man, I should have expected from the change no happier result than this.But I ask You, has that blessed influence taken no deeper and nobler hold on your heart? Can you truly say to me, 'I am content with what I have gained; I wish for no more'?""I cannot truly say it," Romayne answered.

The time had now come for speaking plainly.Father Benwell no longer advanced to his end under cover of a cloud of words.

"A little while since," he said, "you spoke of Penrose as of a man whose lot in life you longed to share.The career which has associated him with an Indian mission is, as I told you, only adapted to a man of his special character and special gifts.But the career which has carried him into the sacred ranks of the priesthood is open to every man who feels the sense of divine vocation, which has made Penrose one of Us.""No, Father Benwell! Not open to every man.""I say, Yes!"

"It is not open to Me!"

"I say it is open to You.And more--I enjoin, I command, you to dismiss from your mind all merely human obstacles and discouragements.They are beneath the notice of a man who feels himself called to the priesthood.Give me your hand, Romayne!

Does your conscience tell you that you are that man?"Romayne started to his feet, shaken to the soul by the solemnity of the appeal.

"I can't dismiss the obstacles that surround me!" he cried, passionately."To a man in my position, your advice is absolutely useless.The ties that bind me are beyond the limit of a priest's sympathies.""Nothing is beyond the limit of a priest's sympathies.""Father Benwell, I am married!"

Father Benwell folded his arms over his breast--looked with immovable resolution straight in Romayne's face--and struck the blow which he had been meditating for months past.

"Rouse your courage," he said sternly."You are no more married than I am."

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