

The latest news from St.Germain is all that I could wish.In acknowledging the receipt of my last letter from Cairo (I broke my rash vow of silence when we got into port, after leaving Naples) Stella sends me the long desired invitation."Pray take care to return to us, dear Bernard, before the first anniversary of my boy's birthday, on the twenty-seventh of March." After those words she need feel no apprehension of my being late at my appointment.Traveler--the dog has well merited his name by this time--will have to bid good-by to the yacht (which he loves), and journey homeward by the railway (which he hates).No more risk of storms and delays for me.Good-by to the sea for one while.

I have sent the news of my safe return from the East, by telegraph.But I must not be in too great a hurry to leave Rome, or I shall commit a serious error--I shall disappoint Stella's mother.

Mrs.Eyrecourt writes to me earnestly, requesting, if I return by way of Italy, that I will get her some information about Romayne.

She is eager to know whether they have made him a priest yet.Iam also to discover, if I can, what are his prospects--whether he is as miserable as he deserves to be--whether he has been disappointed in his expectations, and is likely to be brought back to his senses in that way--and, above all, whether Father Benwell is still at Rome with him.My idea is that Mrs.Eyrecourt has not given up her design of making Romayne acquainted with the birth of his son.

The right person to apply to for information is evidently my banker.He has been a resident in Rome for twenty years--but he is too busy a man to be approached, by an idler like myself, in business hours.I have asked him to dine with me to-morrow.

March 2.--My guest has just left me.I am afraid Mrs.Eyrecourt will be sadly disappointed when she hears what I have to tell herThe moment I mentioned Romayne's name, the banker looked at me with an expression of surprise."'The man most talked about in Rome," he said; "I wonder you have not heard of him already.""Is he a priest?"

"Certainly! And, what is more, the ordinary preparations for the priesthood were expressly shortened by high authority on his account.The Pope takes the greatest interest in him; and as for the people, the Italians have already nicknamed him 'the young cardinal.' Don't suppose, as some of our countrymen do, that he is indebted to his wealth for the high position which he has already attained.His wealth is only one of the minor influences in his favor.The truth is, he unites in himself two opposite qualities, both of the greatest value to the Church, which are very rarely found combined in the same man.He has already made a popular reputation here, as a most eloquent and convincing preacher--""A preacher!" I exclaimed."And a popular reputation! How do the Italians understand him?"The banker looked puzzled.

"Why shouldn't they understand a man who addresses them in their own language?" he said."Romayne could speak Italian when he came here--and since that time he has learned by constant practice to think in Italian.While our Roman season lasts, he preaches alternately in Italian and in English.But I was speaking of the two opposite accomplishments which this remarkable man possesses.

Out of the pulpit, he is capable of applying his mind successfully to the polit ical necessities of the Church.As I am told, his intellect has had severe practical training, by means of historical studies, in the past years of his life.Anyhow, in one of the diplomatic difficulties here between the Church and the State, he wrote a memorial on the subject, which the Cardinal-Secretary declared to be a model of ability in applying the experience of the past to the need of the present time.If he doesn't wear himself out, his Italian nickname may prove prophetically true.We may live to see the new convert, Cardinal Romayne.""Are you acquainted with him yourself?" I asked.

"No Englishman is acquainted with him," the banker answered.

"There is a report of some romantic event in his life which has led to his leaving England, and which makes him recoil from intercourse with his own nation.Whether this is true or false, it is certain that the English in Rome find him unapproachable.Ihave even heard that he refuses to receive letters from England.

If you wish to see him, you must do what I have done--you must go to church and look at him in the pulpit.He preaches in English--I think for the last time this season--on Thursday evening next.Shall I call here and take you to the church?"If I had followed my inclinations, I should have refused.I feel no sort of interest in Romayne--I might even say I feel a downright antipathy toward him.But I have no wish to appear insensible to the banker's kindness, and my reception at St.

Germain depends greatly on the attention I show to Mrs.

Eyrecourt's request.So it was arranged that I should hear the great preacher--with a mental reservation on my part, which contemplated my departure from the church before the end of his sermon.

But, before I see him, I feel assured of one thing--especially after what the banker has told me.Stella's view of his character is the right one.The man who has deserted her has no heart to be touched by wife or child.They are separated forever.

March 3.--I have just seen the landlord of the hotel; he can help me to answer one of Mrs.Eyrecourt's questions.A nephew of his holds some employment at the Jesuit headquarters here, adjoining their famous church _Il Gesu_.I have requested the young man to ascertain if Father Benwell is still in Rome--without mentioning me.It would be no small trial to my self-control if we met in the street.

March 4.--Good news this time for Mrs.Eyrecourt, as far as it goes.Father Benwell has long since left Rome, and has returned to his regular duties in England.If he exercises any further influence over Romayne, it must be done by letter.

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