

Elsie's oney booful big bear." But, really, I do not see that my duty as a chronicler of facts compels me to continue this little lady's speech any further; and, out of respect to the unmarried reader, I stop.

Nevertheless, the next morning Mrs.Decker betrayed some slight and apparently uncalled for irritability on reaching the Plaza, and presently desired her husband to wheel her back home.Moreover, she was very much astonished at meeting Mr.Oakhurst just as they were returning, and even doubted if it were he, and questioned her husband as to his identity with the stranger of yesterday as he approached.Her manner to Mr.Oakhurst, also, was quite in contrast with her husband's frank welcome.Mr.Oakhurst instantly detected it."Her husband has told her all, and she dislikes me,"he said to himself, with that fatal appreciation of the half-truths of a woman's motives that causes the wisest masculine critic to stumble.He lingered only long enough to take the business address of the husband, and then lifting his hat gravely, without looking at the lady, went his way.It struck the honest master-carpenter as one of the charming anomalies of his wife's character, that, although the meeting was evidently very much constrained and unpleasant, instantly afterward his wife's spirits began to rise.

"You was hard on him, a leetle hard; wasn't you, Elsie?" said Mr.

Decker deprecatingly."I'm afraid he may think I've broke my promise."--"Ah, indeed!" said the lady indifferently.Mr.Decker instantly stepped round to the front of the vehicle."You look like an A 1 first-class lady riding down Broadway in her own carriage, Elsie," said he."I never seed you lookin' so peart and sassy before."A few days later, the proprietor of the San Isabel Sulphur Springs received the following note in Mr.Oakhurst's well-known, dainty hand:--"DEAR STEVE,--I've been thinking over your proposition to buy Nichols's quarter-interest, and have concluded to go in.But Idon't see how the thing will pay until you have more accommodation down there, and for the best class,--I mean MY customers.What we want is an extension to the main building, and two or three cottages put up.I send down a builder to take hold of the job at once.He takes his sick wife with him; and you are to look after them as you would for one of us.

"I may run down there myself after the races, just to look after things; but I sha'n't set up any game this season.

"Yours always, "JOHN OAKHURST."

It was only the last sentence of this letter that provoked criticism."I can understand," said Mr.Hamlin, a professional brother, to whom Mr.Oakhurst's letter was shown,--"I can understand why Jack goes in heavy and builds; for it's a sure spec, and is bound to be a mighty soft thing in time, if he comes here regularly.But why in blank he don't set up a bank this season, and take the chance of getting some of the money back that he puts into circulation in building, is what gets me.I wonder now," he mused deeply, "what IS his little game."The season had been a prosperous one to Mr Oakhurst, and proportionally disastrous to several members of the legislature, judges, colonels, and others who had enjoyed but briefly the pleasure of Mr.Oakhurst's midnight society.And yet Sacramento had become very dull to him.He had lately formed a habit of early morning walks, so unusual and startling to his friends, both male and female, as to occasion the intensest curiosity.Two or three of the latter set spies upon his track; but the inquisition resulted only in the discovery that Mr.Oakhurst walked to the Plaza, sat down upon one particular bench for a few moments, and then returned without seeing anybody; and the theory that there was a woman in the case was abandoned.A few superstitious gentlemen of his own profession believed that he did it for "luck." Some others, more practical, declared that he went out to "study points."After the races at Marysville, Mr.Oakhurst went to San Francisco;from that place he returned to Marysville, but a few days after was seen at San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Oakland.Those who met him declared that his manner was restless and feverish, and quite unlike his ordinary calmness and phlegm.Col.Starbottle pointed out the fact, that at San Francisco, at the club, Jack had declined to deal."Hand shaky, sir; depend upon it.Don't stimulate enough--blank him!"From San Jose he started to go to Oregon by land with a rather expensive outfit of horses and camp equipage; but, on reaching Stockton, he suddenly diverged, and four hours later found him with a single horse entering the canyon of the San Isabel Warm Sulphur Springs.

It was a pretty triangular valley lying at the foot of three sloping mountains, dark with pines, and fantastic with madrono and manzanita.Nestling against the mountain-side, the straggling buildings and long piazza of the hotel glittered through the leaves, and here and there shone a white toy-like cottage.Mr.

Oakhurst was not an admirer of Nature; but he felt something of the same novel satisfaction in the view, that he experienced in his first morning walk in Sacramento.And now carriages began to pass him on the road filled with gayly-dressed women; and the cold California outlines of the landscape began to take upon themselves somewhat of a human warmth and color.And then the long hotel piazza came in view, efflorescent with the full-toiletted fair.

Mr.Oakhurst, a good rider after the California fashion, did not check his speed as he approached his destination, but charged the hotel at a gallop, threw his horse on his haunches within a foot of the piazza, and then quietly emerged from the cloud of dust that veiled his dismounting.

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