

Tretherick to contribute regularly to the columns of "The Avalanche." It was at this time that Col.Starbottle discovered a similarity in Mrs.Tretherick's verse to the genius of Sappho, and pointed it out to the citizens of Fiddletown in a two-columned criticism, signed "A.S.," also published in "The Avalanche," and supported by extensive quotation.As "The Avalanche" did not possess a font of Greek type, the editor was obliged to reproduce the Leucadian numbers in the ordinary Roman letter, to the intense disgust of Col.Starbottle, and the vast delight of Fiddletown, who saw fit to accept the text as an excellent imitation of Choctaw,--a language with which the colonel, as a whilom resident of the Indian Territories, was supposed to be familiar.Indeed, the next week's "Intelligencer" contained some vile doggerel, supposed to be an answer to Mrs.Tretherick's poem, ostensibly written by the wife of a Digger Indian chief, accompanied by a glowing eulogium, signed "A.S.S."The result of this jocularity was briefly given in a later copy of "The Avalanche." "An unfortunate rencounter took place on Monday last, between the Hon.Jackson Flash of "The Dutch Flat Intelligencer" and the well-known Col.Starbottle of this place, in front of the Eureka saloon.Two shots were fired by the parties without injury to either, although it is said that a passing Chinaman received fifteen buckshot in the calves of his legs from the colonel's double-barrelled shot-gun, which were not intended for him.John will learn to keep out of the way of Melican man's fire-arms hereafter.The cause of the affray is not known, although it is hinted that there is a lady in the case.The rumor that points to a well-known and beautiful poetess whose lucubrations have often graced our columns seems to gain credence from those that are posted."Meanwhile the passiveness displayed by Tretherick under these trying circumstances was fully appreciated in the gulches."The old man's head is level," said one long-booted philosopher."Ef the colonel kills Flash, Mrs.Tretherick is avenged: if Flash drops the colonel, Tretherick is all right.Either way, he's got a sure thing." During this delicate condition of affairs, Mrs.Tretherick one day left her husband's home, and took refuge at the Fiddletown Hotel, with only the clothes she had on her back.Here she staid for several weeks, during which period it is only justice to say that she bore herself with the strictest propriety.

It was a clear morning in early spring that Mrs.Tretherick, unattended, left the hotel, and walked down the narrow street toward the fringe of dark pines which indicated the extreme limits of Fiddletown.The few loungers at that early hour were pre-occupied with the departure of the Wingdown coach at the other extremity of the street; and Mrs.Tretherick reached the suburbs of the settlement without discomposing observation.Here she took a cross street or road, running at right angles with the main thoroughfare of Fiddletown, and passing through a belt of woodland.

It was evidently the exclusive and aristocratic avenue of the town.

The dwellings were few, ambitious, and uninterrupted by shops.And here she was joined by Col.Starbottle.

The gallant colonel, notwithstanding that he bore the swelling port which usually distinguished him, that his coat was tightly buttoned, and his boots tightly fitting, and that his cane, hooked over his arm, swung jauntily, was not entirely at his ease.Mrs.

Tretherick, however, vouchsafed him a gracious smile and a glance of her dangerous eyes; and the colonel, with an embarrassed cough and a slight strut, took his place at her side.

"The coast is clear," said the colonel, "and Tretherick is over at Dutch Flat on a spree.There is no one in the house but a Chinaman; and you need fear no trouble from him.I," he continued, with a slight inflation of the chest that imperilled the security of his button, "I will see that you are protected in the removal of your property.""I'm sure it's very kind of you, and so disinterested!" simpered the lady as they walked along."It's so pleasant to meet some one who has soul,--some one to sympathize with in a community so hardened and heartless as this." And Mrs.Tretherick cast down her eyes, but not until they wrought their perfect and accepted work upon her companion.

"Yes, certainly, of course," said the colonel, glancing nervously up and down the street,--"yes, certainly." Perceiving, however, that there was no one in sight or hearing, he proceeded at once to inform Mrs.Tretherick that the great trouble of his life, in fact, had been the possession of too much soul.That many women--as a gentleman she would excuse him, of course, from mentioning names--but many beautiful women had often sought his society, but being deficient, madam, absolutely deficient, in this quality, he could not reciprocate.But when two natures thoroughly in sympathy, despising alike the sordid trammels of a low and vulgar community, and the conventional restraints of a hypocritical society,--when two souls in perfect accord met and mingled in poetical union, then--but here the colonel's speech, which had been remarkable for a certain whiskey-and-watery fluency, grew husky, almost inaudible, and decidedly incoherent.Possibly Mrs.Tretherick may have heard something like it before, and was enabled to fill the hiatus.

Nevertheless, the cheek that was on the side of the colonel was quite virginal and bashfully conscious until they reached their destination.

  • 哮喘门


  • I and My Chimney

    I and My Chimney

  • Tales and Fantasies

    Tales and Fantasies

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  • 世界名校全知道


  • 逍遥王爷现代妃


  • 创世天帝录


  • 为魔仙世界献上忍术


  • 王爷的罪妃


  • 世界经典智慧故事全集:明察秋毫的故事


  • 倾骨颜,一代妖后


  • 焚桑记


  • 盗个皇帝做老公

