

WE will not follow all the steps of the Admiral's return and installation, but hurry forward towards the catastrophe, merely chronicling by the way a few salient incidents, wherein we must rely entirely upon the evidence of Richard, for Esther to this day has never opened her mouth upon this trying passage of her life, and as for the Admiral - well, that naval officer, although still alive, and now more suitably installed in a seaport town where he has a telescope and a flag in his front garden, is incapable of throwing the slightest gleam of light upon the affair.Often and often has he remarked to the present writer: 'If I know what it was all about, sir, I'll be - ' in short, be what I hope he will not.And then he will look across at his daughter's portrait, a photograph, shake his head with an amused appearance, and mix himself another grog by way of consolation.Once I heard him go farther, and express his feelings with regard to Esther in a single but eloquent word.

'A minx, sir,' he said, not in anger, rather in amusement:

and he cordially drank her health upon the back of it.His worst enemy must admit him to be a man without malice; he never bore a grudge in his life, lacking the necessary taste and industry of attention.

Yet it was during this obscure period that the drama was really performed; and its scene was in the heart of Esther, shut away from all eyes.Had this warm, upright, sullen girl been differently used by destiny, had events come upon her even in a different succession, for some things lead easily to others, the whole course of this tale would have been changed, and Esther never would have run away.As it was, through a series of acts and words of which we know but few, and a series of thoughts which any one may imagine for himself, she was awakened in four days from the dream of a life.

The first tangible cause of disenchantment was when Dick brought home a painter's arsenal on Friday evening.The Admiral was in the chimney-corner, once more 'sirrupping'

some brandy and water, and Esther sat at the table at work.

They both came forward to greet the new arrival; and the girl, relieving him of his monstrous burthen, proceeded to display her offerings to her father.Van Tromp's countenance fell several degrees; he became quite querulous.

'God bless me,' he said; and then, 'I must really ask you not to interfere, child,' in a tone of undisguised hostility.

'Father,' she said, 'forgive me; I knew you had given up your art - '

'Oh yes!' cried the Admiral; 'I've done with it to the judgment-day!'

'Pardon me again,' she said firmly, 'but I do not, I cannot think that you are right in this.Suppose the world is unjust, suppose that no one understands you, you have still a duty to yourself.And, oh, don't spoil the pleasure of your coming home to me; show me that you can be my father and yet not neglect your destiny.I am not like some daughters; Iwill not be jealous of your art, and I will try to understand it.'

The situation was odiously farcical.Richard groaned under it; he longed to leap forward and denounce the humbug.And the humbug himself? Do you fancy he was easier in his mind?

I am sure, on the other hand, that he was acutely miserable;and he betrayed his sufferings by a perfectly silly and undignified access of temper, during which he broke his pipe in several pieces, threw his brandy and water in the fire, and employed words which were very plain although the drift of them was somewhat vague.It was of very brief duration.

Van Tromp was himself again, and in a most delightful humour within three minutes of the first explosion.

'I am an old fool,' he said frankly.'I was spoiled when a child.As for you, Esther, you take after your mother; you have a morbid sense of duty, particularly for others; strive against it, my dear - strive against it.And as for the pigments, well, I'll use them, some of these days; and to show that I'm in earnest, I'll get Dick here to prepare a canvas.'

Dick was put to this menial task forthwith, the Admiral not even watching how he did, but quite occupied with another grog and a pleasant vein of talk.

A little after Esther arose, and making some pretext, good or bad, went off to bed.Dick was left hobbled by the canvas, and was subjected to Van Tromp for about an hour.

The next day, Saturday, it is believed that little intercourse took place between Esther and her father; but towards the afternoon Dick met the latter returning from the direction of the inn, where he had struck up quite a friendship with the landlord.Dick wondered who paid for these excursions, and at the thought that the reprobate must get his pocket money where he got his board and lodging, from poor Esther's generosity, he had it almost in his heart to knock the old gentleman down.He, on his part, was full of airs and graces and geniality.

'Dear Dick,' he said, taking his arm, 'this is neighbourly of you; it shows your tact to meet me when I had a wish for you.

I am in pleasant spirits; and it is then that I desire a friend.'

'I am glad to hear you are so happy,' retorted Dick bitterly.

'There's certainly not much to trouble YOU.'

'No,' assented the Admiral, 'not much.I got out of it in time; and here - well, here everything pleases me.I am plain in my tastes.'A PROPOS, you have never asked me how Iliked my daughter?'

'No,' said Dick roundly; 'I certainly have not.'

'Meaning you will not.And why, Dick? She is my daughter, of course; but then I am a man of the world and a man of taste, and perfectly qualified to give an opinion with impartiality - yes, Dick, with impartiality.Frankly, I am not disappointed in her.She has good looks; she has them from her mother.So I may say I CHOSE her looks.She is devoted, quite devoted to me - '

'She is the best woman in the world!' broke out Dick.

'Dick,' cried the Admiral, stopping short; 'I have been expecting this.Let us - let us go back to the "Trevanion Arms" and talk this matter out over a bottle.'

'Certainly not,' went Dick.'You have had far too much already.'

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