

Man's Reason.

There was one of the tribe of Tarzan who questioned his authority, and that was Terkoz, the son of Tublat, but he so feared the keen knife and the deadly arrows of his new lord that he confined the manifestation of his objections to petty disobediences and irritating mannerisms; Tarzan knew, however, that he but waited his opportunity to wrest the kingship from him by some sudden stroke of treachery, and so he was ever on his guard against surprise.

For months the life of the little band went on much as it had before, except that Tarzan's greater intelligence and his ability as a hunter were the means of providing for them more bountifully than ever before.Most of them, therefore, were more than content with the change in rulers.

Tarzan led them by night to the fields of the black men, and there, warned by their chief's superior wisdom, they ate only what they required, nor ever did they destroy what they could not eat, as is the way of Manu, the monkey, and of most apes.

So, while the blacks were wroth at the continued pilfering of their fields, they were not discouraged in their efforts to cultivate the land, as would have been the case had Tarzan permitted his people to lay waste the plantation wantonly.

During this period Tarzan paid many nocturnal visits to the village, where he often renewed his supply of arrows.He soon noticed the food always standing at the foot of the tree which was his avenue into the palisade, and after a little, he commenced to eat whatever the blacks put there.

When the awe-struck savages saw that the food disappeared overnight they were filled with consternation and dread, for it was one thing to put food out to propitiate a god or a devil, but quite another thing to have the spirit really come into the village and eat it.Such a thing was unheard of, and it clouded their superstitious minds with all manner of vague fears.

Nor was this all.The periodic disappearance of their arrows, and the strange pranks perpetrated by unseen hands, had wrought them to such a state that life had become a veritable burden in their new home, and now it was that Mbonga and his head men began to talk of abandoning the village and seeking a site farther on in the jungle.

Presently the black warriors began to strike farther and farther south into the heart of the forest when they went to hunt, looking for a site for a new village.

More often was the tribe of Tarzan disturbed by these wandering huntsmen.Now was the quiet, fierce solitude of the primeval forest broken by new, strange cries.No longer was there safety for bird or beast.Man had come.

Other animals passed up and down the jungle by day and by night--fierce, cruel beasts--but their weaker neighbors only fled from their immediate vicinity to return again when the danger was past.

With man it is different.When he comes many of the larger animals instinctively leave the district entirely, seldom if ever to return; and thus it has always been with the great anthropoids.They flee man as man flees a pestilence.

For a short time the tribe of Tarzan lingered in the vicinity of the beach because their new chief hated the thought of leaving the treasured contents of the little cabin forever.But when one day a member of the tribe discovered the blacks in great numbers on the banks of a little stream that had been their watering place for generations, and in the act of clearing a space in the jungle and erecting many huts, the apes would remain no longer; and so Tarzan led them inland for many marches to a spot as yet undefiled by the foot of a human being.

Once every moon Tarzan would go swinging rapidly back through the swaying branches to have a day with his books, and to replenish his supply of arrows.This latter task was becoming more and more difficult, for the blacks had taken to hiding their supply away at night in granaries and living huts.

This necessitated watching by day on Tarzan's part to discover where the arrows were being concealed.

Twice had he entered huts at night while the inmates lay sleeping upon their mats, and stolen the arrows from the very sides of the warriors.But this method he realized to be too fraught with danger, and so he commenced picking up solitary hunters with his long, deadly noose, stripping them of weapons and ornaments and dropping their bodies from a high tree into the village street during the still watches of the night.

These various escapades again so terrorized the blacks that, had it not been for the monthly respite between Tarzan's visits, in which they had opportunity to renew hope that each fresh incursion would prove the last, they soon would have abandoned their new village.

The blacks had not as yet come upon Tarzan's cabin on the distant beach, but the ape-man lived in constant dread that, while he was away with the tribe, they would discover and despoil his treasure.So it came that he spent more and more time in the vicinity of his father's last home, and less and less with the tribe.Presently the members of his little community began to suffer on account of his neglect, for disputes and quarrels constantly arose which only the king might settle peaceably.

At last some of the older apes spoke to Tarzan on the subject, and for a month thereafter he remained constantly with the tribe.

The duties of kingship among the anthropoids are not many or arduous.

In the afternoon comes Thaka, possibly, to complain that old Mungo has stolen his new wife.Then must Tarzan summon all before him, and if he finds that the wife prefers her new lord he commands that matters remain as they are, or possibly that Mungo give Thaka one of his daughters in exchange.

Whatever his decision, the apes accept it as final, and return to their occupations satisfied.

Then comes Tana, shrieking and holding tight her side from which blood is streaming.Gunto, her husband, has cruelly bitten her! And Gunto, summoned, says that Tana is lazy and will not bring him nuts and beetles, or scratch his back for him.

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    这就是一个萌物小青梅混迹网游,后来被腹黑竹马扛回家的故事。(作者手残,简介无能)此为小白文,天雷滚滚,入者请自备避雷针╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮肖羊独白:懵懂无知的时光里,遇到你,温暖的阳光中,你始终站在,我抬头就可看见的地方,你淡然的笑,让我心头猛的一跳,那一日,我终于明了,何其幸运,我何其幸运,得你默默守护【片段一】游戏里的晴空骄阳怀孕了——“叮!”系统提示:孕妇晴空骄阳左腿抽筋了。“啊,快来,腿抽筋了。”晴空骄阳对着前面砍怪的长空皓月喊,后者急忙奔回来,抬起她的一条腿轻揉慢捏。“错了,系统说是左腿。”于是,长空皓月满头黑线的抬起她的另一条腿。“叮!”系统提示:野猪怪的气味令晴空骄阳想吐,快去处理。“快去,打死前面的那只野猪。”于是,长空皓月提重剑在手,过去将某倒霉的野猪砍死。“叮!”系统提示:树上的梨子熟了,晴空骄阳馋涎欲滴。“摘前面那棵树上的梨子。”于是,长空大神跑去爬树。“叮!”系统提示:晴空骄阳情绪低落。“快来抱抱我!”于是,长空大神将“小孕妇”温柔的揽在怀中。……【片段二】B大的白杨路旁——某羊急跑、将某大神向后拉,抬腿,踹!一脚踢飞想要强吻的某小姐。某小姐:“你!你为什么踹我!”某羊:“他是我的!”某小姐:“你说了算吗?”某羊:“说了不算,那就做给你看。”说罢,猛的伸手拉低李逸凡的头,撅起粉嘟嘟的小嘴儿,狠狠的撞在他的薄唇上。某小姐:“你,你们!”某大神:“快走,再看收费。”然后某大神抱住某羊,深吻。……【片段三】某一日三个丫头聊天——晴空骄阳“你那个御用跟屁虫儿,陪你等死呢,被你的女王范吓跑了,另结新欢去了?”“怎么可能,姐是谁啊,姐的魅力大无边,他……”烙饼卷大葱说了半截顿住“呀,呸呸呸,姐和那小子是纯洁的同学关系,你知道不,知道不!”“哈哈,羊羊,你学坏了。”悄悄在你身边偷笑。“可不呗,近墨者黑,她天天跟一大腹黑在一起,不学坏才怪呢。”烙饼卷大葱撇嘴,“哎,羊羊,你跟长空大神不止是近距离,都到负距离了吧,快说说负距离多少,有没有二十厘米?”
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