The Secret Way
IT WAS a baffled gryf that bellowed in angry rage as Tarzan's sleek brown body cutting the moonlit waters shot through the aperture in the wall of the gryf pool and out into the lake beyond.The ape-man smiled as he thought of the comparative ease with which he had defeated the purpose of the high priest but his face clouded again at the ensuing remembrance of the grave danger that threatened his mate.His sole object now must be to return as quickly as he might to the chamber where he had last seen her on the third floor of the Temple of the Gryf, but how he was to find his way again into the temple grounds was a question not easy of solution.
In the moonlight he could see the sheer cliff rising from the water for a great distance along the shore--far beyond the precincts of the temple and the palace--towering high above him, a seemingly impregnable barrier against his return.Swimming close in, he skirted the wall searching diligently for some foothold, however slight, upon its smooth, forbidding surface.
Above him and quite out of reach were numerous apertures, but there were no means at hand by which he could reach them.
Presently, however, his hopes were raised by the sight of an opening level with the surface of the water.It lay just ahead and a few strokes brought him to it--cautious strokes that brought forth no sound from the yielding waters.At the nearer side of the opening he stopped and reconnoitered.There was no one in sight.Carefully he raised his body to the threshold of the entrance-way, his smooth brown hide glistening in the moonlight as it shed the water in tiny sparkling rivulets.
Before him stretched a gloomy corridor, unlighted save for the faint illumination of the diffused moonlight that penetrated it for but a short distance from the opening.Moving as rapidly as reasonable caution warranted, Tarzan followed the corridor into the bowels of the cave.There was an abrupt turn and then a flight of steps at the top of which lay another corridor running parallel with the face of the cliff.This passage was dimly lighted by flickering cressets set in niches in the walls at considerable distances apart.A quick survey showed the ape-man numerous openings upon each side of the corridor and his quick ears caught sounds that indicated that there were other beings not far distant--priests, he concluded, in some of the apartments letting upon the passageway.
To pass undetected through this hive of enemies appeared quite beyond the range of possibility.He must again seek disguise and knowing from experience how best to secure such he crept stealthily along the corridor toward the nearest doorway.Like Numa, the lion, stalking a wary prey he crept with quivering nostrils to the hangings that shut off his view from the interior of the apartment beyond.A moment later his head disappeared within; then his shoulders, and his lithe body, and the hangings dropped quietly into place again.A moment later there filtered to the vacant corridor without a brief, gasping gurgle and again silence.A minute passed; a second, and a third, and then the hangings were thrust aside and a grimly masked priest of the temple of Jad-ben-Otho strode into the passageway.
With bold steps he moved along and was about to turn into a diverging gallery when his attention was aroused by voices coming from a room upon his left.Instantly the figure halted and crossing the corridor stood with an ear close to the skins that concealed the occupants of the room from him, and him from them.
Presently he leaped back into the concealing shadows of the diverging gallery and immediately thereafter the hangings by which he had been listening parted and a priest emerged to turn quickly down the main corridor.The eavesdropper waited until the other had gained a little distance and then stepping from his place of concealment followed silently behind.
The way led along the corridor which ran parallel with the face of the cliff for some little distance and then Pan-sat, taking a cresset from one of the wall niches, turned abruptly into a small apartment at his left.The tracker followed cautiously in time to see the rays of the flickering light dimly visible from an aperture in the floor before him.Here he found a series of steps, similar to those used by the Waz-don in scaling the cliff to their caves, leading to a lower level.
First satisfying himself that his guide was continuing upon his way unsuspecting, the other descended after him and continued his stealthy stalking.The passageway was now both narrow and low, giving but bare headroom to a tall man, and it was broken often by flights of steps leading always downward.The steps in each unit seldom numbered more than six and sometimes there was only one or two but in the aggregate the tracker imagined that they had descended between fifty and seventy-five feet from the level of the upper corridor when the passageway terminated in a small apartment at one side of which was a little pile of rubble.
Setting his cresset upon the ground, Pan-sat commenced hurriedly to toss the bits of broken stone aside, presently revealing a small aperture at the base of the wall upon the opposite side of which there appeared to be a further accumulation of rubble.This he also removed until he had a hole of sufficient size to permit the passage of his body, and leaving the cresset still burning upon the floor the priest crawled through the opening he had made and disappeared from the sight of the watcher hiding in the shadows of the narrow passageway behind him.
No sooner, however, was he safely gone than the other followed, finding himself, after passing through the hole, on a little ledge about halfway between the surface of the lake and the top of the cliff above.The ledge inclined steeply upward, ending at the rear of a building which stood upon the edge of the cliff and which the second priest entered just in time to see Pan-sat pass out into the city beyond.