The Messenger of Death
THE sun rose to see the forces of Ja-don still held at the palace gate.The old warrior had seized the tall structure that stood just beyond the palace and at the summit of this he kept a warrior stationed to look toward the northern wall of the palace where Ta-den was to make his attack; but as the minutes wore into hours no sign of the other force appeared, and now in the full light of the new sun upon the roof of one of the palace buildings appeared Lu-don, the high priest, Mo-sar, the pretender, and the strange, naked figure of a man, into whose long hair and beard were woven fresh ferns and flowers.Behind them were banked a score of lesser priests who chanted in unison: "This is Jad-ben-Otho.Lay down your arms and surrender." This they repeated again and again, alternating it with the cry: "The false Dor-ul-Otho is a prisoner."
In one of those lulls which are common in battles between forces armed with weapons that require great physical effort in their use, a voice suddenly arose from among the followers of Ja-don:
"Show us the Dor-ul-Otho.We do not believe you!"
"Wait," cried Lu-don."If I do not produce him before the sun has moved his own width, the gates of the palace shall be opened to you and my warriors will lay down their arms."
He turned to one of his priests and issued brief instructions.
The ape-man paced the confines of his narrow cell.Bitterly he reproached himself for the stupidity which had led him into this trap, and yet was it stupidity? What else might he have done other than rush to the succor of his mate? He wondered how they had stolen her from Ja-lur, and then suddenly there flashed to his mind the features of the warrior whom he had just seen with her.They were strangely familiar.He racked his brain to recall where he had seen the man before and then it came to him.He was the strange warrior who had joined Ja-don's forces outside of Ja-lur the day that Tarzan had ridden upon the great gryf from the uninhabited gorge next to the Kor-ul-ja down to the capital city of the chieftain of the north.But who could the man be?
Tarzan knew that never before that other day had he seen him.
Presently he heard the clanging of a gong from the corridor without and very faintly the rush of feet, and shouts.He guessed that his warriors had been discovered and a fight was in progress.He fretted and chafed at the chance that had denied him participation in it.
Again and again he tried the doors of his prison and the trap in the center of the floor, but none would give to his utmost endeavors.He strained his eyes toward the aperture above but he could see nothing, and then he continued his futile pacing to and fro like a caged lion behind its bars.
The minutes dragged slowly into hours.Faintly sounds came to him as of shouting men at a great distance.The battle was in progress.He wondered if Ja-don would be victorious and should he be, would his friends ever discover him in this hidden chamber in the bowels of the hill? He doubted it.
And now as he looked again toward the aperture in the roof there appeared to be something depending through its center.He came closer and strained his eyes to see.Yes, there was something there.It appeared to be a rope.Tarzan wondered if it had been there all the time.It must have, he reasoned, since he had heard no sound from above and it was so dark within the chamber that he might easily have overlooked it.
He raised his hand toward it.The end of it was just within his reach.He bore his weight upon it to see if it would hold him.
Then he released it and backed away, still watching it, as you have seen an animal do after investigating some unfamiliar object, one of the little traits that differentiated Tarzan from other men, accentuating his similarity to the savage beasts of his native jungle.Again and again he touched and tested the braided leather rope, and always he listened for any warning sound from above.
He was very careful not to step upon the trap at any time and when finally he bore all his weight upon the rope and took his feet from the floor he spread them wide apart so that if he fell he would fall astride the trap.The rope held him.There was no sound from above, nor any from the trap below.
Slowly and cautiously he drew himself upward, hand over hand.
Nearer and nearer the roof he came.In a moment his eyes would be above the level of the floor above.Already his extended arms projected into the upper chamber and then something closed suddenly upon both his forearms, pinioning them tightly and leaving him hanging in mid-air unable to advance or retreat.
Immediately a light appeared in the room above him and presently he saw the hideous mask of a priest peering down upon him.In the priest's hands were leathern thongs and these he tied about Tarzan's wrists and forearms until they were completely bound together from his elbows almost to his fingers.Behind this priest Tarzan presently saw others and soon several lay hold of him and pulled him up through the hole.
Almost instantly his eyes were above the level of the floor he understood how they had trapped him.Two nooses had lain encircling the aperture into the cell below.A priest had waited at the end of each of these ropes and at opposite sides of the chamber.When he had climbed to a sufficient height upon the rope that had dangled into his prison below and his arms were well within the encircling snares the two priests had pulled quickly upon their ropes and he had been made an easy captive without any opportunity of defending himself or inflicting injury upon his captors.
And now they bound his legs from his ankles to his knees and picking him up carried him from the chamber.No word did they speak to him as they bore him upward to the temple yard.