

I suppose this woke me up; it stirred in me besides a spirit of opposition, and in spite of cold, darkness, the highwaymen and the footpads, I determined to walk right on till breakfast-time: a happy resolution, which enabled me to observe one of those traits of manners which at once depict a country and condemn it.It was near midnight when I saw, a great way ahead of me, the light of many torches; presently after, the sound of wheels reached me, and the slow tread of feet, and soon I had joined myself to the rear of a sordid, silent, and lugubrious procession, such as we see in dreams.Close on a hundred persons marched by torchlight in unbroken silence; in their midst a cart, and in the cart, on an inclined platform, the dead body of a man - the centre-piece of this solemnity, the hero whose obsequies we were come forth at this unusual hour to celebrate.It was but a plain, dingy old fellow of fifty or sixty, his throat cut, his shirt turned over as though to show the wound.Blue trousers and brown socks completed his attire, if we can talk so of the dead.He had a horrid look of a waxwork.In the tossing of the lights he seemed to make faces and mouths at us, to frown, and to be at times upon the point of speech.The cart, with this shabby and tragic freight, and surrounded by its silent escort and bright torches, continued for some distance to creak along the high-road, and I to follow it in amazement, which was soon exchanged for horror.At the corner of a lane the procession stopped, and, as the torches ranged themselves along the hedgerow-side, I became aware of a grave dug in the midst of the thoroughfare, and a provision of quicklime piled in the ditch.The cart was backed to the margin, the body slung off the platform and dumped into the grave with an irreverent roughness.Asharpened stake had hitherto served it for a pillow.It was now withdrawn, held in its place by several volunteers, and a fellow with a heavy mallet (the sound of which still haunts me at night)

drove it home through the bosom of the corpse.The hole was filled with quicklime, and the bystanders, as if relieved of some oppression, broke at once into a sound of whispered speech.

My shirt stuck to me, my heart had almost ceased beating, and I found my tongue with difficulty.

'I beg your pardon,' I gasped to a neighbour, 'what is this? what has he done? is it allowed?'

'Why, where do you come from?' replied the man.

'I am a traveller, sir,' said I, 'and a total stranger in this part of the country.I had lost my way when I saw your torches, and came by chance on this - this incredible scene.Who was the man?'

'A suicide,' said he.'Ay, he was a bad one, was Johnnie Green.'

It appeared this was a wretch who had committed many barbarous murders, and being at last upon the point of discovery fell of his own hand.And the nightmare at the crossroads was the regular punishment, according to the laws of England, for an act which the Romans honoured as a virtue! Whenever an Englishman begins to prate of civilisation (as, indeed, it's a defect they are rather prone to), I hear the measured blows of a mallet, see the bystanders crowd with torches about the grave, smile a little to myself in conscious superiority - and take a thimbleful of brandy for the stomach's sake.

I believe it must have been at my next stage, for I remember going to bed extremely early, that I came to the model of a good old-

fashioned English inn, and was attended on by the picture of a pretty chambermaid.We had a good many pleasant passages as she waited table or warmed my bed for me with a devil of a brass warming pan, fully larger than herself; and as she was no less pert than she was pretty, she may be said to have given rather better than she took.I cannot tell why (unless it were for the sake of her saucy eyes), but I made her my confidante, told her I was attached to a young lady in Scotland, and received the encouragement of her sympathy, mingled and connected with a fair amount of rustic wit.While I slept the down-mail stopped for supper; it chanced that one of the passengers left behind a copy of the EDINBURGH COURANT, and the next morning my pretty chambermaid set the paper before me at breakfast, with the remark that there was some news from my lady-love.I took it eagerly, hoping to find some further word of our escape, in which I was disappointed; and I was about to lay it down, when my eye fell on a paragraph immediately concerning me.Faa was in hospital, grievously sick, and warrants were out for the arrest of Sim and Candlish.These two men had shown themselves very loyal to me.This trouble emerging, the least I could do was to be guided by a similar loyalty to them.Suppose my visit to my uncle crowned with some success, and my finances re-established, I determined I should immediately return to Edinburgh, put their case in the hands of a good lawyer, and await events.So my mind was very lightly made up to what proved a mighty serious matter.Candlish and Sim were all very well in their way, and I do sincerely trust I should have been at some pains to help them, had there been nothing else.But in truth my heart and my eyes were set on quite another matter, and I received the news of their tribulation almost with joy.That is never a bad wind that blows where we want to go, and you may be sure there was nothing unwelcome in a circumstance that carried me back to Edinburgh and Flora.From that hour I began to indulge myself with the making of imaginary scenes and interviews, in which I confounded the aunt, flattered Ronald, and now in the witty, now in the sentimental manner, declared my love and received the assurance of its return.By means of this exercise my resolution daily grew stronger, until at last I had piled together such a mass of obstinacy as it would have taken a cataclysm of nature to subvert.

'Yes,' said I to the chambermaid, 'here is news of my lady-love indeed, and very good news too.'

All that day, in the teeth of a keen winter wind, I hugged myself in my plaid, and it was as though her arms were flung around me.

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