

'Ah, but there you make the common mistake, Mr.Romaine!' returned Alain.'You despise your adversary.Consider, if you please, how very disagreeable I could make myself, if I chose.Consider the position of your PROTEGE - an escaped prisoner! But I play a great game.I condemn such petty opportunities.'

At this Romaine and I exchanged a glance of triumph.It seemed manifest that Alain had as yet received no word of Clausel's recapture and denunciation.At the same moment the lawyer, thus relieved of the instancy of his fear, changed his tactics.With a great air of unconcern, he secured the newspaper, which still lay open before him on the table.

'I think, Monsieur Alain, that you labour under some illusion,'

said he.'Believe me, this is all beside the mark.You seem to be pointing to some compromise.Nothing is further from my views.

You suspect me of an inclination to trifle with you, to conceal how things are going.I cannot, on the other hand, be too early or too explicit in giving you information which concerns you (I must say)

capitally.Your great-uncle has to-night cancelled his will, and made a new one in favour of your cousin Anne.Nay, and you shall hear it from his own lips, if you choose! I will take so much upon me,' said the lawyer, rising.'Follow me, if you please, gentlemen.'

Mr.Romaine led the way out of the room so briskly, and was so briskly followed by Alain, that I had hard ado to get the remainder of the money replaced and the despatch-box locked, and to overtake them, even by running ere they should be lost in that maze of corridors, my uncle's house.As it was, I went with a heart divided; and the thought of my treasure thus left unprotected, save by a paltry lid and lock that any one might break or pick open, put me in a perspiration whenever I had the time to remember it.The lawyer brought us to a room, begged us to be seated while he should hold a consultation with the doctor, and, slipping out of another door, left Alain and myself closeted together.

Truly he had done nothing to ingratiate himself; his every word had been steeped in unfriendliness, envy, and that contempt which (as it is born of anger) it is possible to support without humiliation.

On my part, I had been little more conciliating; and yet I began to be sorry for this man, hired spy as I knew him to be.It seemed to me less than decent that he should have been brought up in the expectation of this great inheritance, and now, at the eleventh hour, be tumbled forth out of the house door and left to himself, his poverty and his debts - those debts of which I had so ungallantly reminded him so short a time before.And we were scarce left alone ere I made haste to hang out a flag of truce.

'My cousin,' said I, 'trust me, you will not find me inclined to be your enemy.'

He paused in front of me - for he had not accepted the lawyer's invitation to be seated, but walked to and fro in the apartment -

took a pinch of snuff, and looked at me while he was taking it with an air of much curiosity.

'Is it even so?' said he.'Am I so far favoured by fortune as to have your pity? Infinitely obliged, my cousin Anne! But these sentiments are not always reciprocal, and I warn you that the day when I set my foot on your neck, the spine shall break.Are you acquainted with the properties of the spine?' he asked with an insolence beyond qualification.

It was too much.'I am acquainted also with the properties of a pair of pistols,' said I, toising him.

'No, no, no!' says he, holding up his finger.'I will take my revenge how and when I please.We are enough of the same family to understand each other, perhaps; and the reason why I have not had you arrested on your arrival, why I had not a picket of soldiers in the first clump of evergreens, to await and prevent your coming -

I, who knew all, before whom that pettifogger, Romaine, has been conspiring in broad daylight to supplant me - is simply this: that I had not made up my mind how I was to take my revenge.'

At that moment he was interrupted by the tolling of a bell.As we stood surprised and listening, it was succeeded by the sound of many feet trooping up the stairs and shuffling by the door of our room.Both, I believe, had a great curiosity to set it open, which each, owing to the presence of the other, resisted; and we waited instead in silence, and without moving, until Romaine returned and bade us to my uncle's presence.

He led the way by a little crooked passage, which brought us out in the sick-room, and behind the bed.I believe I have forgotten to remark that the Count's chamber was of considerable dimensions.We beheld it now crowded with the servants and dependants of the house, from the doctor and the priest to Mr.Dawson and the housekeeper, from Dawson down to Rowley and the last footman in white calves, the last plump chambermaid in her clean gown and cap, and the last ostler in a stable waiscoat.This large congregation of persons (and I was surprised to see how large it was) had the appearance, for the most part, of being ill at ease and heartily bewildered, standing on one foot, gaping like zanies, and those who were in the corners nudging each other and grinning aside.My uncle, on the other hand, who was raised higher than I had yet seen him on his pillows, wore an air of really imposing gravity.No sooner had we appeared behind him, than he lifted his voice to a good loudness, and addressed the assemblage.

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  • 史上最囧的穿越:腐女皇妃


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  • The Critique of Practical Reason

    The Critique of Practical Reason

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  • 享受成长的日子:哲理篇


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