

How D'Artagnan regulated the "Assets" of the Company before he established its "Liabilities""Decidedly," said D'Artagnan to himself, "I have struck a good vein.That star which shines once in the life of every man, which shone for Job and Iris, the most unfortunate of the Jews and the poorest of the Greeks, is come at last to shine on me.I will commit no folly, I will take advantage of it; it comes quite late enough to find me reasonable."He supped that evening, in very good humor, with his friend Athos; he said nothing to him about the expected donation, but he could not forbear questioning his friend, while eating, about country produce, sowing, and planting.Athos replied complacently, as he always did.His idea was that D'Artagnan wished to become a land-owner, only he could not help regretting, more than once, the absence of the lively humor and amusing sallies of the cheerful companion of former days.In fact, D'Artagnan was so absorbed, that, with his knife, he took advantage of the grease left at the bottom of his plate, to trace ciphers and make additions of surprising rotundity.

The order, or rather license, for their embarkation, arrived at Athos's lodgings that evening.While this paper was remitted to the comte, another messenger brought to D'Artagnan a little bundle of parchments, adorned with all the seals employed in setting off property deeds in England.

Athos surprised him turning over the leaves of these different acts which establish the transmission of property.

The prudent Monk -- others would say the generous Monk --had commuted the donation into a sale, and acknowledged the receipt of the sum of fifteen thousand crowns as the price of the property ceded.The messenger was gone.D'Artagnan still continued reading, Athos watched him with a smile.

D'Artagnan, surprising one of those smiles over his shoulder, put the bundle in its wrapper.

"I beg your pardon," said Athos.

"Oh! not at all, my friend," replied the lieutenant, "Ishall tell you ---- "

"No, don't tell me anything, I beg you; orders are things so sacred, that to one's brother, one's father, the person charged with such orders should never open his mouth.Thus I, who speak to you, and love you more tenderly than brother, father, or all the world ---- ""Except your Raoul?"

"I shall love Raoul still better when he shall be a man, and I shall have seen him develop himself in all the phases of his character and his actions -- as I have seen you, my friend.""You said, then, that you had an order likewise, and that you would not communicate it to me.""Yes, my dear D'Artagnan."

The Gascon sighed."There was a time," said he, "when you would have placed that order open upon the table, saying, `D'Artagnan, read this scrawl to Porthos, Aramis, and to me.'""That is true.Oh! that was the time of youth, confidence, the generous season when the blood commands, when it is warmed by feeling!""Well! Athos, will you allow me to tell you?""Speak, my friend!"

"That delightful time, that generous season, that ruling by warm blood, were all very fine things, no doubt; but I do not regret them at all.It is absolutely like the period of studies.I have constantly met with fools who would boast of the days of pensums, ferules and crusts of dry bread.It is singular, but I never loved all that; for my part, however active and sober I might be (you know if I was so, Athos), however simple I might appear in my clothes, I would not the less have preferred the braveries and embroideries of Porthos to my little perforated cassock, which gave passage to the wind in winter and the sun in summer.I should always, my friend, mistrust him who would pretend to prefer evil to good.Now, in times past all went wrong with me, and every month found a fresh hole in my cassock and in my skin, a gold crown less in my poor purse; of that execrable time of small beer and see-saw, I regret absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing save our friendship; for within me I have a heart, and it is a miracle that heart has not been dried up by the wind of poverty which passed through the holes of my cloak, or pierced by the swords of all shapes which passed through the holes in my poor flesh.""Do not regret our friendship," said Athos, "that will only die with ourselves.Friendship is composed, above all things, of memories and habits, and if you have just now made a little satire upon mine, because I hesitate to tell you the nature of my mission into France ---- ""Who! I? -- Oh! heavens! if you knew, my dear friend, how indifferent all the missions of the world will henceforth become to me!" And he laid his hand upon the parchment in his vest pocket.

Athos rose from the table and called the host in order to pay the reckoning.

"Since I have known you, my friend," said D'Artagnan, "Ihave never discharged the reckoning.Porthos often did, Aramis sometimes, and you, you almost always drew out your purse with the dessert.I am now rich and should like to try if it is heroic to pay.""Do so," said Athos; returning his purse to his pocket.

The two friends then directed their steps towards the port, not, however, without D'Artagnan's frequently turning round to watch the transportation of his dear crowns.Night had just spread her thick veil over the yellow waters of the Thames; they heard those noises of casks and pulleys, the preliminaries of preparing to sail which had so many times made the hearts of the musketeers beat when the dangers of the sea were the least of those they were going to face.

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