

Who says that your devotion will not be remembered? I do not speak on any one's behalf but my own, when I tell you to leave.Do me this kindness -- grant me this favor; let me, for this also, be indebted to one of your name.""It is for your sake, then, madame?"

"For mine alone."

"No one whom I shall leave behind me will venture to mock, -- no prince even who shall say, `I required it.'""Listen to me, duke," and hereupon the dignified features of the queen assumed a solemn expression."I swear to you that no one commands in this matter but myself.I swear to you that, not only shall no one either laugh or boast in any way, but no one even shall fail in the respect due to your rank.Rely upon me, duke, as I rely upon you.""You do not explain yourself, madame; my heart is full of bitterness, and I am in utter despair; no consolation, however gentle and affectionate, can afford me relief.""Do you remember your mother, duke?" replied the queen, with a winning smile.

"Very slightly, madame; yet I remember how she used to cover me with her caresses and her tears whenever I wept.""Villiers," murmured the queen, passing her arm round the young man's neck, "look upon me as your mother, and believe that no one shall ever make my son weep.""I thank you, madame," said the young man, affected and almost suffocated by his emotion, "I feel there is indeed still room in my heart for a gentler and nobler sentiment than love."The queen-mother looked at him and pressed his hand."Go,"she said.

"When must I leave? Command me."

"At any time that may suit you, my lord," resumed the queen;"you will choose your own day of departure.Instead, however, of setting off to-day, as you would doubtless wish to do, or to-morrow, as others may have expected, leave the day after to-morrow, in the evening; but announce to-day that it is your wish to leave.""My wish?" murmured the young duke.

"Yes, duke."

"And shall I never return to France?"

Anne of Austria reflected for a moment, seemingly absorbed in sad and serious thought."It would be a consolation for me," she said, "if you were to return on the day when Ishall be carried to my final resting-place at Saint-Denis beside the king, my husband.""Madame, you are goodness itself; the tide of prosperity is setting in on you; your cup brims over with happiness, and many long years are yet before you.""In that case you will not come for some time, then," said the queen, endeavoring to smile.

"I shall not return," said Buckingham, "young as I am.Death does not reckon by years; it is impartial; some die young, some reach old age.""I will not harbor any sorrowful ideas, duke.Let me comfort you; return in two years.I perceive from your face that the very idea which saddens you so much now, will have disappeared before six months have passed, and will be not only dead but forgotten in the period of absence I have assigned you.'

"I think you judged me better a little while ago madame,"replied the young man, "when you said that time is powerless against members of the family of Buckingham.""Silence," said the queen, kissing the duke upon the forehead with an affection she could not restrain."Go, go;spare me and forget yourself no longer.I am the queen; you are the subject of the king of England.King Charles awaits your return.Adieu, Villiers, -- farewell.""Forever!" replied the young man, and he fled, endeavoring to master his emotion.

Anne leaned her head upon her hands, and then looking at herself in the glass, murmured, "It has been truly said, that a woman who has truly loved is always young, and that the bloom of twenty years ever lies concealed in some secret cloister of the heart."

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