

The four descended the stairs.De Guiche's carriage was waiting at the door, and took them to the Palais-Royal.As they were going along, Raoul was engaged in devising his scheme of action.The sole depositary of two secrets, he did not despair of concluding some arrangement between the two parties.He knew the influence he exercised over Buckingham, and the ascendency he had acquired over De Guiche, and affairs did not look utterly hopeless.On their arrival in the gallery, dazzling with the blaze of light, where the most beautiful and illustrious women of the court moved to and fro, like stars in their own atmosphere, Raoul could not prevent himself for a moment forgetting De Guiche in order to seek out Louise, who, amidst her companions, like a dove completely fascinated, gazed long and fixedly upon the royal circle, which glittered with jewels and gold.All its members were standing, the king alone being seated.Raoul perceived Buckingham, who was standing a few places from Monsieur, in a group of French and English, who were admiring his aristocratic carriage and the incomparable magnificence of his costume.Some of the older courtiers remembered having seen his father, but their recollections were not prejudicial to the son.

Buckingham was conversing with Fouquet, who was talking with him aloud about Belle-Isle."I cannot speak to him at present," said Raoul.

"Wait, then, and choose your opportunity, but finish everything speedily.I am on thorns.""See, our deliverer approaches," said Raoul, perceiving D'Artagnan, who, magnificently dressed in his new uniform of captain of the musketeers, had just made his entry in the gallery; and he advanced towards D'Artagnan.

"The Comte de la Fere has been looking for you, chevalier,"said Raoul.

"Yes," replied D'Artagnan, "I have just left him.""I thought you would have passed a portion of the evening together.""We have arranged to meet again."

As he answered Raoul, his absent looks were directed on all sides, as if seeking some one in the crowd, or looking for something in the room.Suddenly his gaze became fixed, like that of an eagle on its prey.Raoul followed the direction of his glance, and noticed that De Guiche and D'Artagnan saluted each other, but he could not distinguish at whom the captain's inquiring and haughty glance was aimed.

"Chevalier," said Raoul, "there is no one here but yourself who can render me a service.""What is it, my dear vicomte?"

"It is simply to go and interrupt the Duke of Buckingham, to whom I wish to say two words, and, as the duke is conversing with M.Fouquet, you understand that it would not do for me to throw myself into the middle of the conversation.""Ah, ah, is M.Fouquet there?" inquired D'Artagnan.

"Do you not see him?"

"Yes, now I do.But do you think I have a greater right than you have?""You are a more important personage."

"Yes, you're right; I am captain of the musketeers; I have had the post promised me so long, and have enjoyed it for so brief a period, that I am always forgetting my dignity.""You will do me this service, will you not?""M.Fouquet -- the deuce!"

"Are you not on good terms with him?"

"It is rather he who may not be on good terms with me;however, since it must be done some day or another ---- ""Stay; I think he is looking at you; or is it likely that it might be ---- ""No, no, don't deceive yourself, it is indeed me for whom this honor is intended.""The opportunity is a good one, then?"

"Do you think so?"

"Pray go."

"Well, I will."

De Guiche had not removed his eyes from Raoul, who made a sign to him that all was arranged.D'Artagnan walked straight up to the group, and civilly saluted M.Fouquet as well as the others.

"Good evening, M.d'Artagnan; we were speaking of Belle-Isle," said Fouquet, with that usage of society, and that perfect knowledge of the language of looks, which require half a lifetime thoroughly to acquire, and which some persons, notwithstanding all their study, never attain.

"Of Belle-Isle-en-Mer! Ah!" said D'Artagnan."It belongs to you, I believe, M.Fouquet?""M.Fouquet has just told me that he had presented it to the king," said Buckingham.

"Do you know Belle-Isle, chevalier?" inquired Fouquet.

"I have only been there once," replied D'Artagnan, with readiness and good-humor.

"Did you remain there long?"

"Scarcely a day."

"Did you see much of it while you were there?""All that could be seen in a day."

"A great deal can be seen with observation as keen as yours," said Fouquet; at which D'Artagnan bowed.

During this Raoul made a sign to Buckingham."M.Fouquet,"said Buckingham, "I leave the captain with you, he is more learned than I am in bastions, scarps, and counter-scarps, and I will join one of my friends, who has just beckoned me." Saying this, Buckingham disengaged himself from the group, and advanced towards Raoul, stopping for a moment at the table where the queen-mother, the young queen, and the king were playing together.

"Now, Raoul," said De Guiche, "there he is; be firm and quick."Buckingham, having made some complimentary remark to Madame, continued his way towards Raoul, who advanced to meet him, while De Guiche remained in his place, though he followed him with his eyes.The maneuver was so arranged that the young men met in an open space which was left vacant, between the group of players and the gallery, where they walked, stopping now and then for the purpose of saying a few words to some of the graver courtiers who were walking there.At the moment when the two lines were about to unite, they were broken by a third.It was Monsieur who advanced toward the Duke of Buckingham.Monsieur had his most engaging smile on his red and perfumed lips.

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    The Story of a Pioneer

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