

"Surely you must know each other," said D'Artagnan.

"I have an indistinct recollection of Monsieur Baisemeaux,"said Athos.

"You remember, my dear, Baisemeaux, the king's guardsman with whom we used formerly to have such delightful meetings in the cardinal's time?""Perfectly," said Athos, taking leave of him with affability.

"Monsieur le Comte de la Fere, whose nom de guerre was Athos," whispered D'Artagnan to Baisemeaux.

"Yes, yes, a brave man, one of the celebrated four.""Precisely so.But, my dear Baisemeaux, shall we talk now?""If you please."

"In the first place, as for the orders -- there are none.

The king does not intend to arrest the person in question.""So much the worse," said Baisemeaux with a sigh.

"What do you mean by so much the worse?" exclaimed D'Artagnan, laughing.

"No doubt of it," returned the governor, "my prisoners are my income.""I beg your pardon, I did not see it in that light.""And so there are no orders," repeated Baisemeaux with a sigh."What an admirable situation yours is captain," he continued, after a pause, "captain-lieutenant of the musketeers.""Oh, it is good enough; but I don't see why you should envy me; you, governor of the Bastile, the first castle in France.""I am well aware of that," said Baisemeaux, in a sorrowful tone of voice.

"You say that like a man confessing his sins.I would willingly exchange my profits for yours.""Don't speak of profits to me if you wish to save me the bitterest anguish of mind.""Why do you look first on one side and then on the other, as if you were afraid of being arrested yourself, you whose business it is to arrest others?""I was looking to see whether any one could see or listen to us; it would be safer to confer more in private, if you would grant me such a favor.""Baisemeaux, you seem to forget we are acquaintances of five and thirty years' standing.Don't assume such sanctified airs; make yourself quite comfortable; I don't eat governors of the Bastile raw.""Heaven be praised!"

"Come into the courtyard with me, it's a beautiful moonlight night; we will walk up and down arm in arm under the trees, while you tell me your pitiful tale." He drew the doleful governor into the courtyard, took him by the arm as he had said, and, in his rough, good-humored way, cried: "Out with it, rattle away, Baisemeaux; what have you got to say?""It's a long story."

"You prefer your own lamentations, then; my opinion is, it will be longer than ever.I'll wager you are making fifty thousand francs out of your pigeons in the Bastile.""Would to heaven that were the case, M.d'Artagnan.""You surprise me, Baisemeaux; just look at you, acting the anchorite.I should like to show you your face in a glass, and you would see how plump and florid-looking you are, as fat and round as a cheese, with eyes like lighted coals; and if it were not for that ugly wrinkle you try to cultivate on your forehead, you would hardly look fifty years old, and you are sixty, if I am not mistaken.""All quite true."

"Of course I knew it was true, as true as the fifty thousand francs profit you make," at which remark Baisemeaux stamped on the ground.

"Well, well," said D'Artagnan, "I will add up your accounts for you: you were captain of M.Mazarin's guards; and twelve thousand francs a year would in twelve years amount to one hundred and forty thousand francs.""Twelve thousand francs! Are you mad?" cried Baisemeaux;"the old miser gave me no more than six thousand, and the expenses of the post amounted to six thousand five hundred francs.M.Colbert, who deducted the other six thousand francs, condescended to allow me to take fifty pistoles as a gratification; so that, if it were not for my little estate at Montlezun, which brings me in twelve thousand francs a year, I could not have met my engagements.""Well, then, how about the fifty thousand francs from the Bastile? There, I trust, you are boarded and lodged, and get your six thousand francs salary besides.""Admitted!"

"Whether the year be good or bad, there are fifty prisoners, who, on an average, bring you in a thousand francs a year each.""I don't deny it."

"Well, there is at once an income of fifty thousand francs;you have held the post three years, and must have received in that time one hundred and fifty thousand francs.""You forget one circumstance, dear M.d'Artagnan.""What is that?"

"That while you received your appointment as captain from the king himself, I received mine as governor from Messieurs Tremblay and Louviere.""Quite right, and Tremblay was not a man to let you have the post for nothing.""Nor Louviere either: the result was, that I gave seventy-five thousand francs to Tremblay as his share.""Very agreeable that! and to Louviere?"

"The very same."

"Money down?"

"No: that would have been impossible.The king did not wish, or rather M.Mazarin did not wish, to have the appearance of removing those two gentlemen, who had sprung from the barricades; he permitted them therefore, to make certain extravagant conditions for their retirement.""What were those conditions?"

"Tremble...three years' income for the good-will.""The deuce! so that the one hundred and fifty thousand francs have passed into their hands.""Precisely so."

"And beyond that?"

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    〖已完结,全文免费!每个世界反派都是一个人哦,黑化后的反派心机,偏执,有甜有虐,结局he〗某盛世黑心白莲眨着眼睛,睫毛微微颤动,“算了…他们有权有势的,我没关系的,我不想给你添麻烦。”某高冷傲娇轻轻皱着眉,“你已经往前走了65步了,没有要等我的意思。”某偏执黑暗美人鱼伸出手攀上她的脸,白皙的手指轻轻摩挲着,“姐姐,姐姐…你是我的…不要走了,留下来陪着我好不好?真的好想用镣铐把你锁起来。”女主满脸悲伤,“兄弟兄弟,别再黑化了……我积分都掉光光了!!!”〖男主可萌可阴狠可傲娇可清冷,嘿嘿,进来看看吧,本书永远免费,欢迎宝贝们入坑讨论剧情,每一个人的评论我都会回复的。〗 另外推书《今天他偏执了吗》白莲花男主
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