

The Breakfast at Monsieur de Baisemeaux's.

Aramis was generally temperate; but on this occasion, while taking every care of his constitution, he did ample justice to Baisemeaux's breakfast, which, in all respects, was most excellent.The latter, on his side, was animated with the wildest gayety; the sight of the five thousand pistoles, which he glanced at from time to time, seemed to open his heart.Every now and then he looked at Aramis with an expression of the deepest gratitude; while the latter, leaning back in his chair, took a few sips of wine from his glass, with the air of a connoisseur."Let me never hear any ill words against the fare of the Bastile," said he, half closing his eyes; "happy are the prisoners who can get only half a bottle of such Burgundy every day.""All those at fifteen francs drink it," said Baisemeaux."It is very old Volnay.""Does that poor student, Seldon, drink such good wine?""Oh, no!"

"I thought I heard you say he was boarded at fifteen francs.""He! no, indeed; a man who makes districts -- distichs, Imean -- at fifteen francs! No, no! it is his neighbor who is at fifteen francs.""Which neighbor?"

"The other, second Bertaudiere."

"Excuse me, my dear governor; but you speak a language which requires quite an apprenticeship to understand.""Very true," said the governor."Allow me to explain: second Bertaudiere is the person who occupies the second floor of the tower of the Bertaudiere.""So that Bertaudiere is the name of one of the towers of the Bastile? The fact is, I think I recollect hearing that each tower has a name of its own.Whereabouts is the one you are speaking of?""Look," said Baisemeaux, going to the window."It is that tower to the left ---the second one.""Is the prisoner at fifteen francs there?""Yes."

"Since when?"

"Seven or eight years, nearly."

"What do you mean by nearly? Do you not know the dates more precisely?""It was not in my time, M.d'Herblay."

"But I should have thought that Louviere or Tremblay would have told you.""The secrets of the Bastile are never handed over with the keys of the governorship.""Indeed! Then the cause of his imprisonment is a mystery --a state secret."

"Oh no! I do not suppose it is a state secret, but a secret -- like everything else that happens at the Bastile.""But," said Aramis, "why do you speak more freely of Seldon than of second Bertaudiere?""Because, in my opinion, the crime of the man who writes a distich is not so great as that of the man who resembles ---- ""Yes, yes, I understand you.Still, do not the turnkeys talk with your prisoners?""Of course."

"The prisoners, I suppose, tell them they are not guilty?""They are always telling them that; it is a matter of course; the same song over and over again.""But does not the resemblance you were speaking about just now strike the turnkeys?""My dear M.d'Herblay, it is only for men attached to the court, as you are, to take trouble about such matters.""You're right, you're right, my dear M.Baisemeaux.Let me give you another taste of this Volnay.""Not a taste merely, a full glass; fill yours too.""Nay, nay! You are a musketeer still, to the very tips of your fingers, while I have become a bishop.A taste for me;a glass for yourself."

"As you please." And Aramis and the governor nodded to each other, as they drank their wine."But," said Aramis, looking with fixed attention at the ruby-colored wine he had raised to the level of his eyes, as if he wished to enjoy it with all his senses at the same moment, "but what you might call a resemblance, another would not, perhaps, take any notice of.""Most certainly he would, though, if it were any one who knew the person he resembles.""I really think, dear M.Baisemeaux, that it can be nothing more than a resemblance of your own creation.""Upon my honor, it is not so."

"Stay," continued Aramis, "I have seen many persons very like the one we are speaking of; but, out of respect, no one ever said anything about it.""Very likely; because there is resemblance and resemblance.

This is a striking one, and, if you were to see him, you would admit it to be so.""If I were to see him, indeed," said Aramis, in an indifferent tone; "but in all probability I never shall.""Why not?"

"Because if I were even to put my foot inside one of those horrible dungeons, I should fancy I was buried there forever.""No, no; the cells are very good places to live in.""I really do not, and cannot believe it, and that is a fact.""Pray do not speak ill of second Bertaudiere.It is really a good room, very nicely furnished and carpeted.The young fellow has by no means been unhappy there; the best lodging the Bastile affords has been his.There is a chance for you.""Nay, nay," said Aramis, coldly; "you will never make me believe there are any good rooms in the Bastile; and, as for your carpets, they exist only in your imagination.I should find nothing but spiders, rats, and perhaps toads, too.""Toads?" cried Baisemeaux.

"Yes, in the dungeons."

"Ah! I don't say there are not toads in the dungeons,"replied Baisemeaux."But -- will you be convinced by your own eyes?" he continued, with a sudden impulse.

"No, certainly not."

"Not even to satisfy yourself of the resemblance which you deny, as you do the carpets?""Some spectral-looking person, a mere shadow; an unhappy, dying man.""Nothing of the kind -- as brisk and vigorous a young fellow as ever lived.""Melancholy and ill-tempered, then?"

"Not at all; very gay and lively."

"Nonsense; you are joking."

"Will you follow me?" said Baisemeaux.

"What for?"

"To go the round of the Bastile."


"You will then see for yourself -- see with your own eyes.""But the regulations?"

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