

"It is very clear, since the discovery of the plot of Belle-Isle.""I was told that the discovery of the fortifications there had turned out to M.Fouquet's honor."Marguerite began to laugh in so cruel a manner that Madame de Belliere could at that moment have delightedly plunged a dagger in her bosom."Dearest," continued Marguerite, "there is no longer any question of M.Fouquet's honor; his safety is concerned.Before three days are passed the ruin of the superintendent will be complete.""Stay," said the marquise, in her turn smiling, "that is going a little too fast.""I said three days, because I wish to deceive myself with a hope; but probably the catastrophe will be complete within twenty-four hours.""Why so?"

"For the simplest of all reasons, -- that M.Fouquet has no more money.""In matters of finance, my dear Marguerite, some are without money to-day, who to-morrow can procure millions.""That might be M.Fouquet's case when he had two wealthy and clever friends who amassed money for him, and wrung it from every possible or impossible source; but those friends are dead.""Money does not die, Marguerite; it may be concealed, but it can be looked for, bought and found.""You see things on the bright side, and so much the better for you.It is really very unfortunate that you are not the Egeria of M.Fouquet; you might now show him the source whence he could obtain the millions which the king asked him for yesterday.""Millions!" said the marquise, in terror.

"Four -- an even number."

"Infamous!" murmured Madame de Belliere, tortured by her friend's merciless delight.

"M.Fouquet, I should think, must certainly have four millions," she replied, courageously.

"If he has those which the king requires to-day," said Marguerite, "he will not, perhaps, possess those which the king will demand in a month or so.""The king will exact money from him again, then?""No doubt; and that is my reason for saying that the ruin of poor M.Fouquet is inevitable.Pride will induce him to furnish the money, and when he has no more, he will fall.""It is true," said the marquise, trembling; "the plan is a bold one; but tell me, does M.Colbert hate M.Fouquet so very much?""I think he does not like him.M.Colbert is powerful; he improves on close acquaintance, he has gigantic ideas, a strong will, and discretion, he will rise.""He will be superintendent?"

"It is probable.Such is the reason, my dear marquise, why Ifelt myself impressed in favor of that poor man, who once loved, and even adored me; and why, when I see him so unfortunate, I forgive his infidelity which I have reason to believe he also regrets; and why, moreover, I should not have been disinclined to afford him some consolation, or some good advice; he would have understood the step I had taken, and would have thought kindly of me for it.It is gratifying to be loved, you know.Men value love more highly when they are no longer blinded by its influence."The marquise, bewildered and overcome by these cruel attacks, which had been calculated with the greatest nicety and precision, hardly knew what answer to return; she even seemed to have lost all power of thought.Her perfidious friend's voice had assumed the most affectionate tone; she spoke as a woman, but concealed the instincts of a wolf.

"Well," said Madame de Belliere, who had a vague hope that Marguerite would cease to overwhelm a vanquished enemy, "why do you not go and see M.Fouquet?""Decidedly, marquise, you have made me reflect.No, it would be unbecoming for me to make the first advance.M.Fouquet no doubt loves me, but he is too proud.I cannot expose myself to an affront....besides I have my husband to consider.You tell me nothing? Very well, I shall consult M.

Colbert on the subject." Marguerite rose smilingly, as though to take leave, but the marquise had not the strength to imitate her.Marguerite advanced a few paces, in order that she might continue to enjoy the humiliating grief in which her rival was plunged, and then said, suddenly, --"You do not accompany me to the door, then?" The marquise rose, pale and almost lifeless, without thinking of the envelope, which had occupied her attention so greatly at the commencement of the conversation, and which was revealed at the first step she took.She then opened the door of her oratory, and without even turning her head towards Marguerite Vanel, entered it, closing the door after her.

Marguerite said, or rather muttered a few words, which Madame de Belliere did not even hear.As soon, however, as the marquise had disappeared, her envious enemy, not being able to resist the desire to satisfy herself that her suspicions were well founded, advanced stealthily towards it like a panther and seized the envelope."Ah!" she said, gnashing her teeth, "it was indeed a letter from M.Fouquet she was reading when I arrived," and then darted out of the room.During this interval, the marquise, having arrived behind the rampart, as it were, of her door, felt that her strength was failing her; for a moment she remained rigid, pale and motionless as a statue, and then, like a statue shaken on its base by an earthquake, tottered and fell inanimate on the carpet.The noise of the fall resounded at the same moment as the rolling of Marguerite's carriage leaving the hotel.

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  • 水云间


    航业钜子之女杜芊芊,无意间邂逅菁英群聚的“醉马画会”,画会中个个才子都对她青睐有加,惟独家梅若鸿对芊芊却不敢觊觎与亵渎,他瑟缩在自己简陋的画室“水云间”中,眼见众全心撮合年轻有为的子默和芊芊,他的心宛如在淌血…… 而芊芊呢,一次坦诚的示为,却遭若鸿莫名奇妙的侮辱与拒绝,她自此从杭州远避到上海。理应消遥快乐的一群才子佳人,就在这错综复杂的爱情纠葛下迷惘了,他们任情徜徉于水云间,却没想到,更在水云天地间踏遍红尘路,尝尽人间的苦与乐!梅若鸿和杜芊芊第一相遇是在苏堤上一个叫做“望山桥”的地方,梅若鸿被杜芊芊的美丽惊呆了,他迫不及待的要把芊芊带回“醉马画会”给朋友们看。
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