

"It is the Duke of Buckingham," said Marguerite, bursting into laughter.This perfidy had been calculated with extreme ability; the name that was pronounced, instead of the name which the marquise awaited, had precisely the same effect upon her as the badly sharpened axes that had hacked, without destroying, Messieurs de Chalais and De Thou upon the scaffold.She recovered herself, however, and said, "Iwas perfectly right in saying you were a witty woman, for you are making the time pass away most agreeably.This joke is a most amusing one, for I have never seen the Duke of Buckingham.""Never?" said Marguerite, restraining her laughter.

"I have never even left my own house since the duke has been at Paris.""Oh!" resumed Madame Vanel, stretching out her foot towards a paper which was lying on the carpet near the window; "it is not necessary for people to see each other, since they can write." The marquise trembled, for this paper was the envelope of the letter she was reading as her friend had entered, and was sealed with the superintendent's arms.As she leaned back on the sofa on which she was sitting, Madame de Belliere covered the paper with the thick folds of her large silk dress, and so concealed it.

"Come, Marguerite, tell me, is it to tell me all these foolish reports that you have come to see me so early in the day?""No, I came to see you, in the first place, and to remind you of those habits of our earlier days, so delightful to remember, when we used to wander about together at Vincennes, and, sitting beneath an oak, or in some sylvan shade, used to talk of those we loved, and who loved us.""Do you propose that we should go out together now?""My carriage is here, and I have three hours at my disposal.""I am not dressed yet, Marguerite; but if you wish that we should talk together, we can, without going to the woods of Vincennes, find in my own garden here, beautiful trees, shady groves, a greensward covered with daisies and violets, the perfume of which can be perceived from where we are sitting.""I regret your refusal, my dear marquise, for I wanted to pour out my whole heart into yours.""I repeat again, Marguerite, my heart is yours just as much in this room, or beneath the lime-trees in the garden here, as it would be under the oaks in the wood yonder.""It is not the same thing for me.In approaching Vincennes, marquise, my ardent aspirations approach nearer to that object towards which they have for some days past been directed." The marquise suddenly raised her head."Are you surprised, then, that I am still thinking of Saint-Mande?""Of Saint-Mande?" exclaimed Madame de Belliere; and the looks of both women met each other like two resistless swords.

"You, so proud!" said the marquise, disdainfully.

"I, so proud!" replied Madame Vanel."Such is my nature.Ido not forgive neglect -- I cannot endure infidelity.When Ileave any one who weeps at my abandonment, I feel induced still to love him; but when others forsake me and laugh at their infidelity, I love distractedly."Madame de Belliere could not restrain an involuntary movement.

"She is jealous," said Marguerite to herself.

"Then," continued the marquise, "you are quite enamored of the Duke of Buckingham -- I mean of M.Fouquet?" Elise felt the allusion, and her blood seemed to congeal in her heart.

"And you wished to go to Vincennes, -- to Saint-Mande, even?""I hardly know what I wished: you would have advised me perhaps.""In what respect?"

"You have often done so."

"Most certainly I should not have done so in the present instance, for I do not forgive as you do.I am less loving, perhaps; when my heart has been once wounded, it remains so always.""But M.Fouquet has not wounded you," said Marguerite Vanel, with the most perfect simplicity.

"You perfectly understand what I mean.M.Fouquet has not wounded me; I do not know of either obligation or injury received at his hands, but you have reason to complain of him.You are my friend, and I am afraid I should not advise you as you would like.""Ah! you are prejudging the case."

"The sighs you spoke of just now are more than indications.""You overwhelm me," said the young woman suddenly, as if collecting her whole strength, like a wrestler preparing for a last struggle; "you take only my evil dispositions and my weaknesses into calculation, and do not speak of my pure and generous feelings.If, at this moment, I feel instinctively attracted towards the superintendent, if I even make an advance to him, which, I confess, is very probable, my motive for it is, that M.Fouquet's fate deeply affects me, and because he is, in my opinion, one of the most unfortunate men living.""Ah!" said the marquise, placing her hand upon her heart, "something new, then, has occurred?""Do you not know it?"

"I am utterly ignorant of everything about him," said Madame de Belliere, with the poignant anguish that suspends thought and speech, and even life itself.

"In the first place, then, the king's favor is entirely withdrawn from M.Fouquet, and conferred on M.Colbert.""So it is stated."

  • 西湖佳话






  • Chaucer


  • 根本说一切有部毗奈耶


  • 哲理故事大全集(优秀小学生必读)


    本书精选上百则感动心灵的哲理故事,它们涵盖了成长的滋味、父爱母爱、纯洁友情等内容。在每则故事后面,都配有平实生动、明白浅近的赏析点评,方便读者领会、启迪和感悟。 通过一个个感同身受的故事,让小学生体会“真”的流露,“善”的进发,“美”的呈现,进而学会感动,懂得感恩!
  • 吸血鬼男神丫头你别跑


  • 独家记忆


  • 云端的次元漫步


    这些精彩的世界,真的是很有趣啊,虽然不知道为什么,自己拥有了系统穿越一个又一个的动漫世界。 奥,自己还在 系统的帮助下成为了一名修炼者,这下子,我的春天终于来了哈哈哈哈哈哈! …… 柳千城在经历过不同寻常的第一次任务出击后,经过修炼而成为了灵纹阵师,而随着临行前Z23的加入,下一场冒险又会发生什么样的变化呢? —— —— 第一卷——《重装机兵2r》 第二卷——《漆黑的子弹》
  • 末世的女配


  • 今天与明日(中国好小说)


  • 市声


  • 梦断桃花源


    二十年前,紫柔的亲生父母在寻访桃花源的途中不幸遇难身亡,被周子同夫妇收养。 二十年后,在桃花盛开的四月天,深得紫柔的搭档高洁倾慕、对紫柔一直着怀强烈的保护欲的陈严,提出再续父辈旧梦——寻访桃花源。 寻访的结束就意味着是梦醒、梦断之时。却不知,一个恶梦正向着他们逼近。 紫婉,在得知紫柔只是父母抱养的女儿时,心里发生了严重的失衡。因为紫婉的买醉滋事,紫柔的老公江汉中在迪吧里与一群流氓发生纠葛时,被流氓手里拿着的刀刺杀。 送往医院抢救的江汉中,在抢救途中被宣告因流血过多而身亡。 谢绝所有人再访的江汉中他妈的背后到底隐藏了怎样的真相?死不见尸的江汉中到底是生是死?----- 人生一世,都是在寻梦、断梦中折腾。梦里结缘;梦里缘散。一切都在缘份里。
  • 励治撮要


  • 再借一个六月

