

As Lord Colambre was returning home, he was overtaken by Sir Terence O'Fay.

'Well, my lord,' cried Sir Terence, out of breath, 'you have led me a pretty dance all over the town; here's a letter somewhere down in my safe pocket for you, which has cost me trouble enough.

Phoo! where is it now?--it's from Miss Nugent,' said he, holding up the letter.The direction to Grosvenor Square, London, had been scratched out; and it had been re-directed by Sir Terence to the Lord Viscount Colambre, at Sir James Brooke's, Bart., Brookwood, Huntingdonshire, or elsewhere, with speed.'But the more haste the worse speed; for away it went to Brookwood, Huntingdonshire, where I knew, if anywhere, you was to be found;but, as fate and the post would have it, there the letter went coursing after you, while you were running round, and back and forwards, and everywhere, I understand, to Toddrington and Wrestham, and where not, through all them English places, where there's no cross-post; so I took it for granted that it found its way to the dead-letter office, or was sticking up across a pane in the d--d postmaster's window at Huntingdon, for the whole town to see, and it a love-letter, and some puppy to claim it, under false pretence; and you all the time without it, and it might breed a coolness betwixt you and Miss Nugent.'

'But, my dear Sir Terence, give me the letter now you have me.'

'Oh, my dear lord, if you knew what a race I have had, missing you here by five minutes, and there by five seconds--but I have you at last, and you have it--and I'm paid this minute for all Iliquidated of my substance, by the pleasure I have in seeing you crack the seal and read it.But take care you don't tumble over the orange woman--orange barrows are a great nuisance, when one's studying a letter in the streets of London, or the metropolis.

But never heed; stick to my arm, and I'll guide you, like a blind man, safe through the thick of them.'

Miss Nugent's letter, which Lord Colambre read in spite of the jostling of passengers, and the incessant talking of Sir Terence, was as follows:--Let me not be the cause of banishing you from your home and your country, where you would do so much good, and make so many happy.

Let me not be the cause of your breaking your promise to your mother; of your disappointing my dear aunt, so cruelly, who has complied with all our wishes, and who sacrifices, to oblige us, her favourite tastes.How could she ever be happy in Ireland--how could Clonbrony Castle be a home to her, without her son?

if you take away all she had of amusement and PLEASURE, as it is called, are not you bound to give her, in their stead, that domestic happiness, which she can enjoy only with you, and by your means? If, instead of living with her, you go into the army, she will be in daily, nightly anxiety and alarm about you;and her son will, instead of being a comfort, be a source of torment to her.

I will hope that you will do now, as you have always hitherto done, on every occasion where I have seen you act, what is right, and just, and kind.Come here on the day you promised my aunt you would; before that time I shall be in Cambridgeshire, with my friend Lady Berryl; she is so good as to come to Buxton for me--Ishall remain with her, instead of returning to Ireland.I have explained my reasons to my dear aunt--Could I have any concealment from her, to whom, from my earliest childhood, I owe everything that kindness and affection could give? She is satisfied--she consents to my living henceforward with Lady Berryl.Let me have the pleasure of seeing, by your conduct, that you approve of mine.--Your affectionate cousin and friend, GRACE NUGENT.

This letter, as may be imagined by those who, like him, are capable of feeling honourable and generous conduct, gave our hero exquisite pleasure.Poor, good-natured Sir Terence O'Fay enjoyed his lordship's delight; and forgot himself so completely, that he never even inquired whether Lord Colambre had thought of an affair on which he had spoken to him some time before, and which materially concerned Sir Terence's interest.The next morning, when the carriage was at the door, and Sir Terence was just taking leave of his friend Lord Clonbrony, and actually in tears, wishing them all manner of happiness, though he said there was none left now in London, or the wide world, even, for him--Lord Colambre went up to him, and said, 'Sir Terence, you have never inquired whether I have done your business?'

'Oh, my dear, I'm not thinking of that now--time enough by the post--I can write after you; but my thoughts won't turn for me to business now no matter.'

'Your business is done,' replied Lord Colambre.

'Then I wonder how you could think of it, with all you had upon your mind and heart.When anything's upon my heart, good morning to my head, it's not worth a lemon.Good-bye to you, and thank you kindly, and all happiness attend you.'

'Good-bye to you, Sir Terence O'Fay,' said Lord Clonbrony; 'and, since it's so ordered, I must live without you.'

'Oh! you'll live better without me! my lord; I am not a good liver, I know, nor the best of all companions for a nobleman, young or old; and now you'll be rich, and not put to your shifts and your wits, what would I have to do for you?--Sir Terence O'Fay, you know, was only THE POOR NOBLEMAN'S FRIEND, and you'll never want to call upon him again, thanks to your jewel, your Pitt's-di'mond of a son there.So we part here, and depend upon it you're better without me--that's all my comfort, or my heart would break.The carriage is waiting this long time, and this young lover's itching to be off.God bless you both!--that's my last word.'

They called in Red Lion Square, punctual to the moment, on old Mr.Reynolds, but his window-shutters were shut; he had been seized in the night with a violent fit of the gout, which, as he said, held him fast by the leg.'But here,' said he, giving Lord Colambre a letter, 'here's what will do your business without me.

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  • 吃我吃我


    38种具有神奇效果、我们却不知道的平常食材;76道制作简单、营养科学我们却没吃过的超级美味,都藏在这本温情小书里。 脾气大你就吃苦瓜:苦瓜富含能清热解毒、消除火爆脾气的苦瓜素。 多吃蘑菇精神爽:蘑菇富含能恢复活力的菌菇多糖。 压力大赶紧吃猕猴桃:猕猴桃富含能消除疲劳和压力感的维生素C。 烦躁了多吃芹菜:芹菜富含能消除烦躁的生物碱。 吃海鱼抗抑郁:海鱼富含能使人情绪快乐、抗抑郁的Ω-3脂肪酸。 经期烦躁赶紧吃豆腐:豆腐富含能让女性温柔可人的大豆异黄酮。 增强记忆力吃鸡蛋:鸡蛋富含能缓解压力、提升记忆力的酪氨酸。
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  • 潇洒小姐公子


    不喜欢前面的内容的,请从缘起开始看 她所见的所经历的都是假的,那当初那份情可是真的?前期只是想来个重生甜文的,后面嘛——单纯地解决两人的矛盾,让所有人有个好结局。 系统+攻略(后来系统跑了)
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