

'I beg your pardon, my lord, it was apropos to a good fortune, which, I hope, will not be out of your way, even if you went by Tipperary.She has, besides L100,000 in the funds, a clear landed property of L10,000 per annum.WELL! SOME PEOPLE TALK OFMORALITY, AND SOME OF RELIGION, BUT GIVE ME A LITTLE SNUGPROPERTY.But, my lord, I've a little business to transact this morning, and must not be idling and indulging myself here.' So, bowing to the ladies, he departed.

'Really, I am glad that man is gone,' said Lady Clonbrony.'What a relief to one's ears! I am sure I wonder, my lord, how you can bear to carry that strange creature always about with you--so vulgar as he is.'

'He diverts me,' said Lord Clonbrony, 'while many of your correct-mannered fine ladies or gentlemen put me to sleep.What signifies what accent people speak in that have nothing to say --hey, Colambre?'

Lord Colambre, from respect to his father, did not express his opinion, but his aversion to Sir Terence O'Fay was stronger even than his mother's; though Lady Clonbrony's detestation of him was much increased by perceiving that his coarse hints about Miss Broadhurst had operated against her favourite scheme.

The next morning, at breakfast, Lord Clonbrony talked of bringing Sir Terence with him that night to her gala.She absolutely grew pale with horror.

'Good heavens! Lady Langdale, Mrs.Dareville, Lady Pococke, Lady Chatterton, Lady D--, Lady G--, his Grace of V--; what would they think of him? And Miss Broadhurst to see him going about with my Lord Clonbrony!'--It could not be.No; her ladyship made the most solemn and desperate protestation, that she would sooner give up her gala altogether--tie up the knocker--say she was sick --rather be sick, or be dead, than be obliged to have such a creature as Sir Terence O'Fay at her gala.

'Have it your own way, my dear, as you have everything else!'

cried Lord Clonbrony, taking up his hat, and preparing to decamp;'but, take notice, if you won't receive him you need not expect me.So a good morning to you, my Lady Clonbrony.You may find a worse friend in need, yet, than that same Sir Terence O'Fay.'

'I trust I shall never be in need, my lord,' replied her ladyship.'It would be strange, indeed, if I were, with the fortune I brought.'

'Oh! that fortune of hers!' cried Lord Clonbrony, stopping both his ears as he ran out of the room; 'shall I never hear the end of that fortune, when I've seen the end of it long ago?'

During this matrimonial dialogue, Grace Nugent and Lord Colambre never once looked at each other.Grace was very diligently trying the changes that could be made in the positions of a china-mouse, a cat, a dog, a cup, and a Brahmin, on the mantelpiece; Lord Colambre as diligently reading the newspaper.

'Now, my dear Colambre,' said Lady Clonbrony, 'put down the paper, and listen to me.Let me entreat you not to neglect Miss Broadhurst to-night, as I know that the family come here chiefly on your account.'

'My dear mother, I never can neglect any deserving young lady, and particularly one of your guests; but I shall be careful not to do more than not to neglect, for I never will pretend what Ido not feel.'

'But, my dear Colambre, Miss Broadhurst is everything you could wish, except being a beauty.'

'Perhaps, madam,' said Lord Colambre, fixing his eyes on Grace Nugent, 'you think that I can see no farther than a handsome face?'

The unconscious Grace Nugent now made a warm eulogium of Miss Broadhurst's sense, and wit, and independence of character.

'I did not know that Miss Broadhurst was a friend of yours, Miss Nugent?'

'She is, I assure you, a friend of mine; and, as a proof, I will not praise her at this moment.I will go farther still--I will promise that I never will praise her to you till you begin to praise her to me.'

Lord Colambre smiled, and now listened, as if he wished that Grace should go on speaking, even of Miss Broadhurst.

'That's my sweet Grace!' cried Lady Clonbrony.'Oh! she knows how to manage these men--not one of them can resist her!'

Lord Colambre, for his part, did not deny the truth of this assertion.

'Grace,' added Lady Clonbrony, 'make him promise to do as we would have him.'

'No; promises are dangerous things to ask or to give,' said Grace.'Men and naughty children never make promises, especially promises to be good, without longing to break them the next minute.'

'Well, at least, child, persuade him, I charge you, to make my gala go off well.That's the first thing we ought to think of now.Ring the bell! And all heads and hands I put in requisition for the gala.'

  • 佛说三转法轮经


  • Troiles and Cressida

    Troiles and Cressida

  • 满清外史


  • 破琴诗


  • 辽海丹忠录


  • 百岁所思


  • 诡秘的黑斑人


  • 酒侠神医


  • 医你相遇


  • TF余生与你们一起走


  • 安意以北


  • 我让你走投无路


  • 怎样延长你的寿命


    书中内容涉及生物学、昆虫学、解剖学、微生物学、生理学、医学、美食学、历史学、文学,讲解深入浅出,所提供的养生方法简单易用。因此,对许多读者而言,本书又是一本养生书,书中对影响寿命的因素及如何延长寿命这个问题进行了精辟的分析,并提供了延长寿命的方法,而这些方法操作简单,对读者大有益处。 本书虽然为研究性著作,然而论断精辟,文风简练,语言流畅。正是如此,编者才敢将这盘佳肴精细加工,以飨读者。全书包括老年的研究,动物的寿命,自然死亡的研究,以及人类的寿命能延长吗?四个章节。每个章节都围绕主题进行深入的探讨与分析,从生命的本质上为读者解释养生和长寿的秘诀。
  • 家族CLAN


  • 空管爱情

