

'The Duchess of Torcaster's carriage stops the way!'--a joyful sound to Colonel Heathcock and to her grace, and not less agreeable, at this instant, to Lady Langdale, who, the moment she was disembarrassed of the duchess, pressed through the crowd to Lady Clonbrony, and, addressing her with smiles and complacency, was 'charmed to have a little moment to speak to her--could NOTsooner get through the crowd--would certainly do herself the honour to be at her ladyship's gala on Wednesday.' While Lady Langdale spoke, she never seemed to see or think of anybody but Lady Clonbrony, though, all the time, she was intent upon every motion of Lord Colambre, and, whilst she was obliged to listen with a face of sympathy to a long complaint of Lady Clonbrony's, about Mr.Soho's want of taste in ottomans, she was vexed to perceive that his lordship showed no desire to be introduced to her, or to her daughters; but, on the contrary, was standing talking to Miss Nugent.His mother, at the end of her speech, looked round for Colambre called him twice before he heard --introduced him to Lady Langdale, and to Lady Cat'rine, and Lady Anne--, and to Mrs.Dareville; to all of whom he bowed with an air of proud coldness, which gave them reason to regret that their remarks upon his mother and his family had not been made SOTTO VOCE.

'Lady Langdale's carriage stops the way!' Lord Colambre made no offer of his services, notwithstanding a look from his mother.

Incapable of the meanness of voluntarily listening to a conversation not intended for him to hear, he had, however, been compelled, by the pressure of the crowd, to remain a few minutes stationary, where he could not avoid hearing the remarks of the fashionable friends.Disdaining dissimulation, he made no attempt to conceal his displeasure.Perhaps his vexation was increased by his consciousness that there was some mixture of truth in their sarcasms.He was sensible that his mother, in some points--her manners, for instance--was obvious to ridicule and satire.In Lady Clonbrony's address there was a mixture of constraint, affectation, and indecision, unusual in a person of her birth, rank, and knowledge of the world.A natural and unnatural manner seemed struggling in all her gestures, and in every syllable that she articulated--a naturally free, familiar, good-natured, precipitate, Irish manner, had been schooled, and schooled late in life, into a sober, cold, still, stiff deportment, which she mistook for English.A strong, Hibernian accent, she had, with infinite difficulty, changed into an English tone.Mistaking reverse of wrong for right, she caricatured the English pronunciation; and the extraordinary precision of her London phraseology betrayed her not to be a Londoner, as the man, who strove to pass for an Athenian, was detected by his Attic dialect.Not aware of her real danger, Lady Clonbrony was, on the opposite side, in continual apprehension, every time she opened her lips, lest some treacherous A or E, some strong R, some puzzling aspirate, or non-aspirate, some unguarded note, interrogative or expostulatory, should betray her to be an Irishwoman.Mrs.

  • 花都开好了


  • 修罗天帝传


  • 大方广华严十恶品经


  • 安得长者言


  • 职场通鉴录(人间职场浮世绘)


    这部小说是作者根据自己多年的从业经历打造的一部职场《资治通鉴》。刚离开校园走向职场的“我”,凭借父亲的关系去一家私营小企业做销售,在这里收获了职场的第一笔阅历。之后“我”辗转供职于各种民营企业、港资企业、台资企业甚至大型集团公司,一次又一次地卷入残酷的商战与复杂的职场争斗的漩涡。 “我”不断被潜伏身旁的阴谋与陷阱所暗算,也不断地设置阴谋和陷阱算计别人。
  • 快穿:圆卿之梦


  • 皇后很倾城


  • 毁坏王


  • 没有名字的身体


    十三岁的少女,突遇生命中最为尴尬的一刻,在无地自容的羞愧中,她看见年轻的化学老师穿过油菜花开的校园小路向她走来。漫长的时光从这里开始…… 三十年后,她深爱的那个人因心脏病死去。她对自己说,现在可以老了,因为再也没有人在乎她的年龄和容貌。自己也再没有忧虑,没有伤心,没有害怕和惊悸。 这是一个用感性的语言和更为感性的灵魂叙述的故事。在密集而带有压抑感的文字中,你会读懂女人的身体,读懂女人眼中和梦中的爱情。
  • 国学新声(第三辑)

