The kettle was on the fire, tea-things set, everything prepared for her guest by the hospitable hostess, who, thinking the gentleman would take tea to his breakfast, had sent off a GOSSOONby the FIRST LIGHT to Clonbrony, for an ounce of tea, a QUARTEROF SUGAR, and a loaf of white bread; and there was on the little table good cream, milk, butter, eggs--all the promise of an excellent breakfast.It was a FRESH morning, and there was a pleasant fire on the hearth, neatly swept up.The old woman was sitting in her chimney corner, behind a little skreen of whitewashed wall, built out into the room, for the purpose of keeping those who sat at the fire from the BLAST OF THE DOOR.
There was a loophole in this wall, to let the light in, just at the height of a person's head, who was sitting near the chimney.
The rays of the morning sun now came through it, shining across the face of the old woman, as she sat knitting; Lord Colambre thought he had seldom seen a more agreeable countenance, intelligent eyes, benevolent smile, a natural expression of cheerfulness, subdued by age and misfortune.
'A good-morrow to you kindly, sir, and I hope you got the night well?--A fine day for us this Sunday morning; my Grace is gone to early prayers, so your honour will be content with an old woman to make your breakfast.Oh, let me put in plenty, or it will never be good; and if your honour takes stir-about, an old hand will engage to make that to your liking, anyway; for, by great happiness, we have what will just answer for you of the nicest meal the miller made my Grace a compliment of, last time she went to the mill.'
Lord Colambre observed, that this miller had good taste; and his lordship paid some compliment to Grace's beauty, which the old woman received with a smile, but turned off the conversation.
'Then,' said she, looking out of the window, 'is not that there a nice little garden the boy dug for her and me, at his breakfast and dinner hours? Ah! he's a good boy, and a good warrant to work; and the good son DESARVES the good wife, and it's he that will make the good husband; and with my goodwill he, and no other, shall get her, and with her goodwill the same; and I bid 'em keep up their heart, and hope the best, for there's no use in fearing the worst till it comes.'
Lord Colambre wished very much to know the worst.
'If you would not think a stranger impertinent for asking,' said he, 'and if it would not be painful to you to explain.'
'Oh, impertinent, your honour! it's very kind--and, sure, none's a stranger to one's heart, that feels for one.And for myself, Ican talk.of my troubles without thinking of them.So, I'll tell you all--if the worst comes to the worst--all that is, is, that we must quit, and give up this little snug place, and house, and farm, and all, to the agent--which would be hard on us, and me a widow, when my husband did all that is done to the land; and if your honour was a judge, you could see, if you stepped out, there has been a deal done, and built the house, and all--but it plased Heaven to take him.Well, he was too good for this world, and I'm satisfied--I'm not saying a word again' that--I trust we shall meet in heaven, and be happy, surely.And, meantime, here's my boy, that will make me as happy as ever widow was on earth--if the agent will let him.And I can't think the agent, though they that know him best call him old Nick, would be so wicked to take from us that which he never gave us.The good lord himself granted us the LASE; the life's dropped, and the years is out; but we had a promise of renewal in writing from the landlord.God bless him! if he was not away, he'd be a good gentleman, and we'd be happy and safe.'
'But if you have a promise in writing of a renewal, surely you are safe, whether your landlord is absent or present?'
'Ah, no I that makes a great DIFFER, when there's no eye or hand over the agent.I would not wish to speak or think ill of him or any man; but was he an angel, he could not know to do the tenantry justice, the way he is living always in Dublin, and coming down to the country only the receiving days, to make a sweep among us, and gather up the rents in a hurry, and he in such haste back to town--can just stay to count over our money, and give the receipts.Happy for us, if we get that same!--but can't expect he should have time to see or hear us, or mind our improvements, any more than listen to our complaints! Oh, there's great excuse for the gentleman, if that was any comfort for us,' added she, smiling.
'But, if he does not live amongst you himself, has not he some under-agent, who lives in the country?' said Lord Colambre.
'He has so.'
'And he should know your concerns: does he mind them?'
'He should know--he should know better; but as to minding our concerns, your honour knows,' continued she, smiling again, 'every one in this world must mind their own concerns; and it would be a good world, if it was even so.There's a great deal in all things, that don't appear at first sight.Mr.Dennis wanted Grace for a wife for his bailiff; but she would not have him; and Mr.Dennis was very sweet to her himself--but Grace is rather high with him as proper, and he has a grudge AGAIN' us ever since.Yet, indeed, there,' added she, after another pause, 'as you say, I think we are safe; for we have that memorandum in writing, with a pencil, given under his own hand, on the back of the LASE, to me, by the same token when my good lord had his foot on the step of the coach, going away; and I'll never forget the smile of her that got that good turn done for me, Miss Grace.
And just when she was going to England and London, and, young as she was, to have the thought to stop and turn to the likes of me!
Oh, then, if you could see her, and know her, as I did! THAT was the comforting angel upon earth--look and voice, and heart and all! Oh, that she was here present, this minute!--But did you scald yourself?' said the widow to Lord Colambre.'Sure you must have scalded yourself; for you poured the kettle straight over your hand, and it boiling!--O DEEAR! to think of so young a gentleman's hand shaking so like my own.