Property versus Person.
The rights of property have been so much extended that the rights of the community have almost altogether disappeared, and it is hardly too much to say that the prosperity and the comfort and the liberties of a great proportion of the population has been laid at the feet of a small number of proprietors, who neither toil nor spin.
IN A CIVILIZATION FRANKLY materialistic and based upon property, not soul, it is inevitable that property shall be exalted over soul, that crimes against property shall be considered far more serious than crimes against the person.To pound one's wife to a jelly and break a few of her ribs is a trivial offence compared with sleeping out under the naked stars because one has not the price of a doss.The lad who steals a few pears from a wealthy railway corporation is a greater menace to society than the young brute who commits an unprovoked assault upon an old man over seventy years of age.While the young girl who takes a lodging under the pretence that she has work commits so dangerous an offence, that, were she not severely punished, she and her kind might bring the whole fabric of property clattering to the ground.Had she unholily tramped Piccadilly and the Strand after midnight, the police would not have interfered with her, and she would have been able to pay for her lodging.
The following illustrative cases are culled from the police court reports for a single week:
Widnes Police Court.Before Aldermen Gossage and Neil.Thomas Lynch, charged with being drunk and disorderly and with assaulting a constable.Defendant rescued a woman from custody, kicked the constable, and threw stones at him.Fined 3s.6d.for the first offence, and 10s.and costs for the assault.
Glasgow Queen's Park Police Court.Before Bailie Norman Thompson.
John Kane pleaded guilty to assaulting his wife.There were five previous convictions.Fined L2 2s.
Taunton County Petty Sessions.John Painter, a big, burly fellow, described as a laborer, charged with assaulting his wife.The woman received two severe black eyes, and her face was badly swollen.
Fined L1 8s.including costs, and bound over to keep the peace.
Widnes Police Court.Richard Bestwick and George Hunt, charged with trespassing in search of game.Hunt fined L1 and costs, Bestwick L2 and costs; in default one month.
Shaftesbury Police Court.Before the Mayor (Mr.A.T.Carpenter).
Thomas Baker, charged with sleeping out.Fourteen days.
Glasgow Central Police Court.Before Bailie Dunlop.Edward Morrison, a lad, convicted of stealing fifteen pears from a lorry at the railroad station.Seven days.
Doncaster Borough Police Court.Before Alderman Clark and other magistrates.James M'Gowan, charged under the Poaching Prevention Act with being found in possession of poaching implements and a number of rabbits.Fined L2 and costs, or one month.
Dunfermline Sheriff Court.Before Sheriff Gillespie.John Young, a pit-head worker, pleaded guilty to assaulting Alexander Storrar by beating him about the head and body with his fists, throwing him on the ground, and also striking him with a pit prop.Fined L1.
Kirkcaldy Police Court.Before Bailie Dishart.Simon Walker pleaded guilty to assaulting a man by striking and knocking him down.It was an unprovoked assault, and the magistrate described the accused as a perfect danger to the community.Fined 30s.
Mansfield Police Court.Before the Mayor, Messrs.F.J.Turner, JWhitaker, F.Tidsbury, E.Holmes, and Dr.R.Nesbitt.Joseph Jackson, charged with assaulting Charles Nunn.Without any provocation, defendant struck the complainant a violent blow in the face, knocking him down, and then kicked him on the side of the head.He was rendered unconscious, and he remained under medical treatment for a fortnight.Fined.21s.