

" I think you ought to see him," replied Mrs.Cluppins."But on no account without a witness."" I think two witnesses would be more lawful," said Mrs.Sanders, who, like the other friend, was bursting with curiosity.

"Perhaps he'd better come in here," said Mrs.Bardell.

"To be sure," replied Mrs.Cluppins, eagerly catching at the idea; "Walk in, young man; and shut the street door first, please."Mr.Weller immediately took the hint; and presenting himself in the parlour, explained his business to Mrs.Bardell thus:

"Wery sorry to 'casion any personal inconwenience, ma'am, as the house-breaker said to the old lady when he put her on the fire; but as me and my governor's only jest come to town, and is jest going away agin, it can't be helped, you see.""Of course, the young man can't help the faults of his master," said Mrs.Cluppins, much struck by Mr.Weller's appearance and conversation.

"Certainly not," chimed in Mrs.Sanders, who, from certain wistful glances at the little tin saucepan, seemed to be engaged in a mental calculation of the probable extent of the pettitoes, in the event of Sam's being asked to stop to supper.

"So all I've come about, is jest this here," said Sam, disregarding the interruption; "First, to give my governor's notice--there it is.Secondly, to pay the rent--here it is.Thirdly, to say as all his things is to be put together, and give to anybody as we sends for 'em.Fourthly, that you may let the place as soon as you like--and that's all.""Whatever has happened," said Mrs.Bardell, "I always have said, and always will say, that in every respect but one, Mr.Pickwick has always behaved himself like a perfect gentleman.His money always was as good as the bank: always."As Mrs.Bardell said this, she applied her handkerchief to her eyes, and went out of the room to get the receipt.

Sam well knew that he had only to remain quiet, and the women were sure to talk; so he looked alternately at the tin saucepan, the toasted cheese, the wall, and the ceiling, in profound silence.

"Poor dear!" said Mrs.Cluppins.

"Ah, poor thing!" replied Mrs.Sanders.

Sam said nothing.He saw they were coming to the subject.

"I raly cannot contain myself," said Mrs.Cluppins, "when I think of such perjury.I don't wish to say anything to make you uncomfortable, young man, but your master's an old brute, and I wish I had him here to tell him so.""I wish you had," said Sam.

"To see how dreadful she takes on, going moping about, and taking no pleasure in nothing, except when her friends comes in, out of charity, to sit with her, and make her comfortable," resumed Mrs.Cluppins, glancing at the tin saucepan and the Dutch oven, "it's shocking!""Barbareous," said Mrs.Sanders.

"And your master, young man! A gentleman with money, as could never feel the expense of a wife, no more than nothing," continued Mrs.Cluppins, with great volubility; "why there ain't the faintest shade of an excuse for his behaviour! Why don't he marry her?""Ah," said Sam, "to be sure; that's the question.""Question, indeed," retorted Mrs.Cluppins; "she'd question him, if she'd my spirit.Hows'ever, there is law for us women, mis'rable creeturs as they'd make us, if they could; and that your master will find out, young man, to his cost, afore he's six months older."At this consolatory reflection, Mrs.Cluppins bridled up, and smiled at Mrs.Sanders, who smiled back again.

"The action's going on, and no mistake," thought Sam, as Mrs.Bardell re-entered with the receipt.

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